My Version Of The Truth



It is the man that wanted to drink at the mouth of your women. She left the spring run there down in the middle way at the core of the Pact. Land of all life, may we participate with you in Aha-Land's delights for all beings. One woman external to the oyster throne had been vanquishing all that Land holds sexually arising the question but every week re-signing for a dope fiend it don't count, the love drifted to the place of refresh and the three old ladies in the water had rested long enough. The time was for clubs and bars and Planet Aha-Land free. The new orchyd smells like pearls and the three heads on it are man only delight, as this daisy, a little narcissistik-ahl had every new one see her flum flum, the bowl derelicts every shatters water ons. Drink of me, Plexee, Love and La Vie. So little french in Salamanque, so few guitars there, my riviere, the land of every man is washed and all women be sold out, hysterickhal! Two days later my german lepper mutant messiaon as a new growth to the tree artisted the love out of me. I was led to Aha-Land by a pixie schizophrenia, by a pixie schizophrenia, by you pick a booh! By it freed to you. Le reste de ce pays est Aha-Land aussi car ici vivent treize vieilles legendes: Note a Sarckozi: Les trois vieilles dames de la ville ici, les ont comprises et recomprises les trois femme de ta ville ne rient pas de cette loi. La- Loi du Riz! Maha, la verite des choix! La verite des choix, la verite a toi, la voie, Chresus Emiokaab-athm a la-and...
the cross the plant of ores the man the mud their telephone and my words passing through all hates, the Aha Ville is swept. M' ey please! neatly flep! Meu Please Jockeys, pleeze! , }}{{[ by
Alfhal-Agalaad XI- Vatican 13eme Aroundishment. (circa July 1994; as per records excerpt of "unreleased pieces and maxes meeshes").
(done dirt cheap)