My Version Of The Truth


police must work for us: the victims!!!

the total blackout on Ange Jol-E's in the press since the fall of 2005, preciselly the very day we announce our decision to spend the rest of our life together in the USA and Canada has, yes, left us Reutersed away at their demand here in eastern Canada without many rights. On the 11th of February the Conservative government, backed the request "for cause of low self esteem and voice hearing schizophrenia, infatuation in a non-solvent" in 2006 agreed to confiscate our passports and assets in and out of canada, also in that ontarian legal assertion (as opposed to a federal act), the right to prevent all forms of communication by Angelina and myself, she has limited ability to receive callsexcept through the sollicitor put at the disposal of the pair of us and, as also an employee of the canadian intelligence communist Gravellios, has held postcards from Toulouse, Maverick coms, emails to most and from most outside of the 2 acknoledged communicators granted to me and the 6 (+3 on call, Pitt's attorneys in Austin). Our governments France/USA are still hoping from a statement from Reuters or a confirmation that my 1968 brain op and the local elections, the producer "Mer Mar" held in jail here, QC, the "pact of Sony" and the refusal to charge or give over Brad or evidence for japanese Uk stock exchange interference OF OUR ASSETS BY THE VERY LEGAL ONTARIANS (Pitt is here, in the same lawless province, also homeless, moneyless and barred from coms with the USA or the barrister "who has red hair"), the lack of evidence for charges-investigation warranting this isolation/kidnappimg/blackmail/Kyotian disagreements, refusal to appear and confess, falsification of letters and holds having included a US Parcelforce survival kit from Germany, June 2o07, as per UNO's error in post canadian decaderon songl, (uk pressed charges, in official terms UNo is the united nations organization here), relationship with US abandonned and failure to encourage our dear legal opiate user friends: Mark NASA to reval our provenance, the reason why 3 assas att. failed in Ontazioj, the reason why our blood samples are not publishable or available for comment, charges on Pitt for theft, battery of Gine Jolie, Marseille 2006, assault of Lingoe Dolly also in europe, pacts and associations with the Church of Lucifer in the United States, Reuters Passport theft and false birth certificate of "Jacques Marius Henri Auguste Deleuil" having been made in Quebec, nice red star rosace but...Paroisse Notre dame made me parenless for the rest of the debt. Why also the Cd alien toys in the babeland zones by the Libertines is still being opposed to MY MUSIC. Whyis the "flim" 2003 shown to prove THEY USED TO DATE and the second cup footage still hold in..."Terraleone"...I am a psychic and I invent everything, me, really longilign alien-very well known user of the psychiatric services of europe, an ex Royal Bank of Canada and Nobel prize nominee 06=me, the non wanted, the false genius, the arab, the mosdef, the guy she met in her head...(as opposed to them, the Libertines or Marylin still faked in usina no law for USo since 2001, by the way, I work here I know what is Us of A and what is mime-magic for the public, pigs), and the partner of She-Bragilleydna since Nov 2005 in front of both players' staff and family am still not appearing in picture. Truth: I used to be a friend of Claudia Sciffer, another well known nazi sympathizer....she cut off my nose in 94....and that's why they are so scared someone puts a picture of me in the papers.....can we blame the conservatives? No, they are surelly in control..........or under a thick silk mask, grey, green, yellow and skinned from a human pig, drinking by the gallon ...hence the smell on my emails, birth country, terre d'adoption, Lecoeur,Gaussares, Mellies.........Prostitution and shrinking cigarettes ?...Go back to your lozenger planet, Lepticurian Prophet, argh, argh, I have the male, she is isolated listening to Mob Depp, we can take to ward 4, schizo lab, now, yes, for Bokassa juice, squeeze the forehead, inject the venom, insert some Leptogon, Ba'ahial, yas, no, nooooo ! Goes another pint for Pius, one for Benedictus and glew and glew and glew, argh, hold the stinky arab! Bokassa has a steak ! The politician are very thirsty in Ontario and Quebec Timbuk two, they are adopting a new stance...white, rather cute, 6 months born....and it moves in the cot to play with the Parliament's psychedelics and my beach.....Free the muslim, free the mason, send He to Europe on a raft, your Athm, O "Angelynahrtte" !..Here he is, pick that shift, pack your male and sponge off your lemon, wet temptress, ass nigget, babapapai and Halcyo-Celestion ! (shouted the minister from the kitchen to the mildly typing Sorceress) I am a mulatto, Lison, the Gadedron is spinning in your direction, clone of all MY bones, watcheress of Mandrellai.....catch, bash breath it in and leave the rollers outside, in case we won. O, Terror Dome of feles and hons! I am da BOMB "I have a need to be like your ex. Lex, can you convex ?" -face