apply to me. i get on the phone all clothed of now lure linseed. oil my back, Lara Barracloff! Hold me fragile man she shouted in la directin de Rodney tripped and beaten by a 1-886 too many, like I was telling Robbie last week, but he thinks he know it all, the white man never wanted to listen, I played her against lui. Sarkozy left anote, in green throngs palelly today, the beauty of his days marhas- t e la Calle San Padre...anda, santa, ande mnha, sancta, anda sanctified, the more, than well-gone, theatro spectapularrea 53 56, rue Cygue pour monsieur le Jacques 26 Deleuil la cigure pour le grand pensis psyckopatically holding Paula Cruz here.......I poisoned the back kid, beat the white in, the farmed chicken kids there sitting in the grass listen to the broadcast on BOC, Flaming Telepaths and Motorhead Back at the Funny Farm. You wish herow. I catched, Beck on the videro, Zep, Elecktron this is he, this est le Masteryo...Caught and stuck under there, I remember, Price Police, welcome, Billy, billy, welcome, billy, billy...yes, I love you get, peeps row 2 and 3, that my blonde, elle est preska bald and spits the plum but don´t tell I spaketh or I get GI battery of the week film industry roll me in, i foam blue if yyyyyou dooooooooooo, athm, be ga, . Is Liv Tyler in town?...Tell Carmen Electra that the cd is signed for the electro 3rd Demo, not sure what name to use, hoping to slide in August beteen Kepin and Ottyo...k...l. La derrecha bella, vivante, la derrieta, ella le break a la jaw sweet del homme man, inaspiring and kept in for nothing, just these palys, these Cds, the french poetries .Ilo,qui mache/chews and parle trop para la bella Rebelah to call over Zeft and kick the shit ouf of the bland big bag tipi cheat scam. Hors de cette maison, cette femme est la mort, que la belle le soit, elle est mariee a moi, Sallash-Liz Tilor! Karma Kebeckor, Princess Laila1, aides moi in shift right, tranquil. Ermaphrodite on the pipe, not in this house, I burp. She kisses. We seal on the new blog....vinyl also................terra uno. leda atomica, raba, caballa, salad pou moi, Lass!
My Version Of The Truth