My Version Of The Truth


The Very New War of Bars (by Aleph Alpha)

someone shouts inside my theatre window and a stone birds under my dirty eye....may I speak jury, may I speak..¤¬ Not the war again, no not the war again, no, basta la bromura zion, basta la bromura sion, we wanna go hong! basta la popellacion de la mentacion pa hellikopte'RA trut again....where do you toll, me, talk again, just hup me, tolle again, saint phillyx, where a banchÉ Still sitting on a bench..........................E Apologies to all, I was lamelly speaking and parading in the high bunk steps, doing downwards an escalator for my pin up....and down the drain! A brand new name. Aleph 333 at Yahoo does not register, I complained and wrote a letter, the governor went out and bathe in the lake with the cator and naked as a worm got....maKe me forgt heR.....I kind of dig you in Toronto, shall I just do Puta Labia Tara Loft and troll you both in the Chester Purse # Good day, in Mount Reyal, just saw you hanging around the Pond fishing not contracted yet, I hear they prepare...a play in the city, Ontaradoxically I have not got any money and still only half a girlfriend. Get us a lord or someting...We have no way of ever finding where the W fox is in the hippy chick...until they allow twosomewhichtwosome-teridot a somwhat legal access to food and custody of other sequestared rover lovers in front of the courts mulling over a bad CD too expensive, HMV even for sin city or for a role in this wood of holy wars....juste un mot, diras-tu: je sais qui je suis et d`ou vient mon nom, ames sensubelle: O foolish OnS arrettez donc de vous montrer la bas pour ceux que je vo suis ici seulenet moesnaiuerk............sorry, begbie yjust shot out of the server...ever heard the one where Michael Douglas goes mad and attacks a crowd at the door of a hotel shouting that his voices are from the demoness`s and Alpha has masked himself in a hostel for half dead. The queen will arise as straight as she entered...unfathomed and behind an arch in landslide, color flash of seven per cythar, meÉ il just walk and see you in the paradize they prepare on the hill from mastery.....J..............and the oil burnt Mary, the radio feels funny, I kiss amovie, tday, telly, I flick on asheep. I am still follement amoureuse de toi mais eje sa is que la ci a du mal a te rapatrier, jwe syuis sure que mes cionditions de voyages sont a presque deux jours de la frontiere, the at L natic courrier is not wh at it used to be...TELEPATHÉ OBELIX GOT TO HEAR SO HE WENT TO SK AND BUILT A MOVIE on ROTA 33.2, yet, I make mine from human meat it is called Jojo radio naked, shivering on the field of San Diego or Albi, Jesus, Christ, Mardi Mol-Do-VA the dwarf went to nuts and opened a few heads under the altar with a guillotine and an old philly leotard.....BAD LUCK....MGM is also oi North S America as we spaek they say Michael is with her and the adopted kids sunning in Sardinia....Long love to Etna.............................k33 pax lex dax miel...etc.Pole sud missyng e