My Version Of The Truth


Three Tarts: They, execrabed, Lana !

We are very artificially made into thid Dennis:::did me, there were Guenievres and Maxygaydes, Manda, but they were so many asses that we had to bar-pick, the back of the pad! The back of the field, the night time relief, rassure they, Water Melon! So, we did, for Aleph Alpha. Le grand Jacques selui> l' est assez degourdi pour se debrouiler sans sa marraine, tu sais. Moi? Moi? je ne lui ai jamias a-chete, Mercedesse, que je le payee, mon amour, dans la vol, l' amour, mon serment, mon garnement Mercedes, tourne moi l' abeille, mon...oh, Rah, ma sui...Rats, yes, I am the Blahmaat! You ain'gon'gonna ge stl.... the Blamal and I am rearing endraged on the pack of the farm. A mad male half alien half egyptian, half animal, half artificial, shouting out to Mandellia, like, the k\ ko\ joke, you know, I saw Axl last few days was shaved, kill, kill, sent Terra Eric Singer drummer murder drolls and nymphetyc half dwarves, alien like, Guy! : Angelynah I want you for meeee, I know you the baffon shouted....The guy, muscular, rejuvenated, known to him, a five minutes call/ I enrage for you to be bleeding my trinosophy with gages uttered Brad at the vilent Dythe. NOTHING< you stupid harmony, glanced and dealt in a fleet of papik, papeeli, argiento, Karma, hitherto! Loosts! BLUE DOTS BAD BRAINS BLACK PLAGUE GLOVES THEREIN<>
I am maimed, I see demain.....UNO TERPR error, UNO terpre, errore, et, ma pouthe....Queen Cousin Alert, By Pass, Whales and Di door, bypass The Apprentice, switch to NH! I get to see you in there bare I gritted the derriere he shouted, Keahnu, full in hopes > i see domain named, I black the road! Terris Chokurys I lept backwards for you, O great Christ One, great lover of my bahtty, you unemployed muthe fukkecer! the Maverick of David and Carmen TM? In the fokeeihing field, the maverick with the fleeping bears and his mum next week! you white shlitt! I got colded, Babbe! I was laid to be picked but the rules were otherxised involved in...some terassic legistrature. Plong! I banged and I sealed. Rear of the Gho Ku Rai field of dreamsd I make me goulantly beggetted by the green lady and smoothly....assauly france charges confirm, Law service enforcement city of Ottawa, rape of an alien Kid, Sophie is alive and breathe but somewhat the grail is therapeutically made into and arby. De busse, Monsieur Bere, De luxe Mister Badinter Ass Grail, Vesuvio, Sulfaterra est cimetiere for me in Canada Groove C, buried unfortunatelly still in E rather than in Meeiiii blowing is envy but terrory very guarded. Tell Lizzi that I need some blue astringent face-body shower gel for 1742 and that Pirates is to be watched with a kaya-maahn! CD is ditto and you, got anyhooone on....I have period. I am saint germain!