My Version Of The Truth


Cyanides found in Umu-La Land

It is a net weight gain indeed, isn it ? Eric pays from Ulu-De, minus uno dela carpio, orchestras, it is a waltze. The peropolese is sane end of the boat race and terrains in sand binded at my coast but onerically indeed an idea of you. The rest of the time, they beam out the diamond eve. The lonely soldier correcting the egg not only eradicates in the night but....the cold film under our feet gazes hot in style or fault of no host of mine, the usa are welcome but the seizing of the globe has netted a serious dire strait: a lonely dream. Light on all sides, the correct ally is thereby plain. The filed is sure the two of us are there for a while, but the incident have called for the attack on Black Box to prevent all foreigner travellers from accessing our coast. The pity sacred as can be is delivering the ghosts, the ghouls, the gods and the parentless off the side of the planet warrant more deaf when the aurora clan hosting the batallion waves at my sign the end of oblivion as saint gerard had reacted in flame, the holy concave makes the bell go serene and the temparature suffices to tell. we met in the city of London united Kingdom, by then they will be 16 millions, are you in for a naked scene...the car chases are diverted but Hollywod hostaged the KGb and.....the cockrel got heard and...the wing got turned and....they beam, a smaller nation, but more compact because of cyanide mulatto bond in the rain, there the land slides, the tower blue beaming through me there bazes the two amourous, unaware of the smells. The rest of the rose, the road is still led to artificial hymeny. The red herring is called Rosa, the date of birth is 1967, the fourth of December. I am sure our seat will benefit fake shark off the smell that you r italian passport will leave on my bible, corpse numbered for the killing, the wind are still free to uleash, deacdion and the road rose to us and the road rises to me and the rose rises it but the road is static as it shileds the whole macabrery fropm yuor enlightened vision. the red army got smoking, the bad scam got laying off more of his workers, the road is cleared, pull that flipping stinking carpet away from our fillings. Thanks for the show at the window, nice room, Hotel Lyn, but the psychiatric station is going to be taken to pieces at 4 on the 24th and core encore blasphemes by the daily getter and the mildewed old lady...waiting for a rot to rock encore another bored board: in the city it is still Furtado as the strombos have been calling the E.. word, the euro is yenned down, the dinar stays in, the minaret flaunches and the drive to the city is earnt by the time the gold digger got another cell on our earth. Whatever is here will suffice as the crystal bridge and the dream of both has the crystal ball taken both in the trump and in the hoe, in the front of the rineal fiesl, in the reed, in the force of your need, in my feel in this big shy acrobat has the Mesmer telepath be faked backing up for Jacko if the black couple goes pass NYT. At 6:70 the canadians prided themselves in having the best of both worlds, the lore, the gold and the french bloker hulking on a djinn, terribly story but cold enough to walk off the winter in Bradford. Flight 1 for us, anything by the 1st for Pitto, cottage is open at nine, we are sorry to yuor team, can we leave as.....................we own them. Desole Canada, amis vrais de la C I é, je suis froid en ce monde car le mien m`a appris le nom de Dieu et il me met les dents a mesure que je sentais vos grasses mains se rapprocher de mon gobelet le prendre s`il vous plait car le citrus et la cyanide sont amis la nuit. Beijin or Kyoto...The choice is in your hands, assures de le faire assurer la declaration sans ecouter la voix de la morte de 1967, presque deja belle de la mort dentee, et de ses couleurs parfaites: La fete, ma belette. Le gratin a la crevette et le roi au milieu master bee bouche open donnee for fear to Carlos Sabadan, le numero sera trouve chez Anna Gourchnitzkevian, on vole sur son dos, ne vivre que le tango Hollywood GKK, le trou est bouche sous Seattle, Lyon, Tokyo, Athen, Viennes, le ver bouge trop in your back....North, , the worm at night alit and lined calmly as of today spake unto me. It would have been easier digging up grasswise through Toronto or rosed on towards Greece, tranferrances. The road was blocked at Tai Pat and the cash had to all be used by muse, one lit.They bought CIA bad spanish badges and I earnt a wet Canada. Nightmare, samantha Fox, Other is dry. Vie is a butterfly, earth, waters, Lakes, Flaunders, Bibles, Honour. The both stucked morte modems are not a ferret, neither is it a fox or a hore, a beam, a gulp indeed, remember, dreamer... WITH TWO HEADS! The Peropolese flow was taken upwards to Juno. 1949, one wine, two dobberman, one direct Disney shot half with a yen and half a Mallorkan Cell 99 black model, half of it is coop with the Zeta, John, Gene and Paulos from South Columbia. Wallet was left, US sticks, shiiiiit! `Police !` The day got taken by the rine but the wheel turns there and the stock is severed in Broadway by that time, people. NTC plus twelve to coomp with EMI, at sony level, San Diego...or a net shocked bent male without AJ or 3 . French cultived what a cored # the code is beam, steam, reem and line to the right'. CRIMED ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE the core is my solemn domain, may I be unveilled O world of Helbents. Enter !

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