In the bottom drawer. I leave with she, now full in graces and beams. The rest of the room, the red and the mirrors set a stage through the moves of the two in the locked numb drawer of the kitchen table. The lock is love, it is spelt out here, see...
Two seeds hath been sprouting, the acclimated plants now shows the veiniuses, the groovings, the nets of biosphera on the back of the head one. They bud out spring it sounds to me, the winter no more, fall may score, summer will be...bigger. Won war one band marches. Two stood shy. The one who be decided to see and bought for himself two cds...Sat there be on a stool angry at the beauty of it all. She went with too. She reads him too. The Cd got told. I write the name on the bottom of the well. I stick a smily face on a sun but cheaper, stolen hanging off the wall.The stars will shine and tears will light and fire and fire and fire within the veins intellects the ways for the us, two reunited. two sings. A thief! He sighed. Mine, mine, mine, sky, the medium fills. The right and the wrong, ther, theirs, the left, the coins that drops...the other blood clots. The new one is shown off. I went for the oldie. Proud sun, proud moon... It sounded like it smelt, it reminded me of all the notes but no words! I could not see why it had love, what it smits in their work all over. The one I need, sounded she, bought over to the race inside the one body one war won to all and through, and through, and flows and just bangs its bud to scums on the street corners reverberes. Smoked on the water, fired it all night, drove around looking away like no one had happened, the snow melting in. For the one and only man: the rose. I am in her Maid at Frothys, livid. She received a copy stamped Alimini, as it meant anything, as it if meant anything, as if the mend stuck to both could again rise its head above the dream. SECRET-The spell reversed, the bell heard to remind the two off the fields of the telepathings wired to their planets and made one with her bald guest. Alpe Alaph route is for you...just for you...I love you, you are one and I am a s--- like you. My life recognized the scent of her dreamy babies, I laid there ho[ping that water makes a river. the cookie is in the fridge. You call it L.O.I.V......................I speak it in Ballroom, one of many works of no other choice, one other debt to hold behind all other products, as the law has signed it in the rain: NO NAME. I Am HAINE but it falls from every tree...God today provide................................ *
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