My Version Of The Truth


got to give it up

. the rut has rats outted in the presse, watch, eatch, it sounds as a mos def, period oct 06, with screams in the background and everyone wanting to touch someone's igni t in the fire...hazard, subliminal, effort prevent the bomb the ball the green field. U nigga, U whitta, U sita, U nivea...over> : I have some good results-though the stuff bens us to the side of the track s s satanic bitch....we survive and take to the BLUE OTHer colours and the dark corner-shooting away I killed a peacock, in a shed, under a table in the white room, paupers. pAPER UK YES FRA YES DEUT DA DA DA---ah ah, bea. The press presses for word, what do i care, I work in half an hour....the rust, the claps, the bast*rds ????

I got to give up, death defying doctors, michael schenker, Prince, Leula, Luke and skywalkers.....
I gotta to give it up.....That stufff
I am sure by now the stuff corrects my own reality...the stuff can now be seen and it seems to
appease the bad taste of life...for a while I breathe, and...the angels...rido dore tenet ego dei tegem ubberta they rode away with Dean in in 1976......Thepitt red fills my week, I emigrate to Land Zero on or....the end of ATHM...sometimes, juliet.....Fire hay, fire rides fire creams, fire cleans me to o o o
the back of the shed. 4 burried, my gal Maxine killed also for Oval Tin. Weetabicxxx....Or Soda Pear Apple, lime wire order for Athm Alone Deom from March book binds in dirt and rises the ther