My Version Of The Truth


Impotent but screwed

at: www. off Venus 4 and 1half $ Yahoo dot country...exclu sexy scoop from canadian source, ofi at UNO, byu the way, and Ege top2.....TRUE or NOT=our Johnny Depp, as per his record medicals and the real french word of the very old Vanessa Paradis, actress also, indeed Deepo, Depp, Deppe, one of the hottest guys around is complet-elly impotent, penis implants...though...owns a passport and a gun licence, if you know what I mean...So Depp, prove it if you have honur. Hard or Spades, Ace or.....Durst Pictures OUT ON MONDAyéééééééééééééééééyou asszhoolaaah marrie!

and as the good book says...every day god gives to the faithfull alittle but more than enough............signed x, from the plat-net..........inside the house-----soooooooooooooon (yeee ahh) PARIS: soffep: j.d. is very angry at this indiscrete leaking. ah, pride, pride, pride bom, boooom is still you tipfall o Mister Deepooooooooooooo, and dont we kno! 00