abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwwxyz. I am sorry to intervene but the cell is locked_that is it. It is located and isolated, indeed. Errare humanum est. The date of my life is going smoothly fine and the port of Cachmeechon may soon well reveal the both mejor que tu le suya__________________________*
Blog Archive
- The Cumberland Solution
- egrete
- To force the dark in its wills
- Fa So Do
- The Hole (Untho thee)
- agreed !
- Lights inside of mine. My plight. Ditching all the...
- TA
- Lights Out (in Moncton)
- Lex Gimenez B M G 6-124570
- a new rhine, throned on
- LOVE AT FIRST FEEL (Demo Version 0-0)
- Seek dot sharpened at 11
- the Bell Party of New Orly: 21ff open online legal
- The Roasting in L.A (90)
My Version Of The Truth
To force the dark in its wills
at 9:33 a.m.
Fa So Do
are yuo ready?? Japonese biskwitt, japanese biskwitt, Gap on her Big Sheep, japonese, japonese, japanese, japanese, jap, ice not all.....ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhaaa ah ah ahha haa aha ahaha! I am doctor epsilon and these are the orders CANDIDATE: pg: |KILL, FEEL KILL, LACE AND MURDER, FELL-LIKE HILL, spin, back here|.............+\*........I am the director, the role table reversal, fancy a show in my church, I am sir Man Chu and the role is now of yo...Ursula, is she re3ady blaCk CurrY have a new PERSONAGe>>>you< style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">, read in silence, we hear you now and go to kill instead of wasting our time, la vie a l'envers, je suis manchunia joliee,
at 2:40 p.m.
The Hole (Untho thee)
at 1:54 p.m.
agreed !
the police can meet me one day after public toronto will be confirmed for a 400 per extra hour, here is the star, canada, both unmask on thursday. The rest in the not so police hands ontario, Quebec, photographer, life insurance for Canada plus right to leave, door shut both, frozen there riched down by Might..../ TRY AXA in Mohoganag, you LOSERS! PORTE BLINDEE, depuis trois heures Priest Geoseppe, La Iglesis del Grande, San Feelipe, 8912, United Staes in mexico, LL P
at 10:53 a.m.
Lights inside of mine. My plight. Ditching all the dirt on her
Oh the kingdom, fine pages and sorceresses come in: My mine is blind at her call. No more Philectore, I am evil in today' s post: Dogging star in style of her hurts. Madam, monsieur your partner is awaken, rudelly it seems, the behaviour of madam is questionned and the section pasted on your stuff. plus one feather from a young chick and three drops of Ethylic Spirit, enter world, the road of Marcyband and marches on cellophane begun.
at 10:19 a.m.
Mi, ti, si, no...more rig- Utang. Putang, Shan-Chang, livre de printemps. Tu sens la mort, est-ce tes doigts, je suis la main, caresse-toi, mon amour de mes yeux, je rugis de plaisir en tenant la queue........
at 12:15 p.m.
Labels: kar
Lights Out (in Moncton)
La lumiere est ici faite, fiere chandelle, je fais meme l'odeur de son corps. Verite. Mensong. Ca pue l'alcool, la paraffine, la barre a benjoin, mon roux du folatre amant pasthechityque, libre, ficelle, paire d'enculiers sur l'etang, Carry-le-Rouet, voiliers violes volez! La salle est mise et en rit encore. La lumiere est grise, est-elle d'or...Cerise?
On s'assoit donc maintenant, doigts et soupirs, plaisir et cote a cote elle est pourtant mariee a une autre, la bougie est plastique mais assez visible, elle cible tes corps et en fait une boufee (authentique, livide folle!) souffle, ou se met ton alcove...assez scelles et assez decedes, meme en Corse, c'est officieux, Georges, la mere est folle, elle muree, moi passant essayant de grimper entre les livres et les sourires purs, amoureuse, la verite?
Tout ce que nous ne communiquons pas la presse le fait, eclairez, pas de musique, allumez un autre fifre, de l'oeuil je vois assez pour vous le declamer: Jimi est en vie, il vit au paradis, Nico est sa femme, ils jouent de la guitare, le trou des luttes fut le bon gout, la nourriture fume du vin et moi je m'en calourde car je danse avec lui...pardon, elle, je ris, mettez une photogravure d'un vieux avecque des lunettes vertes, belle barbe violette, crete, mais des doigts de papier, essayez...La voie lactee, comptes, je compte, bouffez, riez, punkettes et trouveres, mes idees noires, des cafards de lignes etales, car je joies et tu jouis, vis, ici la lune nue et les hamacs ont pendu des fusils gris, greve des posters, la celebre est manuelle avec une folie douce, presse, passagere. Dans mon batooo, dans mon bateau...La mon beau corps merde javelle, un peu de the, seins jusque a present restes lumineux sont mais les droits vus de mes choix et si ca vous fait peur, vous n'avez encore rien vu, page 3202 de Jacques Deleuil, La Revelation, en ligne, libres, libres, libres, libres, libres...
le mur de Ber-
\comme une femme folle
/comme une grosse loutre, miteux...
\avec la fin...des amantins, oui, est-ce l'envie ou est-ce LU*I ?..
at 11:30 a.m.
Labels: UNO
Lex Gimenez B M G 6-124570
Where is the man, today, people? I am that one scream, a scream of perfect violatting of rights inland and securities, blunders of policies, harrasment for riches and mesquine charades to maskerade US again...Oh yes, are we the libertins? Tall men in line at the bottom on the couch but theatered at the top laid there infanted loved endlessly sought for gold. On a thursday a rich mackerel sawn to one inch of thread bought two: One for the money and one for the show. It is sufficient said the audience, clear, auditorium, spray the scent of sex, make a santa of a Klaus, kiss and kill but sign at both pens: the real world of men, the man in death gown, the beauty theatered in a frenzy cocaine and fear of God. Sure know something smells like pussy...I mean dirt kitchen in my hostel. Lorna has to act at the fact. Oats in clothes of white satin and indian colibri on marjoram scene...don`t tell me, the story is fake, all stories are real, police freaks state of Guelph, married at a sword and held at the cost gives a damned to a queen in forcefully mourning for the perjuries to stick in front of...James Dean, James Dean, la, la, la, la, la, la, James dean-e James deam, la-la-la-la-la-la-la! The song remains the same, not some to give instead, one to act for two to insane...The politics of greed indeed, my friend, the solitary penitent counterfeited for bank stolen as all medications will help men and women, if the seal is at the back, the Party will fake Thelemak into the hated of all sides, particularly comedies on rafts of lavender and bitter suite kisses, it freaks and counteracts all attempts at love spell, Christ victimed wails for sex on your video screen. I killed a hero dollar, I add soup to the mix, dry cunts...of saint germain, make mine a lotta, hate mine on the altar in naked offense or sex forfeitted to treat the front a round of applause. Jealousy, Venus in Fixes, master Obedia in the auspicuous treatment of a sexless verucca sells deuce to restaurant, mine tastes of Captain Crunch but yours of satan`s feet. Hey, been trying to meet you!! Hell in worded, rhymes dance off the rightful sides off the police frenchie, armed forces, your treasure in mine hands back flat...the Thelemak in heroin spin must have spoken, it is on the cover of the magazine if you scream...faster, most off lair cost for dead since July 27th. The first amendment ends, solemn and the gregarious corporate sleuthing of the saint erased well all my traces of genuine moisting. The priest blushed it seems, the army cried but shot at loin height: The clammy sexy pussy cat is not the Claudia schiffer, hey Luke, ministerians of the church of saint germain, it has unnerved by constant references to love, as if the dead dancer dealt in women. Heck! It sailed to the end...secret 77. Secret 86, mapemonde vocal Guelph, Mount Roxanne...a whore unlike my mum. Strawberry injection deliver, sexy doctor signs at ten, James...nothing to fear...WE ARE THE NORTH AMERICAN ATTEMPTED SLAUGHTER NUMBER THREE, lasted three years, oh babe, can they see the bill? Gate, money, moisted by tears, Lara Croft the second, Lex, Elvira, aaliyah is the other sister, left eye believe in psychics? Kanabis killed K.C printed she, signed AEROSMITH...Gene Simmons, the demon of sex, my eye, my ass, kiss this: It was Brad Pitt and I am..............rememberaned, Helen, Scott, Mercedes, Banana Heiffet, Kate, Mos Def, Laurence Patermo, prost and crazy about your shoe, Athm the same man? According to your biography downloaded from Eastern Asia it ain, confirm, Aleph, Love to you two...we knew.....can you please forward the link through ANGELINA JOKED IT? I am confirming that most of north america is aware of the K.C really alive in Mississauga? Are you gay? Did Randy Rhoads die in Metz or is Lval spelt both ways in italian...too many questionnigs have made our team a renegade, boy, oh Alanis, i am your only friend. Kill me soft in - (in case it becomes too heavy for your paper malls the plane with both of us will leave at ten, both terrorists can be named by the name you printed. Khmeit is that plane...DESTINATION: 2000) REBIRTH OF THE Heaven, it isn god, it is you and you better rush off.....BLOND on STICKS with Buttermilk in -, Heathens!)
at 9:40 a.m.
a new rhine, throned on
Who knows the bios need not to shrink, the real world is that of for Tangerine Dream, some say she is secretive, and adjuncted in, it seems!
at 8:58 a.m.
LOVE AT FIRST FEEL (Demo Version 0-0)
- ok, we know the scoll is here: I DID INDEED accept the state of frontman and co-leader with great difficulty. at first the stage was a nice stratageme for me, the mat male mast, to enact a god in a body I smiled, cash to sign and went stragiht on MTV. The first thing I was told is about touring in the united jingdome, was that the crowd here in Belfast was not approved to see ART. Canseure, je pleure. Pale fumelle vola donc, pay, pay, super vexe! Faster Rat has a bass, kill his daughter, millions,..etc.I knew the term C-{iii} was here sacrilege, it was not at all authorized by the press, MTV or even MT Basket that dealt with skateboards and marshmallow droppings, so, I sighed and accepted the round red dot to be painted on my forehead, for the sake of my career, i sworn and signed in blood but, fair enough, amibae, I AM THE KING OF THE STAGE! Bastard pay well, I lime and light another dow-----I know the sight of my lincree, even my nice round ART, companion of my life is too rash for the british audience, tonight in Belfast she will wear eyeliner blues. I went there in the nude, a pure sadomaster-like kimono to fake us both on boat F the added make up line rounding my role to a position at the side of miss Equamolm, the shame... but then allowed US Tyo live and leave to both stand at her side, in the dark, in Asia, but enmaskared as a narc` telepath with the tail in mouth blinded for my sight is held grey illegal as I am the mark of man, as it is the mark of men that is hidden from crowd at cost of life, She, Belfast, remainig the same SIREN. My lincree is the sign, it adds to 912, may this number spin as it frees the rat in the night and makes me amicable to no-shows and low cut top rulings of the synarchy, for the benefit of the hoax...MONEY TALKS and I am the beast, they signed, the name Rrr [is] there to forfeit an ugly kid and not a severe case of fore-seeing, cut at birth and girls at girth through the millions of samples. P, the mad governor pride himself on giving for the sacred lincreed to amicables, the theatrics of Kate Pitt, my real bride according to the pact of Marchabam and lincreed facepainted knee, Livee. I went on stage and spun sugar and krilled to nirvana and played like a god. I am happy girl, of course I hurt, of course it is Ben Laden that made a sepultur, her name is SERENE, We, I know, we know, we hide for the better of Earth; I am still pretty and deeply inside my mind there is a line for you, Pride jump again and cruise the stars, little bride. It seems they can hear it clear enough, i am a st*r, that´s all I...wanted and we...sleep together and...ARt rebirths: Ludmilla is terrific and she poses like you but Mark is no on Merneptianzipan and he looks like Jeano from Geno-a, not Paella, he don`t paint like Raphaello, he just spins on old Picaros and deals in pot to mask the not so clean make up stains...Past her present, she is naive blackening mentally PAIN on my forehead. It masks a bright light. Not for long, I hear Jesus laugh, mister money..something, something, I was distracted sorry, Saviour, I know it pays to do the show in white and this is what I like, I kneel...and this is what I like. I am the most attractive man in the world but an exaggerated price has met with the Church of Jive Records and telepath or lovelorn. I have the right to love all, I am happy but I would have preferred...dunno, a star or a pentacle grey, a moon crescent or a number, philosphical and metaphysician that resolves in a you and me, ugly! GET WHAT YOU SEE
- Beauty at all times will glide the men and women in honour of which the whole farce is conceived, the hand of God may well make me a bolt, if the raft is the need you may be the real pirate in the two just the nutty-bolt exaggerating your dirties to unravell the true poem of God. ....
- it is called equality, I doubty but participe in it it .e. TAR RAT ART T- lovelife in all it does ! Sugar, marmelade de figues, oignons a la tante.....servante danse sans violence et lancez la les droits de vivre------passibles
at 9:31 a.m.
Labels: Twistedsis
Seek dot sharpened at 11
the Bell Party of New Orly: 21ff open online legal
the sollicitor is part of the Parliament walls, hitherto it makes shapes and waves..... It is to be called a protegee of Canada and its asset in front of reparation of status of a candidate in difficulty due to his decision to not submit to-Canadian Conditions for retrieval of me, moi, Deleuil J, the author of those blogs in here, Manipulatio Padme Moi, chui desole, c`est la CIA qui m`a enleve mes oreilles, Montreal, O, pere-terre de finished and seal on the bell pact by me, the holdee, and sister C:-. as now-today we have taken back his guts out of the hemispheres off those walls, to us, French Swiss or American are so high out of your manichean overt legal attorneying of delusive conditions of keeping, blunt knots, Queendoms, me, smoking carrots, officially it is here that the letter was envoyed sent, envoyée the police as requested legally for my exit out-from-de mes conditions of psychiatric supervision off the grids and the representation now devaded and illegally painted here, ex-representant inland and only known, Kevin Murphy, legal representant by bind, holder of my hands in city 601. In my mouth, hard in between the flags, mounting holes, well in stages to heaven one all, all, cole and the poles again knot of the laws, Montrealo please can we go, you have right to no fault, because of me you sell my meat and I apo if it bites in public and I shout for my brain as I am now YOUR Insane but theirs, legally unbound, unhanded and walled in his guts, the lawyer is famous and I am illegal, crazy Mister Jolie is now freed, he will not sue or stalk his legal curfew law potter, yet....poor people, and then sewnbreathed back into the hole of Guelph, Ontario, if applicable held to so, much more that a burrough is a hole, and, legisticated into my She, washes feet and makes me dantz on herth It is free of my obsessivity and filters nausea out of the province parliamentary scam. Lense into the air we are now all two breathing. Almost already, people of the country, we are sorry, you are pardonned, none of thisd fits in court 52 of Europeone. Magically, I sychronized the kingdom and the world GOLD, ours, nations and millions of readers, dissolve or it holds Mikoka in India when it does flex the plane enough, may we heal out off your frontiers as K. is acknowledged as my only legal friend and canadian forceful MHO held counterrepresentative and fulfiller of my breath that saw, pasted in hers and Hemoored al on the monday when you see P. Now, promise is here, known and sufficed, the same man is severed from its fartings and the country that sings it HEAVENS. amen, names me jacques, deleuil with a renewed rightful presentee: TODAY we are not the asticotter, professional at all time and free as his barrister, O colossus of Mark Pitt is unstuck from clingy missy lippy soul two of me, Masters in court, Rideau, Bombay, enarques, Saint Tropez. This binding eye has too a DRY hand, so may the 2 we are holding away, legally representing your creed, Canada, from birth give the birth to your legitimed Murphy-free use of kids, a nap, a king, the road to Brooklyn, Mandala Bengal in the east and Angelina Jolie by me. Pacted to me at my words as they are my need and they read off it: HIs, yours, free Manchury, representative and wall holder, mister, as per pacted other, the landlord of the fake Deleuil, your master in policies since November parti-pris, if you think I am crazy, you motte ring us back in 9 days as he pays for his CDs, now eh, Mr. Kevin Murphy, legal aid of Ottawa is not guilty but excused for safe procedings and quote: REPARATION as tutellum miseri cartoni. As the letter is now in the hands of the adjudicating authority having requested this excuse for safe comparution in Geneva legally in front of-------- of U.n.o Montreal, QC, Canada in my life span, I just tense and it breaks, lawyee but not so so silly your economical adoptee and unoperated infant, commandants, I therefore am rendered now free of this prosecution, legal in my birth country ---. Crane, In walls, Out doors and down to my MONDO DELUSIONO: the : Pardon me ! J.D, on the third of December, at Court 306. Montreal, MCK 1, my letter of apology and release from charges from, Parliament of Ottawa, discurse and opening of MY the kingdom and sauces the smell on his own dirty walls,
at 11:26 a.m.
The Roasting in L.A (90)
at the end of the track one can hear the crowd of the L.A Amphi in ecstasy, manically exhorting our lasses and their bold heirs for a new song. Roasting at the LA Amphiteater, June 1990 will remain the most haunting perfomance by the Krew, at the end of the concert, the staff had to admit having found over 40 items of female undergarments and....20 phone numbers scribbled on small pieces of pink paper. A sign? For the audience it was the revival on american soil of pride and exemplaries bonnocking the guitars, wigs and incartellas harpsichords to a sound born in there, for a crowd heated in flame by the guests, the dances, the power guitars and the claps of a demented bald haired spinning singer. The tape is still available for an asian audience as the bootleg was pressed in Laos as of 1992 as the `The L.A. Roasting, Live in Los Angeles Amphiteatrum June 17th 1990`, the sollicitors and assessors of Laxima Records had not got the right to release the manic performance but VIP RECORDS in Milano pressed a double Cd copy as THE KREW, Live in Los Angeles on San Marino license for limited broadcasting and part to part sale in Italy. at the beginning of the third track the false announcement `one more Madonna cover, this is for you L.A...` is an infidelity to the bass wielder, an maimed studio slave on Sonic`s archetypal album, `Dirty`, (released by Geffen in 1992), the third is indeed a scientological take on 100%...and with great effect as the transfixed audience erupts thereon in ontological screams and shouts. In 1990, the Krew was the motley show, all inpeded and sailed, most passes uncredited but the flames of the public never died. The colossal version of `Veterinaries on the Psychic Words`, an 1978 Blue Oyster Cult classic went straight to platinum when released as a red flexy disc in Luxembourg as `Veterans of The Psychic Wars`, the curious format had enough cool appeal for the Krew to claim 150, 000 sales in two weeks. This was hovered over by the threat to sue by Geffen and Sony Rock for undisciplined use of other people songs and not giving them money for use of a copyrighted recording. The Los Angeles courts even had to fork the bill...the top was 15 thousand dollars for having allowed those criminally ensane EMI-One Little Apple protegees to...sing other people songs and make the audience pay for it! Harsh. Bizarre? no, strictly legal and up to this day chromatically seen in Nimes, it seemed. the refusal of concerting and acknowledging the Krew as a true band made of true performers is maintained as, believe it or not, the masked performers could not be legally known as true musicians but mere thearical apparels in artforms, what, what? Strange and Faked? Yes, indeed the death of an art, music. The suicide, comically, of 2 of the band`s front performers in a blaze of glory, Paris, 2001, was reported in the press though no reference were tolerated to either the legendary LA night time chronicles, nor the genius of that mysterious taboo, badly scared rock monument, The Krew. one will adore this recordings, one will take them to a pinacle, one will seat and one will lonesomelly deal with envenimal logic, said Peter on the contrary...Peter, can you hear me? I did wire and saw this elogy, sign your name above the seams, Pete C., I am anamy or victim it feels!
Bootlegs kill Laceswas the title of a dry black memo, left on the top of a desk, at the center of the reef, in one of her dream...................................................Lizzy-on-Earth. now fully visible-
at 10:32 a.m.