Oh the kingdom, fine pages and sorceresses come in: My mine is blind at her call. No more Philectore, I am evil in today' s post: Dogging star in style of her hurts. Madam, monsieur your partner is awaken, rudelly it seems, the behaviour of madam is questionned and the section pasted on your stuff. plus one feather from a young chick and three drops of Ethylic Spirit, enter world, the road of Marcyband and marches on cellophane lands...now begun.
The news, Alpha dishes the turf, on Angelina and Vanessa, the clues on Coldpaly and Chris' s special friend...a man, plus the lovebirds Dave and Carmen, the favours are over the rainbow. My hand...the other road, mankind, a piece of velvet blue handkerchieff...and Mr Mischief now presented to the public.
Vanessa has reiterated the plight, Paradis but not so chaste, the same amount of Valladium makes her cum...must be my coca....Plus the scoop on who is gay with who, no guy and Madonna are not out...they are still trying to scramble through the wall of her did a black....man judgung by the style of the court, here....Michael, a speech, if you wanna cry go over there with the girls, Paul Stanley, Eddie Murphy still grieving his new daughter, a virgina twenty tree? What is Oprah taking? erm, to do with sense of humour brutally interfering her happy status mutus...motte be the wind, Chris of Coldplay screams; so, dear invisible other, me too am too lame to place on your harem...and who gayed with Missy...erm, who did you say sent you? Plus, Mary Cary is not the bride of Jimmy...erm, it seems they are both single then...or gay and caught in an orgy...insuring who? but.....Britney has had two, whiskeys, dates with Pitt? no, no, look elsewhere, keeping the carpet clean, mister Bush sorry but I have to object, Oprah does not date because it or....who disses on dictated coupleships, not us replied Hollywood in a fury. But, there it goes, it is unfortunate that my sheletred erm, career theese last, erm, 20 month, erm, has made me somewhat processable as a carpet. i agree my Angie does not say so but the finances are still out of control...or so it seems, the court is held where? Gimme my house key, it ain't a fire it is a party, erm, I mean...ley men and sollicitators sat in a circular manner, the leopards enter, drums and cythar? BAR!!! The rest are there happy waiting...who is doing guitars this week, Patriiiick? So, if both the christians and the mason agree, the girls who caught a shot, the army friends who got the wrong name, the shelter lifestyle has made two victims this week in the multi levels and multi orgasm-less hysteria, no I am not talking about you and....Uranium is too lame to balme, must be her cocaine...where? Who is doing secu and cocaine today..erm...the courts...ah, now I got your attention: the man is too frail to be submissive, married to someone so much anymore bored, as it is not able to speak or naigh another skirt it just hexes and names until it hurts...erm, very wild Pual, hence the withdrawal of Bottle Dorff, about a man named wolf but a kitten still to...erm, say dirty Santiago composts through the lovelinerotor, Doctor involved, send to the Home Offuice. On sunday, the show is retransmitted back to back to Tower number appropriate for mostly appropriate call...the orgasm is very manly for mister see, tomorrow and tonight, tomorrow and tonite, i thought Gene was the gay one...A JOKE? By 3pm she had made a red hard chilli free stalker into a real employable newspeaker in her own style......MIRACLES ONLINE THIS IS ....ANGRY PHALLUS THE METUS ON THE PHOOOONE. Love to the people<