My Version Of The Truth


a new rhine, throned on

we have around 800 readers today. A new river being a real current, a fluid conduit, a path for life, make the 800 of today upon the others having a way so cellotapes ridge over olds and a new world!
The eyes on the monitor are on special care, the commune is here, friends, may we gather and receive soil, Rhone, flower and Terra on a rigid mattress of both Telemaks, stand on proud, a mass, a raft, one draft, two sides, the swords, a water gnome hole, then the direct eruption to God, stood upright, reader, walk on earth.
The pope has a special blessing as it gives a new river for a wide open heart and the eyes skimming for more, the red cells ate all the scum, so...Let us be, here, Rhine, river of Man, Shangai, baba-san, your surprise, the real glides over the false but fake a call as the devil's shawl is still covering the stratageme, freedom fighters, this is our earth, Heathens.
It seems Mr Neuroplasmic has a crisis, Dr. Logatt, the blog of today has a sole page...are you experienced enough to reconvey a witches burning for the rich homeless skit of it to be selling the Brad Pitt as the award of the devil? If you do, dear doctor, we have a hater, here, Heavens! A real reason to cast a spell as the hurt is crying ghost so, the joy is not involved but...did you read the second line, dear registrar? Ah, laughed he, the great ally of Mandela, mister Jolie, the count in flesh, Adam Applet! ah, scourn, what a scrambble, he claims a soil, I plant a sword and the other church ignores the lepper for...he shouted hertz, separated, circumvented a possible allied friends net, so to speak, Jacques is the devil: thy shall not blame, thou will not severe, thou will not ground or hog the is his creed, Doc, isn't it? Prescribe Uraniat Decodevat, at 30 mills it should help kids away from his online ramblings, sign the sheet, I sent the troops, he is scandalously christic, Doctor, don't you think?
A great healer, here, I see! Send the Renioz!
The grand son of Paul Stanley is somewhat very ok chanted she after an hour, a new way for me. the rich bright bible book, Robert Smith and a plant to grow the tree, eh, eh, I am happy...
The god son of Saint Paul, ah, what a joke, loss of cont- loss of cont- loss of contoool, applauded Lokip Recordings, our new genius, hotter than Pitt, I don' tmind, i don't mind it, she sells hearth, she sailed mint...Ah, Ah, Ah! laughed Satana.
Renioz, Shaznay Charest, a silly little joke laughed Ceylan over the phone. Bush, still double, you make a mint for a not so- erm...well spelt blog, aim this morning. The renioz has been decoded, under the current, took nothing, 800 eyes this day chant peace and chald curry over the door, white, yellow or gold, Tempters, heck!
Peter Hickey comes out in the morning...he was not sure which way to walk and it took left, so, so he walks and Hickey girates and immolates Derek, the other evil threat for Doctor Pett, Brent Pett? Kevin Logatt? What name shall we make up, Docs? Is it a sign, mime, line, thank your madman? Your "rock crowd", Mr. Neuroplasmic is solemnly excluded, you tried a trick, looped her around. The Cure, the Quoran, a batch of pot and the whole signal has therefore, in direct application of your religion been now erected into an isolating wall of hard-up semaphores and plastic sheets...around Brad Pitt? Oh, no, I don't think he needed hid, does he? It is a wall around your house! "Ah, caught yaaah", krilled I front of the stage, Dublin loved it, try getting it!
I stole your love.
Who knows the bios need not to shrink, the real world is that of for Tangerine Dream, some say she is secretive, and adjuncted in, it seems!
"Pete, any comments from you this morning ?"