My Version Of The Truth


the Bell Party of New Orly: 21ff open online legal

the sollicitor is part of the Parliament walls, hitherto it makes shapes and waves..... It is to be called a protegee of Canada and its asset in front of reparation of status of a candidate in difficulty due to his decision to not submit to-Canadian Conditions for retrieval of me, moi, Deleuil J, the author of those blogs in here, Manipulatio Padme Moi, chui desole, c`est la CIA qui m`a enleve mes oreilles, Montreal, O, pere-terre de finished and seal on the bell pact by me, the holdee, and sister C:-. as now-today we have taken back his guts out of the hemispheres off those walls, to us, French Swiss or American are so high out of your manichean overt legal attorneying of delusive conditions of keeping, blunt knots, Queendoms, me, smoking carrots, officially it is here that the letter was envoyed sent, envoyée the police as requested legally for my exit out-from-de mes conditions of psychiatric supervision off the grids and the representation now devaded and illegally painted here, ex-representant inland and only known, Kevin Murphy, legal representant by bind, holder of my hands in city 601. In my mouth, hard in between the flags, mounting holes, well in stages to heaven one all, all, cole and the poles again knot of the laws, Montrealo please can we go, you have right to no fault, because of me you sell my meat and I apo if it bites in public and I shout for my brain as I am now YOUR Insane but theirs, legally unbound, unhanded and walled in his guts, the lawyer is famous and I am illegal, crazy Mister Jolie is now freed, he will not sue or stalk his legal curfew law potter, yet....poor people, and then sewnbreathed back into the hole of Guelph, Ontario, if applicable held to so, much more that a burrough is a hole, and, legisticated into my She, washes feet and makes me dantz on herth It is free of my obsessivity and filters nausea out of the province parliamentary scam. Lense into the air we are now all two breathing. Almost already, people of the country, we are sorry, you are pardonned, none of thisd fits in court 52 of Europeone. Magically, I sychronized the kingdom and the world GOLD, ours, nations and millions of readers, dissolve or it holds Mikoka in India when it does flex the plane enough, may we heal out off your frontiers as K. is acknowledged as my only legal friend and canadian forceful MHO held counterrepresentative and fulfiller of my breath that saw, pasted in hers and Hemoored al on the monday when you see P. Now, promise is here, known and sufficed, the same man is severed from its fartings and the country that sings it HEAVENS. amen, names me jacques, deleuil with a renewed rightful presentee: TODAY we are not the asticotter, professional at all time and free as his barrister, O colossus of Mark Pitt is unstuck from clingy missy lippy soul two of me, Masters in court, Rideau, Bombay, enarques, Saint Tropez. This binding eye has too a DRY hand, so may the 2 we are holding away, legally representing your creed, Canada, from birth give the birth to your legitimed Murphy-free use of kids, a nap, a king, the road to Brooklyn, Mandala Bengal in the east and Angelina Jolie by me. Pacted to me at my words as they are my need and they read off it: HIs, yours, free Manchury, representative and wall holder, mister, as per pacted other, the landlord of the fake Deleuil, your master in policies since November parti-pris, if you think I am crazy, you motte ring us back in 9 days as he pays for his CDs, now eh, Mr. Kevin Murphy, legal aid of Ottawa is not guilty but excused for safe procedings and quote: REPARATION as tutellum miseri cartoni. As the letter is now in the hands of the adjudicating authority having requested this excuse for safe comparution in Geneva legally in front of-------- of U.n.o Montreal, QC, Canada in my life span, I just tense and it breaks, lawyee but not so so silly your economical adoptee and unoperated infant, commandants, I therefore am rendered now free of this prosecution, legal in my birth country ---. Crane, In walls, Out doors and down to my MONDO DELUSIONO: the : Pardon me ! J.D, on the third of December, at Court 306. Montreal, MCK 1, my letter of apology and release from charges from, Parliament of Ottawa, discurse and opening of MY the kingdom and sauces the smell on his own dirty walls,

all leaders are left to roam, close the doors! -1