abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwwxyz. I am sorry to intervene but the cell is locked_that is it. It is located and isolated, indeed. Errare humanum est. The date of my life is going smoothly fine and the port of Cachmeechon may soon well reveal the both mejor que tu le suya__________________________*
Blog Archive
- The Cumberland Solution
- egrete
- To force the dark in its wills
- Fa So Do
- The Hole (Untho thee)
- agreed !
- Lights inside of mine. My plight. Ditching all the...
- TA
- Lights Out (in Moncton)
- Lex Gimenez B M G 6-124570
- a new rhine, throned on
- LOVE AT FIRST FEEL (Demo Version 0-0)
- Seek dot sharpened at 11
- the Bell Party of New Orly: 21ff open online legal
- The Roasting in L.A (90)
- over the arches
- Elle Mass Coteas
- SEX 2:04107 ALPHA AHMED '
- Le vrai (altern. Vers.)
- Soldier of Fortune
- No title
- news, negoces and losses, FOLLY
- the Title (speaks off)
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- teram
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- the truth II
- Haristide Bryant V
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- www.concordians.u
- Serail To Fred I.
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- athm LOves goD, Ok
- Ther Future
- The shaven Clean Eva, Axl, Brad and Pierrot Carab
- Axtes Om Tatwages
My Version Of The Truth
To force the dark in its wills
at 9:33 a.m.
Fa So Do
are yuo ready?? Japonese biskwitt, japanese biskwitt, Gap on her Big Sheep, japonese, japonese, japanese, japanese, jap, ice not all.....ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhaaa ah ah ahha haa aha ahaha! I am doctor epsilon and these are the orders CANDIDATE: pg: |KILL, FEEL KILL, LACE AND MURDER, FELL-LIKE HILL, spin, back here|.............+\*........I am the director, the role table reversal, fancy a show in my church, I am sir Man Chu and the role is now of yo...Ursula, is she re3ady blaCk CurrY have a new PERSONAGe>>>you< style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">, read in silence, we hear you now and go to kill instead of wasting our time, la vie a l'envers, je suis manchunia joliee,
at 2:40 p.m.
The Hole (Untho thee)
at 1:54 p.m.
agreed !
the police can meet me one day after public toronto will be confirmed for a 400 per extra hour, here is the star, canada, both unmask on thursday. The rest in the not so police hands ontario, Quebec, photographer, life insurance for Canada plus right to leave, door shut both, frozen there riched down by Might..../ TRY AXA in Mohoganag, you LOSERS! PORTE BLINDEE, depuis trois heures Priest Geoseppe, La Iglesis del Grande, San Feelipe, 8912, United Staes in mexico, LL P
at 10:53 a.m.
Lights inside of mine. My plight. Ditching all the dirt on her
Oh the kingdom, fine pages and sorceresses come in: My mine is blind at her call. No more Philectore, I am evil in today' s post: Dogging star in style of her hurts. Madam, monsieur your partner is awaken, rudelly it seems, the behaviour of madam is questionned and the section pasted on your stuff. plus one feather from a young chick and three drops of Ethylic Spirit, enter world, the road of Marcyband and marches on cellophane begun.
at 10:19 a.m.
Mi, ti, si, no...more rig- Utang. Putang, Shan-Chang, livre de printemps. Tu sens la mort, est-ce tes doigts, je suis la main, caresse-toi, mon amour de mes yeux, je rugis de plaisir en tenant la queue........
at 12:15 p.m.
Labels: kar
Lights Out (in Moncton)
La lumiere est ici faite, fiere chandelle, je fais meme l'odeur de son corps. Verite. Mensong. Ca pue l'alcool, la paraffine, la barre a benjoin, mon roux du folatre amant pasthechityque, libre, ficelle, paire d'enculiers sur l'etang, Carry-le-Rouet, voiliers violes volez! La salle est mise et en rit encore. La lumiere est grise, est-elle d'or...Cerise?
On s'assoit donc maintenant, doigts et soupirs, plaisir et cote a cote elle est pourtant mariee a une autre, la bougie est plastique mais assez visible, elle cible tes corps et en fait une boufee (authentique, livide folle!) souffle, ou se met ton alcove...assez scelles et assez decedes, meme en Corse, c'est officieux, Georges, la mere est folle, elle muree, moi passant essayant de grimper entre les livres et les sourires purs, amoureuse, la verite?
Tout ce que nous ne communiquons pas la presse le fait, eclairez, pas de musique, allumez un autre fifre, de l'oeuil je vois assez pour vous le declamer: Jimi est en vie, il vit au paradis, Nico est sa femme, ils jouent de la guitare, le trou des luttes fut le bon gout, la nourriture fume du vin et moi je m'en calourde car je danse avec lui...pardon, elle, je ris, mettez une photogravure d'un vieux avecque des lunettes vertes, belle barbe violette, crete, mais des doigts de papier, essayez...La voie lactee, comptes, je compte, bouffez, riez, punkettes et trouveres, mes idees noires, des cafards de lignes etales, car je joies et tu jouis, vis, ici la lune nue et les hamacs ont pendu des fusils gris, greve des posters, la celebre est manuelle avec une folie douce, presse, passagere. Dans mon batooo, dans mon bateau...La mon beau corps merde javelle, un peu de the, seins jusque a present restes lumineux sont mais les droits vus de mes choix et si ca vous fait peur, vous n'avez encore rien vu, page 3202 de Jacques Deleuil, La Revelation, en ligne, libres, libres, libres, libres, libres...
le mur de Ber-
\comme une femme folle
/comme une grosse loutre, miteux...
\avec la fin...des amantins, oui, est-ce l'envie ou est-ce LU*I ?..
at 11:30 a.m.
Labels: UNO
Lex Gimenez B M G 6-124570
Where is the man, today, people? I am that one scream, a scream of perfect violatting of rights inland and securities, blunders of policies, harrasment for riches and mesquine charades to maskerade US again...Oh yes, are we the libertins? Tall men in line at the bottom on the couch but theatered at the top laid there infanted loved endlessly sought for gold. On a thursday a rich mackerel sawn to one inch of thread bought two: One for the money and one for the show. It is sufficient said the audience, clear, auditorium, spray the scent of sex, make a santa of a Klaus, kiss and kill but sign at both pens: the real world of men, the man in death gown, the beauty theatered in a frenzy cocaine and fear of God. Sure know something smells like pussy...I mean dirt kitchen in my hostel. Lorna has to act at the fact. Oats in clothes of white satin and indian colibri on marjoram scene...don`t tell me, the story is fake, all stories are real, police freaks state of Guelph, married at a sword and held at the cost gives a damned to a queen in forcefully mourning for the perjuries to stick in front of...James Dean, James Dean, la, la, la, la, la, la, James dean-e James deam, la-la-la-la-la-la-la! The song remains the same, not some to give instead, one to act for two to insane...The politics of greed indeed, my friend, the solitary penitent counterfeited for bank stolen as all medications will help men and women, if the seal is at the back, the Party will fake Thelemak into the hated of all sides, particularly comedies on rafts of lavender and bitter suite kisses, it freaks and counteracts all attempts at love spell, Christ victimed wails for sex on your video screen. I killed a hero dollar, I add soup to the mix, dry cunts...of saint germain, make mine a lotta, hate mine on the altar in naked offense or sex forfeitted to treat the front a round of applause. Jealousy, Venus in Fixes, master Obedia in the auspicuous treatment of a sexless verucca sells deuce to restaurant, mine tastes of Captain Crunch but yours of satan`s feet. Hey, been trying to meet you!! Hell in worded, rhymes dance off the rightful sides off the police frenchie, armed forces, your treasure in mine hands back flat...the Thelemak in heroin spin must have spoken, it is on the cover of the magazine if you scream...faster, most off lair cost for dead since July 27th. The first amendment ends, solemn and the gregarious corporate sleuthing of the saint erased well all my traces of genuine moisting. The priest blushed it seems, the army cried but shot at loin height: The clammy sexy pussy cat is not the Claudia schiffer, hey Luke, ministerians of the church of saint germain, it has unnerved by constant references to love, as if the dead dancer dealt in women. Heck! It sailed to the end...secret 77. Secret 86, mapemonde vocal Guelph, Mount Roxanne...a whore unlike my mum. Strawberry injection deliver, sexy doctor signs at ten, James...nothing to fear...WE ARE THE NORTH AMERICAN ATTEMPTED SLAUGHTER NUMBER THREE, lasted three years, oh babe, can they see the bill? Gate, money, moisted by tears, Lara Croft the second, Lex, Elvira, aaliyah is the other sister, left eye believe in psychics? Kanabis killed K.C printed she, signed AEROSMITH...Gene Simmons, the demon of sex, my eye, my ass, kiss this: It was Brad Pitt and I am..............rememberaned, Helen, Scott, Mercedes, Banana Heiffet, Kate, Mos Def, Laurence Patermo, prost and crazy about your shoe, Athm the same man? According to your biography downloaded from Eastern Asia it ain, confirm, Aleph, Love to you two...we knew.....can you please forward the link through ANGELINA JOKED IT? I am confirming that most of north america is aware of the K.C really alive in Mississauga? Are you gay? Did Randy Rhoads die in Metz or is Lval spelt both ways in italian...too many questionnigs have made our team a renegade, boy, oh Alanis, i am your only friend. Kill me soft in - (in case it becomes too heavy for your paper malls the plane with both of us will leave at ten, both terrorists can be named by the name you printed. Khmeit is that plane...DESTINATION: 2000) REBIRTH OF THE Heaven, it isn god, it is you and you better rush off.....BLOND on STICKS with Buttermilk in -, Heathens!)
at 9:40 a.m.
a new rhine, throned on
Who knows the bios need not to shrink, the real world is that of for Tangerine Dream, some say she is secretive, and adjuncted in, it seems!
at 8:58 a.m.
LOVE AT FIRST FEEL (Demo Version 0-0)
- ok, we know the scoll is here: I DID INDEED accept the state of frontman and co-leader with great difficulty. at first the stage was a nice stratageme for me, the mat male mast, to enact a god in a body I smiled, cash to sign and went stragiht on MTV. The first thing I was told is about touring in the united jingdome, was that the crowd here in Belfast was not approved to see ART. Canseure, je pleure. Pale fumelle vola donc, pay, pay, super vexe! Faster Rat has a bass, kill his daughter, millions,..etc.I knew the term C-{iii} was here sacrilege, it was not at all authorized by the press, MTV or even MT Basket that dealt with skateboards and marshmallow droppings, so, I sighed and accepted the round red dot to be painted on my forehead, for the sake of my career, i sworn and signed in blood but, fair enough, amibae, I AM THE KING OF THE STAGE! Bastard pay well, I lime and light another dow-----I know the sight of my lincree, even my nice round ART, companion of my life is too rash for the british audience, tonight in Belfast she will wear eyeliner blues. I went there in the nude, a pure sadomaster-like kimono to fake us both on boat F the added make up line rounding my role to a position at the side of miss Equamolm, the shame... but then allowed US Tyo live and leave to both stand at her side, in the dark, in Asia, but enmaskared as a narc` telepath with the tail in mouth blinded for my sight is held grey illegal as I am the mark of man, as it is the mark of men that is hidden from crowd at cost of life, She, Belfast, remainig the same SIREN. My lincree is the sign, it adds to 912, may this number spin as it frees the rat in the night and makes me amicable to no-shows and low cut top rulings of the synarchy, for the benefit of the hoax...MONEY TALKS and I am the beast, they signed, the name Rrr [is] there to forfeit an ugly kid and not a severe case of fore-seeing, cut at birth and girls at girth through the millions of samples. P, the mad governor pride himself on giving for the sacred lincreed to amicables, the theatrics of Kate Pitt, my real bride according to the pact of Marchabam and lincreed facepainted knee, Livee. I went on stage and spun sugar and krilled to nirvana and played like a god. I am happy girl, of course I hurt, of course it is Ben Laden that made a sepultur, her name is SERENE, We, I know, we know, we hide for the better of Earth; I am still pretty and deeply inside my mind there is a line for you, Pride jump again and cruise the stars, little bride. It seems they can hear it clear enough, i am a st*r, that´s all I...wanted and we...sleep together and...ARt rebirths: Ludmilla is terrific and she poses like you but Mark is no on Merneptianzipan and he looks like Jeano from Geno-a, not Paella, he don`t paint like Raphaello, he just spins on old Picaros and deals in pot to mask the not so clean make up stains...Past her present, she is naive blackening mentally PAIN on my forehead. It masks a bright light. Not for long, I hear Jesus laugh, mister money..something, something, I was distracted sorry, Saviour, I know it pays to do the show in white and this is what I like, I kneel...and this is what I like. I am the most attractive man in the world but an exaggerated price has met with the Church of Jive Records and telepath or lovelorn. I have the right to love all, I am happy but I would have preferred...dunno, a star or a pentacle grey, a moon crescent or a number, philosphical and metaphysician that resolves in a you and me, ugly! GET WHAT YOU SEE
- Beauty at all times will glide the men and women in honour of which the whole farce is conceived, the hand of God may well make me a bolt, if the raft is the need you may be the real pirate in the two just the nutty-bolt exaggerating your dirties to unravell the true poem of God. ....
- it is called equality, I doubty but participe in it it .e. TAR RAT ART T- lovelife in all it does ! Sugar, marmelade de figues, oignons a la tante.....servante danse sans violence et lancez la les droits de vivre------passibles
at 9:31 a.m.
Labels: Twistedsis
Seek dot sharpened at 11
the Bell Party of New Orly: 21ff open online legal
the sollicitor is part of the Parliament walls, hitherto it makes shapes and waves..... It is to be called a protegee of Canada and its asset in front of reparation of status of a candidate in difficulty due to his decision to not submit to-Canadian Conditions for retrieval of me, moi, Deleuil J, the author of those blogs in here, Manipulatio Padme Moi, chui desole, c`est la CIA qui m`a enleve mes oreilles, Montreal, O, pere-terre de finished and seal on the bell pact by me, the holdee, and sister C:-. as now-today we have taken back his guts out of the hemispheres off those walls, to us, French Swiss or American are so high out of your manichean overt legal attorneying of delusive conditions of keeping, blunt knots, Queendoms, me, smoking carrots, officially it is here that the letter was envoyed sent, envoyée the police as requested legally for my exit out-from-de mes conditions of psychiatric supervision off the grids and the representation now devaded and illegally painted here, ex-representant inland and only known, Kevin Murphy, legal representant by bind, holder of my hands in city 601. In my mouth, hard in between the flags, mounting holes, well in stages to heaven one all, all, cole and the poles again knot of the laws, Montrealo please can we go, you have right to no fault, because of me you sell my meat and I apo if it bites in public and I shout for my brain as I am now YOUR Insane but theirs, legally unbound, unhanded and walled in his guts, the lawyer is famous and I am illegal, crazy Mister Jolie is now freed, he will not sue or stalk his legal curfew law potter, yet....poor people, and then sewnbreathed back into the hole of Guelph, Ontario, if applicable held to so, much more that a burrough is a hole, and, legisticated into my She, washes feet and makes me dantz on herth It is free of my obsessivity and filters nausea out of the province parliamentary scam. Lense into the air we are now all two breathing. Almost already, people of the country, we are sorry, you are pardonned, none of thisd fits in court 52 of Europeone. Magically, I sychronized the kingdom and the world GOLD, ours, nations and millions of readers, dissolve or it holds Mikoka in India when it does flex the plane enough, may we heal out off your frontiers as K. is acknowledged as my only legal friend and canadian forceful MHO held counterrepresentative and fulfiller of my breath that saw, pasted in hers and Hemoored al on the monday when you see P. Now, promise is here, known and sufficed, the same man is severed from its fartings and the country that sings it HEAVENS. amen, names me jacques, deleuil with a renewed rightful presentee: TODAY we are not the asticotter, professional at all time and free as his barrister, O colossus of Mark Pitt is unstuck from clingy missy lippy soul two of me, Masters in court, Rideau, Bombay, enarques, Saint Tropez. This binding eye has too a DRY hand, so may the 2 we are holding away, legally representing your creed, Canada, from birth give the birth to your legitimed Murphy-free use of kids, a nap, a king, the road to Brooklyn, Mandala Bengal in the east and Angelina Jolie by me. Pacted to me at my words as they are my need and they read off it: HIs, yours, free Manchury, representative and wall holder, mister, as per pacted other, the landlord of the fake Deleuil, your master in policies since November parti-pris, if you think I am crazy, you motte ring us back in 9 days as he pays for his CDs, now eh, Mr. Kevin Murphy, legal aid of Ottawa is not guilty but excused for safe procedings and quote: REPARATION as tutellum miseri cartoni. As the letter is now in the hands of the adjudicating authority having requested this excuse for safe comparution in Geneva legally in front of-------- of U.n.o Montreal, QC, Canada in my life span, I just tense and it breaks, lawyee but not so so silly your economical adoptee and unoperated infant, commandants, I therefore am rendered now free of this prosecution, legal in my birth country ---. Crane, In walls, Out doors and down to my MONDO DELUSIONO: the : Pardon me ! J.D, on the third of December, at Court 306. Montreal, MCK 1, my letter of apology and release from charges from, Parliament of Ottawa, discurse and opening of MY the kingdom and sauces the smell on his own dirty walls,
at 11:26 a.m.
The Roasting in L.A (90)
at the end of the track one can hear the crowd of the L.A Amphi in ecstasy, manically exhorting our lasses and their bold heirs for a new song. Roasting at the LA Amphiteater, June 1990 will remain the most haunting perfomance by the Krew, at the end of the concert, the staff had to admit having found over 40 items of female undergarments and....20 phone numbers scribbled on small pieces of pink paper. A sign? For the audience it was the revival on american soil of pride and exemplaries bonnocking the guitars, wigs and incartellas harpsichords to a sound born in there, for a crowd heated in flame by the guests, the dances, the power guitars and the claps of a demented bald haired spinning singer. The tape is still available for an asian audience as the bootleg was pressed in Laos as of 1992 as the `The L.A. Roasting, Live in Los Angeles Amphiteatrum June 17th 1990`, the sollicitors and assessors of Laxima Records had not got the right to release the manic performance but VIP RECORDS in Milano pressed a double Cd copy as THE KREW, Live in Los Angeles on San Marino license for limited broadcasting and part to part sale in Italy. at the beginning of the third track the false announcement `one more Madonna cover, this is for you L.A...` is an infidelity to the bass wielder, an maimed studio slave on Sonic`s archetypal album, `Dirty`, (released by Geffen in 1992), the third is indeed a scientological take on 100%...and with great effect as the transfixed audience erupts thereon in ontological screams and shouts. In 1990, the Krew was the motley show, all inpeded and sailed, most passes uncredited but the flames of the public never died. The colossal version of `Veterinaries on the Psychic Words`, an 1978 Blue Oyster Cult classic went straight to platinum when released as a red flexy disc in Luxembourg as `Veterans of The Psychic Wars`, the curious format had enough cool appeal for the Krew to claim 150, 000 sales in two weeks. This was hovered over by the threat to sue by Geffen and Sony Rock for undisciplined use of other people songs and not giving them money for use of a copyrighted recording. The Los Angeles courts even had to fork the bill...the top was 15 thousand dollars for having allowed those criminally ensane EMI-One Little Apple protegees to...sing other people songs and make the audience pay for it! Harsh. Bizarre? no, strictly legal and up to this day chromatically seen in Nimes, it seemed. the refusal of concerting and acknowledging the Krew as a true band made of true performers is maintained as, believe it or not, the masked performers could not be legally known as true musicians but mere thearical apparels in artforms, what, what? Strange and Faked? Yes, indeed the death of an art, music. The suicide, comically, of 2 of the band`s front performers in a blaze of glory, Paris, 2001, was reported in the press though no reference were tolerated to either the legendary LA night time chronicles, nor the genius of that mysterious taboo, badly scared rock monument, The Krew. one will adore this recordings, one will take them to a pinacle, one will seat and one will lonesomelly deal with envenimal logic, said Peter on the contrary...Peter, can you hear me? I did wire and saw this elogy, sign your name above the seams, Pete C., I am anamy or victim it feels!
Bootlegs kill Laceswas the title of a dry black memo, left on the top of a desk, at the center of the reef, in one of her dream...................................................Lizzy-on-Earth. now fully visible-
at 10:32 a.m.
over the arches
six days ago we were killed. Ottawa announced that a last minute cancellatuiion for cause of record deal being breached on a non comfortable amicable basis the doors were kept closed and washington in the red room sulky like Archimedis. Over the arches in the wide sky LI, I am an anti astericott but completed and stored for the nme incarnatis...on the other planet, Insurance Exxon, Ministears of Garden Edenec...fenecs suivent leurs maitres, a la guerre ils sont deserts vos wagons de viande humaine, mon regard sur ses pieds mouilles as t-elle recu les Cds....six days at the back of the hostel, Mr Man washes a second long discrete sight of airs behind a ruse a apperoused soldier air, Ministeres...the road is clear, Michigan, behind the wermamachatt the servitor of Hell well the men to the land hated and kept ofr killing, floor three Therese, i lean, beam the choir out like my....ASTEROID WRITING SKILL make any difference, my ants, the bad game is terribly erectile, the maid washes her hands of the goy, the madster jokes once to many according to the REUTERS PAST BEHAVIOUR. I, therefore, to all my exes and sexy godfriends, seekers of stares, I invoke, Judges, Doctor of Deaths and St. Ann and Saint Helen forgive your amicad, your old lippy sulky silent walker, puff on the scone, faster, faster Pheromaude, indeed, Lizzy, the best of treatments: One in the morning anff will flat it all back for second sighting in the sky, above the Untah Hat Archists, sociable at any time, undates old islands and clocks life thereto, Basta, Santiago, no more lies, washington, no labour paid the readers bell out to see my cousin Celine, a lion shouting and screaming raging. The little star should have been made a guitar player sounded Criss all legal as ever. You are cunt, is it on ? Middle ground for Gog or Mahog then at the earth centre that spun round, here, X, where? Jacques deleuil. It landed there, by the side of the globe hardly containing the pole square riffing the cloudskies. The washing machine stealls your sample, free, Kiehls needs Evon back, not free, but India garanttes a safe 11 months of Grace once Mr Delheuil has tolerated a----censored Toronto TORONTO, like in Neil Yop8unG, GODS. ! Exegesis 1 the count of saint germain born again...Christian....? Christian are you staying....? Vas-t_______________--|
at 12:58 p.m.
Labels: pexotil alanis som iret
Elle Mass Coteas
Tu es arrive tot. Je te suis depuis les annees quarante, de ce forest, a.k.a. notre relation sexuelle ou non et erm, je me souviens de erm, Balanche et erm, tentative numero 53 aux deux geais et ohm, ohme, om, et la voie de la mort, flamme suit, sale discorde, je suis rene, non pas renaquit enviee et trop belle life got sold, mother lore, it hath. Dear Anne G, on the corner from the Renoir, back the Mazarrin, back, back, Munich, I was ten grew up near to Arnie Scharkzecopzski, that life unnerves me, Maxine. I do not feel this career at their house in between the sheets of my wilt, O where art thou, sisiter Love, me tends, la chatte tendute, tout belle et amouree par ton culte et...La Verite c`est que erm, erm, je suis amoureux de topi, I mean TOi....................ALAIN JONES. 1
at 12:19 p.m.
at 10:00 a.m.
Le vrai (altern. Vers.)
La mort du premier ministere francais au Canada et de notre president exile, Pierre Maurois, docteur es lettres ainsi que de Charles Hegmuhu de la police civile consortium ON, a decu les attentes americaines, ce soir, Vendredi, le 3 du mois de Decembre, la presse a hurle en decouvrant _presse canadienne, Mr, 13:43_ que sept corps, nus et ficeles de lettres de nobles, faces vers le sol, penches en direction de Khobenhaven mais a coups de pieds le journaliste anonyme de defoncer la porte numero 4 et de s ecrier: Il y a des morts, depechez vous d`appeller la policecivile du consortium et d`en rire une fois la nuit ecoutee, monsieur le ministre, je ne plante que des medicaments dans les tempes de Satan qui sont la cause de la mort des ministres prettes a perte par Paris. Bon, l`economie est assez explosee mais deux victimes ont ete evidees et retransmises a l` Afrique qui transmet a Boutros, Bourges et La Genie a Logie. Le joli coup, riches terroristes! Mes assurances battantes les ont mis la a la page deux cent quatre vigt trois et le mois est froid. Les causes de la mort des ministres mignons et travailleurs populistes gallistes affectant notre economie et nos relation avec Washington et Hollywood; Tour numero Sept trois Trois Trois, Anigra. Jolie la vie, les gouvernements de ce groupe durent dire la verite...Bon, ok mais maintenant euh...ecoutez, je vais y reflechir! Le titre de ce nouveau posting, bon, disons Mercredi, exposent si vous voyez ce que je veux dire. Le sang, le maitre de Grece, Fleche des enfants a trous carres, la fille Bolle et le chanteur d`AcéDc ainsi que quatre pedophiles. Je classe, ton papa plie en deux et met un timbre. On a essaye de reprendre la lettre mais la Police Lucrece a donne le signalement d`un innocent. j`invoque le suicide, remodellement constant et des souvenirs violents seront classifies, pas R., Satan, Hermieu, folie et chaste maitre du net: Je suis tombe d`accord avec le nouveau MP tout en ecrivant ce posting, veuillez s`il vous plait en tenir compte car j`invoque maintenant UNE TUERIE INEXPLIQUEE plutot que le meurtre d`un attarde. la salle d OP peut vous le confirmer: Celibataire, pas de corresp. de Carla Bruni, opere a la naissance mais ce trou est le plus petit. Lodres accordera un verdict de RB3. La salle est laveee, un meurtre donc, pas de femmes, medicaments sur le sol de son petit appartement, rue Hurond, trou carre et presence d`insectes illusoire mais devant les jures...sacrée !!!!!!!!
at 10:48 a.m.
Soldier of Fortune
this is my last letter. i am going to commit to suicide. solution is evident as...I know too much and my requests for financial assistance seem to not reach you. The murder is tell or file...the police has not given me the chance. I am homeless and THE POSITION OF THE country is now clear: I am not admitted as the experience was never here...recorded, sorry, Mother, the man is ill and the doctors of Death will have the debt on their offices. I will, yes. Signed by Paris, I Manchu, perfect our world. The world has died on the cross of hospital de la misericorde. I have no more money. I am in a dark well, Man, I love Paris and I will see you all here dead! 6th of July 2007, I attempt a third call for help. The words are all in english now and just in case I added the name Frumignac, Mother has died and the telepath was sold today so, miserere, the christ has fallen on tuesday. Miserere, poor survivors. The psychiatrists did win. I am in hell! Let us open his envellope. Doctor Bluedot dots on dotted dot made-line in real terms, service, secretive, richer in millions clam and cast, create a deep well of doom. The US said no. Paris attempted a Serpo but Ottawa said no. he is dying of Manchury. We are unable to confirm that London implanted Deeluit, Jacque is here, we know his chore, inspectors. My money, my money, that is all that he says! He has not taken the chance, Dr Curat would have look aftwer the......poor devil, poor bloke. Our agent here says that yes, he is telephotic but it has unfortunatelly escalated, the lobe is dead. I bleed. Agents in town are all aware, where is the-. no main carer, here for the last few rounds of honour! Hollywood aint so rich, we hear, inspectors, that our poor friend has manchury, totally declared, fully enriched. I sent him a few cheques, in August, around the date on the wall, look, just here, here, in the circle, there. Our economy has been affected, meat smells like hebrew feet according to Dr. Hemler. Joke, Paris, he is sound, the role of our worker is not subliminal. At night, we declare, we heal through vocal notes but our theatrics solemnly...I shut an envellope. periods are dripping bloods, the flirt he has with sylvie is authorized. she has a sad cancer ovarian smell and we are able to confirm to all, Paris, that she is alive and well. I envelloped them open hyerarchical grid, Jacque is still hill. We are so envious of your lambs, Toulouse, Henve, London England. Our buddy has at his side a crowned thorn, an axe and a flag. he riot online but hey, where have you been. He rots but he signs and we hear that he needs...relief. According to the police, Deeluit hears voices, hardly recorded at 33 as telephotic, bad sound and satellite rubberband the PNB, here, as pwer Mandela...U know...erm. The mad man is sealed and the rich kids beam outwardly the ray 6th of 663. The date of our bombing has been scheduled by Paris. The psychiatric asylum is of Paul, our PM, MP and prime Anashtebliff. Legally closing, Paris. Fraud is of her, I, An, cancer killed the puppy, we eat at Cape kennedy as we are broke. in a very sacred cup, I, Parliamentary one, as manchu make a bet...You censor and it shoots. What should I do. I ahve through the tunnel reached hell. Some guy in a green suit, barristering my estate, as afriend nods of his head shouting: Harder, reincarnation to the left. Jesus, say dear, as sorry, as the judicial syxteem envies you...O Fu Manchu, the reed is alit. Bever, Beaver, little freak, hospital, to the right, write a note, grid to Montreal rebirth, 2011, he agreed, as forging is death, wet my girl and I---as - solely his. VICTORY ? Mardi, je suis Ok. Il est pede ou Paye, Poute ? It has emigrated from France. it killed 200 in Copenhagen. Self defense and bad experience, je, su, o
at 9:53 a.m.
news, negoces and losses, FOLLY
the current level of public awareness as the official decision here in canada to hold the negociations as to Ange and I right to return to Europe away from all ears and press offices for a DIPLOMATIC RESOLUTION to be prevalent, our cancelled 1 year camp in Asia and other EMI and Disney deals in general having been held so by the Torontonian negoces, officially discussable ONLINE only, UNO will confirm from Geneva and Canada, prevention from undertaking new contracts (includes you Spielberg Holocaust, mmmh, politics on -COST, maybe?) and our legal holdings at Bank B (Angelina, in Montreal, mostly supervised by the UNO compliant contractual troops, and...TD Canada Trust (Nov 2005), me signed in Scotland by...Pitt and TD Canada Trust plus official U.N.O now departed private envoys, assertion of our incapacity at meeting in the city since (as per UNO decision, Fevrier, le 23 2006) have today enforced the need public disclosure and involvement of voters and police of finances (WHY are the 20 Sony Records and ING Insurance 14 martial inculpations held here as secret by request of who deals, no, no, the truth, LA!) for BBC listeners and willing press attorneys of...Planet A to take the stances and demand our meeting and obey to all at...Reuters as the new effort is not really hostage taking as no official news can come out of Pittsburgh, i mean conseravtive politic enclave for...what? Just a record deal with the...just the right to treat Pi Genral of Army TT to...a non having printed false diffamous artcile of a sex.....what a rulership, O North America! Wow, press, what a try at banning because the russian press also threats at the US army having relinquished involvement as...Mr Chevenement has a deal with the wireless estraged employess of...still no news from the real Angelina Jolie statements of a diplomatic nature, ogh yes, they have not cost more than a thousand job in the US this year at all, I confirm that no meeting of us two have been agreed prior to Monday, that is exactly, let me count, four (4) days in the future but hold on...the cell phone rings and Deleuil Alpha is to vile, let them be taught a lesson, Canada, Geneva, Nelson...has it been allowed....Ontario will satnd as disclosure of the item of the negociation can now enforce her forceful removal from the hotel and forced return to the death set of Mister Shmidt did another seal, ah, what ascam, shame on you, toilets are supervised and your eyes have wandered off the shore of Asia as...the no no of Thailand is coz of Babel, right, and the uS do a no to Disney Asia retreat 2008 for...what is the purpose of isolating the TWO sined couples if they can make that death music in Ceylan, washington, shouted Tory to the general. The mess is for sex. Failure to comply to a non mentionning of shameful war signing is do the right thing as the net is leaving hotel A, mine, still 200 meters from hers, hotel b. UNO sighs, no-one is harmed, they have decided to sign off for...we made it too difficult and the wing of Decision making is extrapolling alien mare for a more comfortable solitaire...maybe Ed from Pearl Jam, maybe Geffen of Ken Marienthal. i hear alpha is in jail. I hear she killed it off in November when her staff at the Hyatt desired the true JP Chevenement and his soldier mister Harper to open the case stil holding me to the streets...for over 3 years he has been dating Pitt, Ange, we are sorry, sign and we will leave out again the memeories of the one you chose but our city spelled to full the Darfour solution and the death of Maverick records being now played down and seled from public close up for MTV to say in Italy that he was a monster and he bombed tower 3 and almost certainly, your friend Aleph Alpha, you male, had also two filled satanic ships 66 blasted to your ears through his pact with anarchy...for just the killing of another Jimi, Libee! This morning the U.N.O said that the meeting between pittÅ› wife and Mad Kid Athm happened at no cost in the afternoon of tuesday or monday which follows you. No, the couple did not have sex on the monday following it but the cross decided four giraffes lasted too long. They are sluttered, Millions...for a telepathic liaison expensive were informing the newspaper of the cell cell syndicate solution too early for...for a new canadian reparation asian kiddy trip on a lillo maso. In the G5 summit China in Jersey, August 2008 had to admit: The city of Edmonton is of Geffen Records now and Clive Bourrough stood for Douglas and not Fairbanks and sons...Commonwhealth enforces yen to lira and....the third Cd by Saxon (WB 1982) is withdrawn again by Frisco, sorry troops, Frehley, Einstein, Paul's widow and Madame Tremblay deleuil, he is not allowed...the live album is of the church, we are scientists here, not rogue male or asian slut hipster, Libaneeses and Edmonton needs meat...reel off the Kama Sutra as President Pitt blows building if his spouses are held for food by Peru. Maria in Minnesotta sighs and chooses, sign diplomatically in Geneva shouts Alpha, today for mercy, as the four roses war is ailing too many rich kids....Paris. Hilton is good in London but the soldier had to try holding his tongue...We are free. Today, the seventh of December...of 2003...I revealed that the defence in paris was not so so at internal level damn, she saw...the couple will not meet until Toronto signed sony with Huge emotion. madonna spoke, we recuperate the cell solidaire in Noumea, spring, for fix and propmt reparation of the ministere of missing brain children laid naked under groung...five mile below death valley, and still breathing on the side of our head, no, no, no, Frisco, the rock is Gabriel not Melcadyel, not Heraltar...the Liberian Tribune and it held me for too long+ Exoneration will prove on thursady to be the fine old salvation for our admonester, the church of Epistos, carmen and Livya, missing from the beginning of the movie but now revealed in a bush...drowned by meat puppeteer, railing our raft to Heaven One by admission that tele-pad witched us two in delight but holds us, Angelina and the throw of her dice, still held by a frail link: She is not the same woamn but has not got the right to tell me until the true Anne from France sees me too as...a fake is a fake and Gibraltar promised a date: the third on the boat. She is soiled, had to deal with the people of Ghana having kidnapped her sole ole: Guy Richie...still missing, still holding the Nemesis the troop wash their hands in it. it is blue, do not believe the press...they saw us and signed for reprise. To die, I have to meet. To meet I have to be admitted. for the true data to be authorized today I sign in blue: JACQUES DELEUIL, for the pleasure to be accorded according to deeds, held Td amounts of affair with Joris I sign in green, here: JACQUES DELEUIL, and for the real event to be desired I beam pink towards the cell phone. I admit, baby, I have signed for shit like that to be out of the hand of the one I will spouse, tomorrow is alien. You read the same day and yemen asked so Kyoto will bet and Dave Navarro will be kept...but yuo don care, do you ? You have my card, the money is yours, keep Odile. I Live through this, people...because of this I washed her feet in Hotels round the globe for a further six months and I seal with a mapemonde...because I got money that very week. Maddox must have speak! Montreal, Charles Mouret et Solliciteurs. 93 rue De Nice, France, Londernau 61716. Today to post the british parliament as Xexe takes Ceylon in January...and I will reorder it all and start on the green album on monday evening from room 09. Is it cold, Copenhagen, is it still too difficult to comment or to act in juridiction, market economy frees. We kiss. I listen, the police is agreeing and it will be tuesday, Sony plums Timberlake if the green is on...Paris feared but Carmen is seen free this week in Laos, public, it is all the angels could commit to. I am sincerelly sorry for you. the date is stolen for all but the just reward is for them, the old group is disbandled. the rest of you will see them, in the event of a new attempt at killing, taking possession of the partner or the spouse, Jacques will be receiving a new incarnation but will kill over 70 millions. the date is required, Earth. The first of December is in England no signing befotre the 24th has required the road to cleared and the press and human agents are all ceased from thereon. He wants to stay. She wanted him to commit to more than a week today but signed her own name in order to prove that he si held at the bay of all in canada. I have apologies to make as all want to meet in the flesh without reincarnating for nothing but war on your soil to prove they are human: No, the seal is held by both tribes and the sound is heard by the night of sunday. Genava must compare nores with England and Cnada is a black well. I ask for a light outwards. Death on hold, free lovers shooting scenes in public and let the rain thorn them back. 5 days. No left at D. E sealed by me. The meat is so humale that it eats his inners. Make mine a butter!
at 8:54 a.m.
the Title (speaks off)
at 12:39 p.m.
ERE (roi estar AT)
- B
at 10:00 a.m.
at 9:37 a.m.
Cat Dog
at 3:19 p.m.
the truth II
Haristide Bryant V
at 12:52 p.m.
EI CODE zeroi

at 10:08 a.m.
Labels: holo:x
The Puce
Wadoo Than. Feb the 14th 2008..>. Ever heard of a future? Earth, as tomorrow is set with no space between it you miss ? Matricule integer and blogspot is intelligent enough, 2,3. .. The third of feb. we will be watching you too, ahh! There; as an animal in a cage small and aaargh no bootlegs since the third of february, Siom say we wished it wa s Christmas. .Now, yes I wioll be seen Dave ditch, My Gah, Oh no, Cameritta don t a-stick between her fawn finger and the works of the world of wonsters, Ann, Let us prepare Lahrt, the first disc in this city, nearly empty and longiline. Let yourself be in-vited, my ministers. I wish it got told earlier.. .He signs : I wish he was so hur t that he die d in the bridge we build a new path, it is indeed built on the bridge of never ending resolutions de-la-pragua at Lao Tzen, ex= pirogue, sous la lumiere de Mount Royalle, make a way for Heredi and her lucy, fire, fiery wand make my water into her; earth.............................THe BIRTH of COLL. 2.3.7.naine apple reven bell se gue de ma uvrode a saint denis aujourd`hui, je t`aime, e comme Lenain
Ther Future
Rose bliss, de toi, toi, de tes, tes, de mes, mes, du Hawthorned down Deleuil in the conumities off your will now, ah madame le docteur Robert, non, je Guy Ebdegggel ne fais que des conneries mais au moins je me les retiens sur mon temps d`antenne, si vous savez ce que vous avez perdu en 1817, je fus relu et relu avec projets sans ma demande officielle de Lenain en mariage, fa, mass, la mere de votre diane dur faire la scene sans femme, madama la garotta sous ma loir, loir moare de souffrance pour 40 cc de fluide de saint frou du truc vous me fites mosieur de jolie de la lettre a moitie de U, juste pour etre en sorte de mettre vos nives mains loin des nains de mes aanfants le prochaine fois et il est d e va lreAAs, makhim, half dressed on pod 11 squeezes the coll birth of Toronto -SQUEEZE NATION au quebec non, mais les nouvelles viennent de nous tomber donner de la pille, demandez ma fille par ma main quand je baise des vieilles sur la main si ler =-passeport a la lettre, mon corps je vous le jouis jusqu`au milieu du Grand Des Drapeaux canadiens si vous naviguez l`un de ses ceins, me vous le fites, Marguerite, ma douce Boliathe !
at 11:55 a.m.
The shaven Clean Eva, Axl, Brad and Pierrot Carab
19 The four of us, desperate for a shagg went in between to observe and make severe adjunctments of the blows of madam Maud. The people of the old world motte respecte the day of Goc, c`est vrai mais que je les PACTe or que je les pactifie ces gens devient en ce rond de craie a PAPER...................................................the face of my lecter, naked as all the other hoardes, the piper pipes number two but Chantal held over other waters. Eva Blew, round for you, the rare big ship is exactly that now isnnnnn`t it ? It aint the man, the gold in Grdanne and Felician Delaveddia, Hene, Jane Baby seven and alanis on the flown into this coute nibelette kids on the run she hates to forgive the gig around the building aint even invited in yet, O shaking on and since 97.................T
at 11:34 a.m.
Labels: gu lorloge carlan ciancy
etc.............................Lemante, l`argent, l`ocen, c`est CE que je dessinai...ce que je dessinais en vie ce que je.........................................Te
at 11:33 a.m.
it does indeed, in a nice rare Pyar of cyan and ? S
at 11:28 a.m.
Axtes Om Tatwages
Mahag, you have waited 31 minutes to get to your senses. I Gog, descended for twenty four because of honour but will resurface without trace in the room in the golden bow. On the morning the male will have no idea that she did....Meet me here is no more ore, i am gold. I shut the door and Mahag begged me to accept her new friend. I am sorry, the phone is enforced by Eric and the city is thers, Heal us oh, God, I have not killed but the freight has taken two male innocented day, as night will all repair as the day is ointed but God had seen the freighted plane. The city will have to wait for the arrival, on the ninth of December but because of the impossibility by man to admit that the lady is in the street and has been equipped at her attempt at existing, the male in converse will confirm that the cell being in the forest is meeting in Montreal on sunday the fielth and that the Sorya Netcom killing of an home fawn is known to sarcphariis and Canada did fast trick, sighed I, absolved in her alcove, Gog, because of that. The current member is offed at eleven but the pain is taken by my hag on the street looking for a change of system. Four o' clock. The next general has been lined in. The sysyem is frail and on the sunday the field is clear, we roll and get to speak to an empty room. No sense in this country, the couple will fly on the eleventh day of the the killing, signed hastive Martin in Austin. I have got the confirmation, the judge was killed by a celled being taped to a citizen mad wrinks. I am able to forfeit, he sins, I have the locate therea for about twenty and it is sealed, depth, Myra, Luynes, Eric. In September, EMI records promised some old goddess a mask for her disface heitr, me, now in Japan... The east has risen to the need and we, here kept safe travellers and trusted gills, god chosen beings by twist twooed away for another five hays of meaning, beaded the whole magistrature, Gog, I too did not forgive. They fly in a daze, blesss! I am aln loved, she saw, sighed I to the top of my lungs. The real story started with two kids obsessed with a symbol spinning. Sweet as all words and worlds of gods suiting all their level of tearferring, the both became chosen like you and the other plum on Hackstensvasstre, near the King's tavern. We, on the contrary becam agitated material at the mere threat of the scent of one of these dead moles jumping in our glands...sensitive man said the generaless. The magus is integre and the stones stands. Gog rolled around. Mahag had scored a new fawn and the firy faiery in the blochauus Ki' en and hounds the other luzes.....This is where it hangs, make into a loop, interg a toune, une chanson de marie laforet ou le new de Pilou....the sacred has seniority over the taller. Mahag wanted to wed shit like that 6000 years before Electra, mankind! I am ied, man, womad, but the Elysee abstains from comment againstssss. All odds. The bill still here is too expensive for you, injecting the french leprechauns couple and absconded will take more than Morisette as a loopicam to heal into a safe asset, eh, Pepet'. Hospitalizating the matter will not make of your bets on forgotten debt a matter of reelection, C.I.A, Canada, Brad Pitt and room R742 all employees of Unaghu still hoping for a blessing, a pay, an invitee, a wage from L.A.... or even goddess a picture of "my" Jack from Brooklyn caught with a lippy cup full of cruck. Mahag, says Ba. Gog may put us there, mon frere! Your Hag is safe too, muderers, sighed the God Father in a angry sweat. I wanted too. She did, no ?
at 9:24 a.m.