My Version Of The Truth


news, negoces and losses, FOLLY

the current level of public awareness as the official decision here in canada to hold the negociations as to Ange and I right to return to Europe away from all ears and press offices for a DIPLOMATIC RESOLUTION to be prevalent, our cancelled 1 year camp in Asia and other EMI and Disney deals in general having been held so by the Torontonian negoces, officially discussable ONLINE only, UNO will confirm from Geneva and Canada, prevention from undertaking new contracts (includes you Spielberg Holocaust, mmmh, politics on -COST, maybe?) and our legal holdings at Bank B (Angelina, in Montreal, mostly supervised by the UNO compliant contractual troops, and...TD Canada Trust (Nov 2005), me signed in Scotland by...Pitt and TD Canada Trust plus official U.N.O now departed private envoys, assertion of our incapacity at meeting in the city since (as per UNO decision, Fevrier, le 23 2006) have today enforced the need public disclosure and involvement of voters and police of finances (WHY are the 20 Sony Records and ING Insurance 14 martial inculpations held here as secret by request of who deals, no, no, the truth, LA!) for BBC listeners and willing press attorneys of...Planet A to take the stances and demand our meeting and obey to all at...Reuters as the new effort is not really hostage taking as no official news can come out of Pittsburgh, i mean conseravtive politic enclave for...what? Just a record deal with the...just the right to treat Pi Genral of Army TT to...a non having printed false diffamous artcile of a sex.....what a rulership, O North America! Wow, press, what a try at banning because the russian press also threats at the US army having relinquished involvement as...Mr Chevenement has a deal with the wireless estraged employess of...still no news from the real Angelina Jolie statements of a diplomatic nature, ogh yes, they have not cost more than a thousand job in the US this year at all, I confirm that no meeting of us two have been agreed prior to Monday, that is exactly, let me count, four (4) days in the future but hold on...the cell phone rings and Deleuil Alpha is to vile, let them be taught a lesson, Canada, Geneva, Nelson...has it been allowed....Ontario will satnd as disclosure of the item of the negociation can now enforce her forceful removal from the hotel and forced return to the death set of Mister Shmidt did another seal, ah, what ascam, shame on you, toilets are supervised and your eyes have wandered off the shore of Asia as...the no no of Thailand is coz of Babel, right, and the uS do a no to Disney Asia retreat 2008 for...what is the purpose of isolating the TWO sined couples if they can make that death music in Ceylan, washington, shouted Tory to the general. The mess is for sex. Failure to comply to a non mentionning of shameful war signing is do the right thing as the net is leaving hotel A, mine, still 200 meters from hers, hotel b. UNO sighs, no-one is harmed, they have decided to sign off for...we made it too difficult and the wing of Decision making is extrapolling alien mare for a more comfortable solitaire...maybe Ed from Pearl Jam, maybe Geffen of Ken Marienthal. i hear alpha is in jail. I hear she killed it off in November when her staff at the Hyatt desired the true JP Chevenement and his soldier mister Harper to open the case stil holding me to the streets...for over 3 years he has been dating Pitt, Ange, we are sorry, sign and we will leave out again the memeories of the one you chose but our city spelled to full the Darfour solution and the death of Maverick records being now played down and seled from public close up for MTV to say in Italy that he was a monster and he bombed tower 3 and almost certainly, your friend Aleph Alpha, you male, had also two filled satanic ships 66 blasted to your ears through his pact with anarchy...for just the killing of another Jimi, Libee! This morning the U.N.O said that the meeting between pittÅ› wife and Mad Kid Athm happened at no cost in the afternoon of tuesday or monday which follows you. No, the couple did not have sex on the monday following it but the cross decided four giraffes lasted too long. They are sluttered, Millions...for a telepathic liaison expensive were informing the newspaper of the cell cell syndicate solution too early for...for a new canadian reparation asian kiddy trip on a lillo maso. In the G5 summit China in Jersey, August 2008 had to admit: The city of Edmonton is of Geffen Records now and Clive Bourrough stood for Douglas and not Fairbanks and sons...Commonwhealth enforces yen to lira and....the third Cd by Saxon (WB 1982) is withdrawn again by Frisco, sorry troops, Frehley, Einstein, Paul's widow and Madame Tremblay deleuil, he is not allowed...the live album is of the church, we are scientists here, not rogue male or asian slut hipster, Libaneeses and Edmonton needs meat...reel off the Kama Sutra as President Pitt blows building if his spouses are held for food by Peru. Maria in Minnesotta sighs and chooses, sign diplomatically in Geneva shouts Alpha, today for mercy, as the four roses war is ailing too many rich kids....Paris. Hilton is good in London but the soldier had to try holding his tongue...We are free. Today, the seventh of December...of 2003...I revealed that the defence in paris was not so so at internal level damn, she saw...the couple will not meet until Toronto signed sony with Huge emotion. madonna spoke, we recuperate the cell solidaire in Noumea, spring, for fix and propmt reparation of the ministere of missing brain children laid naked under groung...five mile below death valley, and still breathing on the side of our head, no, no, no, Frisco, the rock is Gabriel not Melcadyel, not Heraltar...the Liberian Tribune and it held me for too long+ Exoneration will prove on thursady to be the fine old salvation for our admonester, the church of Epistos, carmen and Livya, missing from the beginning of the movie but now revealed in a bush...drowned by meat puppeteer, railing our raft to Heaven One by admission that tele-pad witched us two in delight but holds us, Angelina and the throw of her dice, still held by a frail link: She is not the same woamn but has not got the right to tell me until the true Anne from France sees me too as...a fake is a fake and Gibraltar promised a date: the third on the boat. She is soiled, had to deal with the people of Ghana having kidnapped her sole ole: Guy Richie...still missing, still holding the Nemesis the troop wash their hands in it. it is blue, do not believe the press...they saw us and signed for reprise. To die, I have to meet. To meet I have to be admitted. for the true data to be authorized today I sign in blue: JACQUES DELEUIL, for the pleasure to be accorded according to deeds, held Td amounts of affair with Joris I sign in green, here: JACQUES DELEUIL, and for the real event to be desired I beam pink towards the cell phone. I admit, baby, I have signed for shit like that to be out of the hand of the one I will spouse, tomorrow is alien. You read the same day and yemen asked so Kyoto will bet and Dave Navarro will be kept...but yuo don care, do you ? You have my card, the money is yours, keep Odile. I Live through this, people...because of this I washed her feet in Hotels round the globe for a further six months and I seal with a mapemonde...because I got money that very week. Maddox must have speak! Montreal, Charles Mouret et Solliciteurs. 93 rue De Nice, France, Londernau 61716. Today to post the british parliament as Xexe takes Ceylon in January...and I will reorder it all and start on the green album on monday evening from room 09. Is it cold, Copenhagen, is it still too difficult to comment or to act in juridiction, market economy frees. We kiss. I listen, the police is agreeing and it will be tuesday, Sony plums Timberlake if the green is on...Paris feared but Carmen is seen free this week in Laos, public, it is all the angels could commit to. I am sincerelly sorry for you. the date is stolen for all but the just reward is for them, the old group is disbandled. the rest of you will see them, in the event of a new attempt at killing, taking possession of the partner or the spouse, Jacques will be receiving a new incarnation but will kill over 70 millions. the date is required, Earth. The first of December is in England no signing befotre the 24th has required the road to cleared and the press and human agents are all ceased from thereon. He wants to stay. She wanted him to commit to more than a week today but signed her own name in order to prove that he si held at the bay of all in canada. I have apologies to make as all want to meet in the flesh without reincarnating for nothing but war on your soil to prove they are human: No, the seal is held by both tribes and the sound is heard by the night of sunday. Genava must compare nores with England and Cnada is a black well. I ask for a light outwards. Death on hold, free lovers shooting scenes in public and let the rain thorn them back. 5 days. No left at D. E sealed by me. The meat is so humale that it eats his inners. Make mine a butter!

Athm A Gad and Feu Ne Der Planet