in thousands light-bulbs, in one orgasm, I gathered the Athm book behind a bush. For You. The book is not hook, the book is not hook, the boot is not hell, the well is dead, the well is dead, the run is aimedFOR you but she is fired on the front first page, as it says...the red balloon has made of you two our honest slaves but h read will kiss and sell a rhododendron for a low-production fake scent, the smell of une asperge mais la profondeur de ta connerie, eh, docteur ta mere, je t`aime, je t`aime, je t`aime ma belle vierge, Laha. In pages 1 to 6 feel free to hail it as the nail was Gulliver, the sum of our aspirations in a language only we can hear it is unicoded ombilic with a slavic patching on the front of our plane for the troop inside to play safe and Gulliver to smoothly transfer too through Manhattan caisse de par ne en ses haillons et laisser aux jupons, la ma mere nous disons ame sans :
Venez nous embrasser et le ciel s`ouvrira sur votre tete
...Under the bridge, over the feet, lisse flat as a a nulled widened bitch singing in her tears : Alpha...le monde est my domain, alpha, le monde was mon domaine... 2. Hole, Love it six sick silly sin seen ma mean machine dream in thin linger my honni, evil twin kitsched ....Aime la sala, Dear Mushtra de Son Grand Pardon, Da, Da, Holy 1 Bed, Holy Braids, rose sacre, sacre d`hiver, of Bed, Clue, velodrome, vierge et solennelle, ame muste humaine et reine neige sur la tete d` Estonguey, le marquis de l`ontario est legue au palais, attache a ses poupees, je suis english with ma popess. Le pilote de l`avion n` aura plus l`air d`un con si on est pas la le repete, Re-beat it if you dare, O Male, Sombres Maneges, indeed....a home-honey and almond milk, please, Luise !
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My Version Of The Truth
at 12:34 p.m.
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