fer is iron in french...Believe, O people, the red roof family hotel the bench is there well left under the table to those who will venture into these desolated heights, here with you...alone. On the first week of our stay we reeked of confidence and enforced sychronistical dances for all legal workers to...U know...by the hour the grim regent, the maid in purple, the staff solemn and you, cell beings, were internally spotted as UNFAIR, UNETHICAL, Silly through, MAD ABOUT BLOOD or just too winky to escort us on our dance floor more, nymph and nems...The room was grim and from the third we reaped her too, shred, shreck, shell and vexed the dear enough so...I have not yet treated her a hore and the brided made doll was hated for cause of...BAD FOOD. Simply, my little red hot chili peppers, free, our stay was a long drawn act of illusion and the work has never been signed and the rock on the beach had to tell it quick: The road there was sealed by the troops, not the kitchen staff, in tears, stolen, red handed the alien crucible gift of stolen revelation and ventral lovers off the side of our creepy shelter. Illusion and lies and diplomacy whispering `shoot, shoot, we hold the plates, hammer, sail, wail and cry, BLOGGER, french rat, as a no we, as a small me, same for she, Lady! We have the day to ourselves, Mabelle! The maid has loved ever again the charm of large hotels. The road is sacred and humid, the plane leaves at the end of it, by the week end it will be far too obvious for our echappee in lands of the gog, our ravines and the laces on the saxophone tones to make sense as financial meaning as a death spell wooed the bell to be mistaken for cuckoo, boo, mister visitor: ILLUSIVE WEEK! If then our side room is large enough for you, hey, make yourself at home! The little bit of snow hides ligth sensible eyes tonight. In the lands of gog all are sexed down and down trodden, my light is set and travels across the song, the day of birth, back to her future, in the tea and planes, through the monster Federek, at the side of my wallet and to the death of my love. It has bled you and your wife is anxious...maybe the road to Koh Samet ascended to heaven, plums and scone. The rest of them are set to freeze, guess, wonders are seen real here, lover, let him see the hole: The free wife is kept afterwards. The bar black, another day. life starts in style...so does the letter K and the kept Unawool workers line down the corners to avoid the rumours...WORDS, WORDS, WORDS.
Are: (five, sixty, made, rev, mine, twelve, set, eight, dix-neuvieme lose or bell, Aster 22.