My Version Of The Truth


Popolullation Controlle

Par to e to: // . Now evah uoy, Now evah uoy, You ethiwa supremackiss. ko, ew era tsohl. us era tszohl, para diz.. Pax. Vira....................................................................................~!

in Heather a Ken In Pam I despise
ew era eht eno, ew ni in the zoho.
now ehav reh my kid. I lover for brad pitT. woN, EnOH, We HAve WOn, won era tel su blot and vote around a round of filed trip, Ava, Black Oark, we are.................................ON
we have wooon et cetera we are won Black Lionness Ew Ro Serat Heavan Fires Waten, Tag, Wand in hand. (BECKSY) Ero Kantat Seray et ew evah love lost......won evah uoy, eva, reda liot, riots. the third of December is the day I reckorded this whole truth, this CD wE are era semet teth, todo la moneda, $$$ por le preguos, satan, deum, deon daath. Yes, we Owe but We are GROunD Holg Zeero Et era seba seba lot leot and Poor Stanley Birth of a greedol, death of a mad hat, burger in salmon, bones we are hang. you have lost, tsol ew evah, tlos et Levah Khan TSOL IRA GELLI MAH XOL Tsol era are the knds, there Miser Loved No Men and Siam Rahan. we are now, we are now, we are now....gone THE GNOMES ALEPH ALPHA CARMEN ELECTRA soon back with you Live in New York For BALL * \