My Version Of The Truth


The Smell of Your Amphors

Here, alone, faked and grimed by the dame, in the bottom of the well, the pale star complained. sniff, sniff, the sentence and police was all also fat once fixed; For my Miss???? Sighed, he said fully-telepathic and he motte say some more: The guilting of me is for exposition of the whole wide milky way. Noticed in the press, Amenth. My star and I lay here half death, like in the cool old tune from the Memphis 54 Bus...You know the score, Carmina Eleoborre Hyperfenia, sister grease...Ah, laughed the monk, mad hat on, the city bombed by the marts won be hearing my claim from this low. i pause, she wills a bore. The sand, on the warm sides of the gutter earthed in a cone until the sky wide wide raw as a show, cold, blind, lied, marked and the rest of the terrace that spins with the aura, the aureole and the babylonian nymph, still pressured, pressured from the scent of old vases used by the smallest end and made to silence all the claims of ¨JE|TAIM¨, the writer, here, eye, I, je, george the court and amphor avec my muted luth am single as a dodo. I call at night, she don pick it up, she gathe it up, for the boll of scorned and corned fretted animic sustencil to hold in lieu of law the love of an old disco your IMAGINATION, all these missing files in your councillar claims with Pie Angie, Arthemass...they don't |hold on, Economikor, pirogues, tresors et chercheurs d'ores as..........there is somewhat a word missing: Mission, Orders, the blood brothers motte be two to compete...ok ? STAMP IT! It eases freaky in this city with ghostly little acoustics and ad-hocs printed roneoed lines, appearing to the sound of Beasty Man typing it here, somewhat, dear Andromee, with your bad sono that rings the local radio show to the cells where a guy swears he is Joey Santiago calling instear...I am fully gay by the way, I tried raping a girl once, it did not last...It did not work, I like blades and I lick kiss at times... No, I will, Madam, je, oui, moi je le fais: I AM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jean Que D'Un Oeuil CEA 4:20, tuesd. Nov. 6th 2006.....................................................................+ the white cross