My Version Of The Truth


The truth on working class girls ontarian base 4

The united nations have today confessed at one thirty to the local police that they had permitted no meeting between us two. the threat will be evaded on this very thursday when Ann E. is tolerated to meeting her three years estranged homeless husband because of this early online disclosure and disceller of the wrok: the aim was to allow us two to leave on the sevent of December but the EMI Disney USA 119 bis contracting has to be denied. The Montreal City UNO loves for a rapport, of bold forces, I have today give enough, may you dance in the filed: The online disclosure was succesfully reported to the palais at six, the very minister was aware but the fault is that...the police is escaping disclosure as ...the two of us are not tolerated to meet until the government of Canada has been tolerant of it; The killings will continue all night, like yesterday, the whole of AB is bombed out. The city of Gordon was destroyed, dear crowd, the scene pis of my aim, the avail is only tolerated to unkiss your sheets for our six days. The public outface is surface of no angular asset to our detrimentator canadianacor. The police is simple, we are on the car as announced on the very second tuesday of the month, there, in two days, we kiss, for...the lover had spoken and Manitobian beaches saw no Green Concert but whistle, we don care Anna and I, the kings have chosen this alcove and on the eightenn the room was booked for the british parliament with a bizarre smell in the air, ocean, waves, ocean, Brian and Ongel...Seltzer (g) . . .another 13 days of incestuous killings...for a movie kiss clintch and half a hand shandy...kissskisskis