Blog Archive

My Version Of The Truth


Lucky Strike 3 in a row

One was a lion, one was a burger, one is the little lamb, manno non troppo lil'pinsons, we ban d and groove, my heaven was never called a was a dark night, mister brethen, I believe in Peter Criss having done it all in Osaka 78 in one drum roll but I, Ceasar, 23 mostly Steve Austin far far away along the lines of London town city o'doom. The lion then smoked. Mister Greed is I believe a carton pate mache of duck with psedu glaze half hashish half LSB, half burnt I evade the back of the church and amend my pririties to take in the little lamb, a girl, Mr. Swirl, my favourite thing in the world, a real priestyne cup completelly remindful of my own magestic abilities in expressing with subtlelity my needs with a front pubis and a bone marrow but one hell of a lip to swallow all in more than one week but there in a gorgeus serenade mine the brands and chastize an ancient acclaimed energy boy, mr ME, at her right arm barred as visually ALMOST uMan-like ~ sexy them, Oh crazy silly mutha fucker like Me, Nike up 7 on the up, shouts mister Burger to the readers. All are involved in some lovely reading. A step, to the left, one warm little hand. enlivening the white crab teamer a messssssssssmerizing trial by Micholaz Anelkuss delivers the moistest of all meats, it is called indeed the public and it shines in my hand like a pearl, better believe it, Scotty, it beeps, it beeps, it pauses then it mixes and it throbs there, begging, until I swallow, I swallow, I swallow, I little pearl, I am thy Phoenix, Beanie, pull a leg to get a BAGDAD CAFE INSTANT REPLAY 1992-2007, PLACE DES CARDEURS, 450 dollars and Inocenza opened her sOftly rounded legs , Monday in less than 4 weeks, I picked C, I said, shuffling the cake towards her black altar, Mr Guitar, I kiss her whenever I get my Giro, Subutteo, In Case I owe You an explanation it is Carmina Elebucrattah on the seat, harping like Dave is involved, as if!!!!!! Mine o' one. finally calm cups me with A and her B, I lose but only by a threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaad. (I believe)

The Pistil Morning Gloria

The track: the two more gay may not be saying it in their own tongue, we are ashowles, which entrance for my declaratings as all rantings are transmitted to non-equipped customers as my newsletter to aggreable signers, hence the I Am Gay As Mos Death post in the courts, nothing ever clear comes out of Pittsberg, river of pearls, river of blushed encounter in the dormitory...Si vous voyez ce que vit ce juge: Il ne croit pas aux hommes sur la lune...Hollywood Grown Initiate, yawns....the song on it: yes your excellency, me and Rodolphe are here to reveal the whole scam, he is on her highs, me and Rod we just hang and drink ceylan. The SECRET producer tip of Timbaland: true fact: If you need a guy to use you in his pirate just fake a sex chat on Melinda Messengerie: I organize all around mister Pitt, I plug the server in your laptop if you need, miss Earth. I had to admit Aleph, she could not face both of us together, moi, french and generally gullible decidais de signer pour son club: i got the card and she was meant to sign when her hand is washed........missee still missing. BEWARE: INSURANCE SHOOT AT THE HIP: PUMA ERICSSON ASS. Paris, see What blews in the night of thursday was not my gay first demo with Matt Dylon on the cello was it your head in jail for HIV SARS TOTAL accounts, please, stop shaking, freak!



Ou as mis la dame, mon pied? Lis la bible, petit pede pegueux, mon amour. Fournaise et solitude. Lánge dix heures ce dimanche delivrera les sept boites de quatre couleurs. Lieu fixe par Mantricat love megood musicians on the ptitte perle d'amour-et dieu>cuate<>lis tu embrassais les bouches toutes faites de sang car les langues de feu. Femme naine. Je marche sur sybole ste cathe morrissette sponsors drop of 20 Madge rare pixes of half a love dove dirt in l'amour avec Rasmenickus, le premier. Femme table, sauce charnelle. Morvelle de partout| Avec sa bronde Guiness QAlfred Prozac Le bleu se fit de prince ministre de votre cous.<> Mon nom est dieu, je mis de ce- pas marche des. amour. Perles GAULOISE nackes AxelDe la vieille le Roze Premiere du nom, used to be an animal at the side of the ferme tabouche pour vous, table te-te, geh! <>avec amour sémbrassent dans uner fausse voix car Dieu joisis les bidi pour faire traire ces gros doigts, pas Brade Pitte, pas Brad Pitte, ministres dit Sir Jacques Delevallielle en tuant une vieille. avec an de reclusSionK---2223 Mmmetres -qui, Brad Pitt pas Alpha Mortels, Sourds ,Jalouxes, Bignoret , Robuellioux, Montreal, Elmet, Lognick on the couch: ´DANS LE CRUXE, T1 ¨livre de loi´´, avec amour| les arbre non.Enmellee, je m'avance pour mettre doree la croix, de bois, sans haine, je suis jaloux de vous, Felicienne, Maxine, Rebecca, France et Belgique sex scam, 3

Pale trial in Etobicoke.

Saint Khutumee, the solliciter made it alive and is standing in court 3. The letter alpha written by their hands musels me into a complex tower but thank you the jury, the right of seer as well as peer make my own writting perceived. Am I insane, are you for my brain, as all i expose is for the common goal of the band. the sollictor filled in notes and golds of theirs saw my lady Me Hanelucia Amunciacion, with her small one in between the thighs and gifted the total to both. I am in zen, I use my own brain said me, the dog, to the eye of my true owner. Gold, also known as P. Luzantti or Fillipa Layanelle as we all equals be all governors in this countinent. Saint Khutumee, court B. The prime is standing martial and as he bows and speaks the rest becomes the best. The erected meets father all above as the opened invites Hane to spit the plum and accept the pardons of me, the insolent, the judge, the bastion, bellatre claustrated but castated and real for the first time in this assignment. The maid, half man but totally sexy, angers my agents totally insane. I run up the ladder and kiss all. I regurgitate an old post and breathe a long train of thought towards the invisible, the other, the bound kept salutes and closes the door to leave her cell phone in the room. Dimlit lit indeed but furnished with the most moistenning of all oyster sauces in tones of chairs. Exit, we take the 402 at the future time of times forever. Le male, a small opening perceived in the rain, is showing benevolence in most matters, mister prime minister. I appose my seal. The seals swim porpoiselly reffering to a hound just escaping Dresden operation table, with an eye for the girls and a tooth against the rest of the Universe....including Mos Def and Tom Kurtzenberg, failed to register the time is at hand as the left fell down, I right raised by the belle show myself as a true pucelle. "Babel did not warrant pie or time served, then" said I all narky, my jaw to the wind. I copped you here, girl, you popped me there, hopefully la reine d' angleterre will sign Mr Harp as my barrister, sister...a boat for my kingdom, an envelloppe, half a jar of orange and sour grapes, nuts and salsa compote, miss Perfect. They know my name but I am dead. Glass<>the rest of the choir.


Star O`Rats (stylish mix)

abcdefghijkissmelamiredoemigtolatinoobstinatedtotakecelltosmokedopelaaiguilletrouelenombriljesuispierocolombyn96attuemoidàmouret123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930228272634353640423610101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101001010redneckredlebanoredniskpickaflipspicssplay my music123456789011111111111playnomusicnobyathmoralephalapharulenomoinsdetrnete(stylish mix)sotresenaturellemaniedevivrececi:odododododododododododododjouez mes cds, play on the phone to kiss a dead rock after 3 hours you emigrate a loppozeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseblogesttresecretetilemprisonnelabadeentouredesonscafait555566788888910000000palycdsbyalmixrequestsongsbydreaminofmolekanabillitondeclossemoiensephalphanow12345.12345.123aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa45.12345.5432111111111111111111111111111111111111oio1oooooofoldamoureyestulemgodelfelon0302010000000000000000000000000000000000000katonomadeepurpoiseheadofthenamebetheredead,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,kilkillkillpussycatskrillkillvizavizovizivoadernier333latressaintetrinosophiethemostofallholyartsinthislineforyoutoreadpaciencelly.............4asemanaorwaronthebootledigdustrybyreleasingforfreethedead zeepers by me DEUC DS two cds etetetetetetetetetetetetetetcatdealeyd.............o126(lamiredoemigtolatinoobstinatedtotakecelltosmokedopela)eratroiscenttrentetroisroma

sAInT Gerard

The edge says 13-26. I add a dead rug...swept îz yey the new odeon, it knows mey. It knows the real from the unfair. Fair in all wheres.The liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine of it goes in it. It is like a camel but smaller, a marteau-piqueur or a market en hette. Yeg. Deug. Trwat. It passed, it friendly mixes, it speaks, magicazio.The cast, yes, the crew, yes, yes, yes, two by two. Madam, the new hyerophant has not got the spot. In a spot it clarifies your positronys, sister biss, this is the name of our ship. It acclimates ten on a good week, 6 on a bad trip.A sheath inserted in my unperfected plane of ma of da or reg...The bond betwwen earth and her head is repairable mister god, it is not forseekth, mister pleebs, Mister Phlebs, authorize the abcdeXionyst in me to insepLify her work. My mad magic worked. Flat. Black. Like Cilla Black. There it beads and swings. Kissing time, real man, synthesium of the forces in the blogs and the forces of their lives, their eyes, the blade on the train, the inferno on route 66, the stabbing kid from Nice, the pact, the Matrixes, the telepaths and the lovers will run freely to meet the needy on the greenbaum pot specimen...WHYTE GRAINS................._____Ectoplasmes, ectoplasmes la, humanitas, REV_iens chez moi avecque ton sexe dehors cette suis to amie, kidding, erm. lolle, little joke,...I am virgo erm, I know not where to go but erm, I solved sheths like that ba doietdsgnmnnm I am so interested in suis a la maison ils m`enferme...feu et passion coupant la glande je suis integre et hymeriste de ces paies, ces plebes, ces telepathes anglais, ces nefs, ces paix, ces traits sur mon etoile d`or verte comme ma main. Seneris, 6 heures du mat. La fiolle bondira et attrappera la chat qui en avait envie...Le chat bas, technicalement or-few-vres en la mag, tienne ma regle: otorized 001:tosentfrancesopaledargeatetmenthelajoliegrenaprixexodymeculencyts EARTH PACADAZZZZ. oioioioioioioioioioioioioioioiioooooooooooioioioioioioioioioioiooioisaintgerard posted on the 28th of the month of August of the year of Deraed, 2007 in outskirt Ada not!

Lies to Cinemuzeez, our faces dance on it.

The Death of A Devise: The Mark, The Pliars.
The faces have yet to speak. hidden also the murder colds will bring the reunion on stage 986 if you can tolerate our bets with your world, teachers. The police is receiving full on calls 24/7 here in Keowna ON, from the united kingdom mental institutes liable by associations already are convicted, beheadable in federal regulations, the financial threats on our north american economy, lovees, has scinded the country in two pies. We are cherry and legal and recorded but secrte and still officially in the error amendonza investigation colours each calls get a serum and since we are still able to psyonize miss missing, officially in Europe since M.I.A and Red Man, Nas and Judge Jules, Oprah and Johnny Depp have approached the lemon curd rulers and threaten to expose REUTErs knowledge of too many secret the top of the list of your...<>. The charges against the industry includes revealing security data to other countries in order to maintain false conivence of events and theft of a name, theft of brands...... Ange is in town, been here a while too. we have been working here as Mr Brown and Madam Goes with Brown well and so forcefully, Canadian copping of the DIRTY commandite rulership that the same insane government is caught at the throat for the third time in a three years incapacitation to severe those feeding hands, resolving the loopholes; double faced sticky martial for marital or mental....your honour? My honour, our rights to approach press and claim civile detent in association with L.O.V.E....Old trick? No, listen kids,, fans, newsreaders and cine goers, lovers of hers: We have won. The art is all legal and acknoledged by all but the fact renamed ong distance medicating"our famous faces fit in. What? Lil' John would allow us to unpitt the old fig lie? No, the power of the law opened the lines so Canada takes notes. the economy of market is deviated from hell, the godly boorn spies in matching outfits accentuate the threat with each of your calls, call to where, bare earth, my head is lied to, it is bald, she is preggers. Hidden in a cave, mount royal we get prodded for salvation of the greatest of all secrets: Us two evaded from Broad ways united as two faces of a Madonna Cd have the power to record in the world the atrocities of british zonkitals. A guy called Evon my ex-wife a couple of weeks ago. Ïs he in your life, Madam F.?" she told the truth: no, he is not. Did you two break, is he safe? Oh, I see. I picked QC and serumed Lara C, as mister official is now also missing. If you seem to have the need to escape charges for damages make sure dear business commanditaries that you provide Canada Lemon 2 with a missile umbrella, the cherry half of Michaelle, Segolene, Maverick, Stromb, Tory and Prince Harry, Prince short and Gene on track 3 cannot afford legally to record two missing idiots playing cops...but holding money in Brooklyn. No Exit? Ok, then sell my shit and I swap Cervop Remote Removers 1986 from Mathal Inc. marital rights without hesitations, my book or the Earth Health Institute secret recipe for removal of pineal sucs. I bargain ÿou the rights to 2 movies, she says, Tokyo dont have rights to Mr and Mrs Black, free if you shoot the tongue that calls the sorcerer secret number that balances the Australian rights to now trade Gengis Khan and Äthm Alone cover shots for a phone call to Baudis, Lang, Schwarzy or even Pitt mum...I heard that they had had some issues in the past, funny that, it seems they are loyal to Pekiung, are they on obs by University of Scianotox? Bollocks! My rocks off, I am the hubb and I float to your virgin lake of milky seeds...When I am ready, B. When you have dialled for a retrieval, at the office, hoping to hop on the boat to Tokyo. This french girl will steal your career, Mathy is here for you still...she is sick, like you, on Isle of Man, remember Pego Pelo Kidjo.....Angie? She is the devil, I am sure she plays EMI against one little indian to make sure their memories of grade 7 fade in a sea of blurred almonds and Parapsychoids Elastomers Implanting Rights in Panama by order of Blogspottex Medications inc. to Ferecx........Revelation: Make a phone call and win the right to bid: Tell others: Directly through Parliament Info for personal and business contracts with our Federal Canadian Organisms chosen to rescue the old ship from lumberwood falls. It legally binds to attracting attention on your latest product for associate charges already retained, Forging Signature is one tick, Deleuil on the net is the same per day, Ange without make up on St. Catherine is hightened threat as La Presse can now publish our Canadian Heriatge and surelly enforce partages at the tone of the hub. Halle there is only a comet. I am cherry TV, the truth is too heavy to allow back in European Laws, get to see if TelexFon is weary as charges by her for attempted murder, rue saintcath in May, battery, private hire, cops in law obedience, one in the morning can also add to your assistance in restablishing the country by preferring illegality to no-dollars in the bank whatsoever. I got to work for more than 56 hours for only 400 dollars? When is this bank gonna control my world, boy! Sorry Evon, it seems Jeeg Bank billed you for your calls...what was the name of that british doctor, Erykah, Steven, George, Carmen.........Was it Pitterson or Mandelson? LOL WHAT A BB BUNCH OF FOOLS: yOU WILL NOT BUY THE BODIES AS ALL IS PAID BY MOE AND EINSTEIN WHO CLAIMED THE ADOPTEES REVENDICATING A NEW CAREER, ESCAPE FROM BUSINESS CLAIM BY ADOPTING A PROJECT, A LESBIAN, A TEET, A LICK, A BIRD, A BURGER...OR MY BIBLICAL DESCENT flights FOR same PRICE as A U.S.A BULLET AND AT THE REGULAR LONG DISTANCE RATE. Liver salad is left there on your table. Over your big lovely feet. The floor is clean. Freaks in leashes. The cat meows yellow. Barbiturated Adaides, the rat is gone, far, geographically it has to be here but the economy of market is now held under the Eiffel tower. So, it went in silence, tails betwwen its little firm butt cheeks. We laid dead and the satellite scams now having been revealed by through vocal of human meat boxes grows on questions to the american press officiates floweringly enriched by a wind from Leningrad, from me and her the flow of the truth under the arch of your noses reeves the city to my coast intacular. Ebony. Mauve Live Album in September? I even take Ted Nugent on cymbals if you get to bid by the 27th of October, I even go down on Mike Turpin and revocate my claims against Mental Allimony CNC Bank 23.....(to be continued) mail: DELEUIL N.O.r.D. Po.P.E, to: folks of the earth, love your neighbour as the pie is serves is free and the juice is also on him if your boss gets to hear...about that girl and her big breats, the state of your debts, or the unnecessarilly high price for CN Tower third floor. revelation is first, revolution is on us when your heads have spun out of you ass. Jealous Cats!



...and Servo Karp, claps claps, south of France of hypnotic romance? Who gets to speak? Tony, the red room, number 3: The proof id one"the red in her mouth is held in jail of prastonic city 33. My sex pedal appeals to all but the combing of our nightly deeds make the skin thick as the obelisc. You roll around and take a nice position around my pride, my dignity, the shapes of my pubis, there a hound holes. Inside my Father, My Mother. You, I am so clued, me and others are twisted in the key of G that they they they, harme out, Cyclopis, people of the week, publishers and insurance team, London, yes is X behind Y or a male female international multidimensional aggreement somehow.....ther readers stars stare at I. The view over the hills and there, far away the cavalcade of the Church cuts at the feet the grass blue yellow in the corn field called David Santiano. The boss breathes, I inhale a flat sculpture. It is a girl! It is a new virgin removed from her land line to be seen there at the other square...The monster monitors eat only lavender, the green blue murder calls 999 Schoolgirls around one ass high mister Hoobello, miraculously dropped from evesion by Monte-Casio, descends the mount and dives in. Me, the city, another level of distortion, At B, the bad board beams baby G in bee body. The used unclear user of blogspot urns my secrtes and the girls gets taken to the bottom og a strange glass, Mister Jacques, of a strange engine, Miss Angelique, of a small little piece of shin that rings my name here:

The reader, you, the moon dentings, le lecteur: Inte-Lhigo. Mr Terminal 0.196 D


Fire dances all around now. The news is out. The grind of thelemaque waltzes towards the tomb, bones thrown away, we are forgiveances, the beds delivered, bushes unburnt, cell door unturning the time to that of an old Public Enemy Manifesto, towards the edge is going John makloff, towards the fist of clan bitch, she dances, avoids the places, the trouts, ill as a human in Terra One, the little feet of mine, around the rug of theirs, the tea is just right warm and chocolate ganadis flow around. The pact being signed, I resign from the band, the runs, the buns hot, their hands cut, the field washed by the ace deck straight of Panisse slightly left bare by the 51. The 52 goes in and unrooted their dream, the lice crawling on me is now alone in the fields! The race is Humanida, I left it there on a Kleenex soiled with just my spit and your hate plus a fake autograph by Mos Def and the jaw of the drummer of Def Zippo left to mime but certain to preserve until Franco gets out of town, what do you mean off his head, Kathy Cockenson or Sam Brown? copyrighted by proof-

Reincarnational Drama at 6:46....the Death of a Clan. Part Wand www.halexandria.rog 1......4.....2.............1. etec.:-:{. III+III

sur le mur ]

les posters.....................etc.

Moe, Gill and Arnie Suksdorth

At the side of the counter, the red hot harreng harrangs on......There are there words, they are their woeds, troups and popes in lines. I am mind, I am Inmind, in this even. In the soins of bride from islas de mujer y gracis and mercedes que waltza con sa mer. In EGE we trust, the patriot acts aloud, the Gill swiftboardensmorgasten family ban rhymes to the small sound of the banjo girl, lied, there naked by my side, manmade word, pray for the choeur of the artist in mEat i fashionable style we at United airmile witch you a good fright. Herrings there as the dire wind breeze agin, the man maiden artic maw and broe by the side of the table, to the right of the father and straight under the eye of the step father. There the cross in my mind as a mysterious reminder of the branguing of the Suckwsworfth base in Edmonton where we, gay as the night was gone breath into each others membranes, comrade, soul, bench owner, bride malades, Helen and Victor Pille the third, I hath hat too much butter, crowd, I am the clan memeber on the back, straight there in front of the lawyers on the proviso that this is being done by me, and the presence of Giuseppe, there absconded from the third world as the waltz goes on Mercedes kisses her father inside, and the song goes in the middle , Maids of the ex-husband in brine. I am Aleph (I donna do what you yeghg telled me, anyway) U, nighters? @ alakline Machine 44------------------ It is the dawn of the brother barn faithfull hat tricksters, make your own book by becoming Hook on Page 77. I am everlast-----------------------------


It is time, Halle!

on a small island I bury the key. It is here for the wind to pick. The true story of this little bowl is the story on the lips of madam Deleuil, let us now hear it from the real field: In a small box, i laid a bet, right there on the left side of your planet, planet which you own and truely respect, which I dishonour by the mouth of the jail keepers in this work of horror, says your cop friend protecting the unwired mind off the territory of the King Dollar. They are not so clever clever but the shout, beware, they fear the fairy and believe the clowns are gods to the politicians, my mind was born here but the man is the snail, the sistery marc of the royal beggars advances solemn to the lip that called in, the winds of love and fraternity. the mine of mine is held here, the territory revendicates the night sounds, the wired cops, the shopper train, the night bargaining on gogmahag, the red dragon in the shape of a tattoo....only. These stories are for kids and the law protects you from the beleif in something as crazy as un-newsed. Law and Order, Zed, shouts she from Trets, law where, pupils my eye, lashes to hair and I cut another arm of the wife bandit, preferred by the public for fault of imprisonment or corerct regulating of this word, telepathy. See, the new rock is taken to the sea. at the botto lays the flexydisc, grab on to my throat again, police of Canadian Justice, I am free to kill but too crazy to admit that the people in jail are there too. Belief in a mirror unreal, believ, belief in this: Yopu are the TAXI. The road is sent for free with your first installment so long as our contracts are resigned in NYC but underlined and clicked as received in parliament of Ottawa since 2003. We are wide in the city, the label prints: NO ARTIST. The snail dreams of wings, beg, man of war, the maid is kept in my house: i am the Golden Crab. the aleph awakes by the side of a naked bird, a cuckoo-doodle froo, I swear, let me out of the zone. The person you look for is in the back of the auditorium, being touched and sucked on like in Alanis old song, but hey, beware, i am now the viper, a bird is there to prove me danger, to call a lawyer and sign my ex-wife into a barrister, Ted is gone, ted is gone, Ted is gone. I am synthetical and exasperating to her too, on my flap, by the sea, in India, 2002, the picture is there too, but the polite policing of our record of employment prevents privacy agreements to recall the T word. Think again, in the sea, I take you by the time you are asleep, the keys are winded to eretn. i am an actor, not a rebel, she scands, the bar is open again on the corner of Palace Maiden tell themm to wait by the box on the fourth line. I will call from Geneva or Thailand....or Studio Troppo, L.A sex symbol on the back of the auditorium, who is not missed...The french kisses.

Le temps...Quel temps

Le livre du Savoir est ouvert sur la table, a la gauche du miroir ou vous pouvez vraiment vous voir. Regardez le reflet de ces mots et esperez une autre donne car celle la vous vole le vrai livre du monde. A qui la faute. Le livre est sur cette table et cela est deja une vieille legende. on dit que je suis mort et sans plus de problemes on vous installe vos antennes. Que les notres sortent si notre voix n`est pas de tete car nous l`avons prouve et le Pari fut gagne, le doute tres fort vous renvoie au corps, aux foires Versailles du sexe qui saigne plus encore que ce coeur...isole, renie et depuis peu enleve meme a la page de Cine Dimanche car nous l`avons prouve. Le telephone est sous sa tete, la belle est faite pri. Les dieux nous ont jure, pourtant et le vent l`emporte vraiment a ce lieu trop loin de vous pour y parachuter meme la police des fous. les fous, quels fous, nous sommes Deleuil et Varinas, compagnons depuis le sud de la france et champs de ble pour ces experiences manquantes du chainon argente qui nous detient prisonniers mais vous empeche de vous reconnecter au reseau mutant naturel, sous la table sur un bol de sel. Regardes toi, monde de mort, as tu a offrir quelque vrai or, que du pieu et de la boue, cela est vrai, je l`ai signe. Tu vis ceci, oui, mon ami, les Eux sont Tout chaque nuit ils te soufflent la liste des meilleurs Fruites ou du Shampooing qui fait briller tes sous, te rend plus beau que moi et te rendra le droit de pisser dans la bouche de Reine, fille du christ, Joie de tes yeux et Actes de Foi. La vie est de papier, les miroirs sont glaces au Vianodec et cela est ta force, monde qui dort, cela est ta voie, monde qui croit, cela est ma vie et je te l`ai reprise, tragique lunatique planete qui sait mieux-mieux, et qui le sait tellement que ca se lit dans tes journaux. Les arbres sont de fers et la loi est de Dieu, la verite te fais peur mais cela ne fait que commencer car tu nous tint prisonnier des hopitaux et des beaux glauques aux yeux technicolors, mais le monde est juste car nous le faisons, les hopitaux sont de la mort et son nom est eppelle L.E.X, bon vent, je bus et te tends la la coupe du jus sacre Cholamay, qui, ma fille, ton gland, ou les contrats trop juteux de l`abonne absent. Bonne nouvelle, ils sont trop cons pour lire ou se regarder les uns dans les yeux. On envoie les armes et ils se jutent dessus, qui.....les arbres, bien sur, mon frere, ma soeur, les arbres de la priere de ma terre.

Bad No0se Job in Edmonton

it is here, Edmonton escaped the bombs. The real player is now almost visible, facial surgery was done by Corel of Corelya House 187 and the name GOD is pixel removed daily as well as the current state of our anger for the benefit of all, dear worlds. Monadic assertions on your sanity are stopping now, I am sorry. The noose was around my neck as the most threatening agent is always removed first, painstakingly, for the survival of true beauty, the rest of the team. The current standard is "fake it all" and as I proved it all along in these online ramblings, the new way of presenting a page devellops around my neck this year, into a painful growth in the shape of my girl, my fair commitment and the artistic onanic pulsations of the cell phones, horses running, shawls dropping, ancients of days and your current projects that deal solo in hate. (s) so Eva goes down the steps and slowly to the floor at the bottom of the grave death vascillates there and pulses three stars in her black hole or a tape worm for every pore the pain raised into my eyes and gives back upwards in I, for your happy ends and their overfull bellies, World on 3. Tears. Tears, the stolen jewel is every me and every you's wildest nightmare: It moves in front of you if you call for help but leaves if you sign with us, there. It lives yet, noone is prepared to feed it or cuddle it, the Barbie Drone in her real skin, the King in his gown? me? They sign no, not applicable, too docile, too powerful, too expected on CD since 2005: too sexy, too pure and psychically communicative. Kill both, Mister 6. The girl is on the silver screens, now, scary? I signed her for life. I am the Bad Scream of Yer Psychiatrists and the Hope of Mind Human, mankinds. They sold her a worm, they stuck me to the picture of a starving french kid and the actions of the spectators became stiffened by guilts all looped within its rings of fleshy life. The celibacy rule applies to "Mister I Will", let us be penetrative then, walk out on true colours, be magnetically binary, we know, the beast is frightening to you. I WILL FREE U. The top crawlees in Toronto are at the side of our first bed, waiting there another month: If he is that sexy why don't you give him to me, Army 23, I can get it to fit in, she begged to Michaelle. You, they, do accept It, she signed half her own wit. Gone, gods, gone real men, picture this....The man in a wheelchair is not credible tonite as Ace Frehley once said: "Ma Baker was a ghoul, Only Jo Baker was able to control her, Gene". The next movie with them two? Two Haitian dead bodies hussling on a hard up stalker from the Nazis, incapacitated yesterday, but your best ever friend once it is in. The man on screen hanging is no longer threat or joke matter to you all, he walks up the chemney and presents presents to the kids in need of love. Mister Goldy, caught in debts and dreams of a white planet, then dreams of a train, long, a tent, long, a new surgery, long, a harder dick that shakes when she needs, wokes alone, fed but heard and...answerable for the sake of this new world....dear Face Remodellers, Ostreichian Gods, Men of Plastic and press......castrate Ellis to play safe..........Tripodic.................I am Marcydick from Rome, please emmit not. atos glombs on Reichen Muller Mind React ericsson it seems! from TOO John Sebastian Bach, ward 4, St Helen,Toledo ND...

in case I get killed I dedicate this blog to music.

JSB 2007, the hospital.



Fcuk Post O'golD

We are lovers, dear press we are lovers. The receipt of my request to date can be given today to the team from insurancemyass 2006 to confirm it was sciently and willfully not shown to --- for the sake of today officially introducing to you all my pretty facies as...the streets are cold and since we've grown side by side in North Beint Province in 1830, will you be coming clear love and marry to me th eappeared guest: The press. i am the son of Ace Frehley and the best born French adopted writer of Canadian Army Base 44. May you adore our kids, heir to Racozks and heir to her since he armpit shot to press for a fee but failed to divulgate for the money in my name. may you love the girl, may you forgive our false notes, our falsettos 18. and the theft of hat Pad in Cambodia¨, the crew is: Peter Criss, Athm Deleuil, Fresh FetaFeet 66 and the most desired tattoed spy of them all: Lara Caroten from Barcelona train 28: Ultranachte, ultranate, I am the hottest guy and it sees when you dare to out all the Xexpermanis...from hole 3 --------41------43210 10 4 roo 51 23 roo, rue de Messe and Marseille pad, Angie you move in or Manda does bass? HasSexOteliena, no, already doing your sis, too putrid, too sold, but kids are wanted to sit the cost of erm...say The Loeb Chronicles.........................................Agartha crown in Jail and lose the left one: Mine.

montreal ville marie

Consulate must have today car ready 24-7 outside door since yetsrday cell stalker of Ange J. was escorted to a court in Toronto by the time we had had supper. We haver rays allowed, sorry for shouting on your soil, canad, I am unworthy, thank you for having annuled our canadian citizenship...that why I am so angry. Sorry to have said you did not kiss cell phone holder, her actual mouth was yours, Post 23, and she did not invite kiss but tried avoiding, cPitt. She is addicted to Chlorine, press, in L.A. looks a mess. I am, Reseaux, impotent, beat me and take me back to your doctor, I abjugate,I abhorate but we aborted your show, our indiscipline, your superiority, Dr. Bernard Petit, aliens vocal professionals in the office sice six, and Carmellita and Daves, Soho, this is flat land, we will grow cabbage in their heads said Nostra..Planet Bare Hardly to Stare....Xexe, Maddox, MGC. Sorry, I was joking, Car then around two, Villa Marie, Paris, si-co-la-schow-mine-in-tact-eddison-maveric, here, Montreal, France, or us go low lo-lo in a QC now barred from wires and spoken word radio, where post offices are free to destroy and made to do, country, for 1 and a half year, I am hearing schizophrenic jokes, in the radio, and I laugh aloud, hence disturbing my partner when she wants to date other men in peace, or meet innocent men, sorry for refusing to meet her, Canada, Commande, Vocoder, Dear Team-Actors...I need money, not her, I am gay as a bollock and scared of kissing her since our missed 2004 and still very egotistical. She blew that other girl, My dear friends, thank you for your note, martyr, as nothing can be overlooked, you see, Citrus is in Italy, must be Berlusconi.....trying to hide some rat or a dead kid, but our proud US Army today has full glasses on to split the pips from the crewgs down south, Freedom comes from Dominica, and the fakes from the sold, Merci QUI MONSIEUR JO-Quoi......Yes respect and break melons for the arabs in us to raise free, amis, so, no problemo, US is very french but Montreal is small...Finally and I still look poor. Honour me now 2pm and until safelly taken to diplomatic area Montreal Zone closed France Deleuil Jolie-no law-no gun hires-no brab wires. We are real. What time do you start work and where did we sleep.....question mark. Yes the 2.30 for car is very serious, which button made you forget...........high threat...they can read

Ed-Mod 0

Dear friend
U: Thank you for finally taking the time to read the world in the stylish manner I do know...and if you do not my skillfull party-taking is note-taking the red army it does not mean anuything but something must be out or nothing will be permitted in this world. work of art, Yes, your earth is too and since the efforts of the negociations have chosen Farm over Barn we have the need to take something away, the greens are out. Finally, we hear one into the ear. Does one out of the mouth come out in Italy-It surelly does in London town, cities are piled on the top of my crazy infatuation wisps. It makes it into a city, the rats are all ready to be eaten, guests. The guests are all there welcome so the pact with Saturn is...a pact of pure shits and dreams, and experimentations on the cell phone population and vague memories of Love....The deed. I used to do the Deed with the exact same girl as I am walking towards since February the 14th of 2005 but, Shagglat! The animals put a number and a name over the vestal dear forehead. The forehead of mine sticky-tape has surrounded and revolved, it is hell on Earth. I bend to the right and the table empty is turned upside down, Planet, the walk, the walk....Where is she held. Why do you not tell the truth, why do you now tell her that I chose to not be given money by her who silently signed the death of her man and the end of the Act 1....Lots of love in London, they pretend the man was there as a name but the gown soiled in Italian Lavender sauce has been bleached by the murdered canucks... The army of mine slays, they say, as the One has been shown another of our soldiers this night and no, she decided to make you be the Page. She signed, the Consulates act quick...What if the frail soil of County Bath-Mediek trully appeared on our t.v. would it prevent all our innocent lovers from dialling the false but signing the real murderer, question to the asrac. Am I evil in a art I am not, the art of A lady is a anti-cyclonical appendix to a artist in the street, the clothes are dirty but a callus in the pubis is evolving into my one phallus, somehow it is legal to have a man in the house and the mad one in the street. I ring Doctor Amicable and the smile on his face said it all, Aleph went for the lady in yellow, it is fair, I take India, Ed-Mod 1 now legally takes me to Acanthis. Earth sighed silent deaths in totalitarian bullshit W Gush Flepeclartion....A flepeclaration was signed by Tom Farmero and Ted Vizually last week, the rock is held in Munster, thy urethra pacted out, the maid is beggar but the papers speak in Italy: Made pregnant by a car and very expected by 6. Garbage! Law of Invisibility, may you be cleansed, may I be seen. Ed-Mod 0 is zone closed


Kiss who then lippo?

Ok, apologies to the river and mount reguls tree 70, the maid did not lose a lip but just a hint. Duck instead of her next time, Lanno, oh, proud cell phone owner and rich blog writer shouted to plant a new domain. I have lost exactly 1.1 onz of blodd today because of the lie: the person is not welcome until the province of Ontario has approved the withdrawal of the troop. I the one lovee troop declare today in speech one victim, the canadian constitution has ashone it, as per her email from Geneva, Dear Angelina, the lip, at home with Pitt, dear Dr. Tonnard, the cheek, the lardy star online alone until how many patient, Dr. Labbard? dear city, dear Alain at 514 Ikisseasta*r...Dear tree, the police has investigated the claim..this is you, the mayor of Montreal%, our -$$5this is the quote again>b mNca<>in case it is withheld Toronto, Send us a pack of condom @Keeno and a guy from the shed but not bled, and a full pint but not last year, Dear dreamers, fixed until it speaks, ....One hour ago, pleeeze, Elvis, or someone gets named in Sweden at 12:41 in GARE DAMNED, in 1723 I lied and lost SHE, one hell of reincarnational drama...THAT WAS ONE, hey, Mayor of Elgadag,and my ex-one is Mata Hari, hey, Dear Livi!......a bar.the domain< named


Tents line, outside, the tents, several compartments, of course, the tents in all intent, tent one after another, two by two, larger lines, free to roam in so many tempos we get to see so close the bread, the grain gets seen from about...that muck in the table display to be putting serpenting in lines of three, tentes de toutes les langues, tes gros yeux mentalistes parlent comme nos ministres...en langues de fontaines et d`eau...jamais la tente est trop longue, on ne put se faire prendre. The tents, all in tens, on the edge of the red bay, the green village, the blue nile, the lake of Como, the tents are all alone. By their millions, the domain is mine. The mine is there too. The tents in line wait outside your houses. J`etais au bloc C, je venais d`etre admis. Je revassai, je vis Diana sur un cabinet en or et lavant les pieds des fous qui m`entouraient fus mute au bloc suivant, l`attente fut longue, on me dit de nuit de ne pas rever, les lettres au consulats n`etaient que de papier, sous les piquets je tentais le Bresil. Rien n`arrive pour le Bresil me dit Axl sur MTZ, les autres pauvres retiennent Charles et il ne peut pas taper. In the last tent of line 9, the Telepatic disciples of Thelema were loined on ground. The air, the breeze, the palm trees, la belle qui me fit les toucher ces pieds presque trop masculins pour ne pas etre les mains de St. Germain, que mes rires sont forts. I was killed in block 15. 140 milligrames on the side of the ass. I ducked, the nurse fainted, the role of the dead is not mine. The embassy don leave here, we have paid for this shiot...The new war of Roses ty Axe, La guerre du Cinema...reste tres proche cherie, j`ai entendu dire que Alanis sur avait aussi trouve la pierre, sale lavee, the cup emptied, on the back seat. Straigh girls shoot from the hip. The laid aristocrat is not erected in the city of the flaming 43 teledistributing! We are a war in the making, we are birth, we are cream, we are the teachers, we are the spirit, we are Girlschool rue Mignet, Lycee St. Ivan. 10 tents to explore. The master out. The kids naked made to be in a smuckle blessed and reanimated by haleine ni belette...Pagess kisses the bread. In the field, the TV shows Johnny Depp, alive and waving to his this city--well,well,weel, toronto......

the pass

ports, s`il vous plait opeN, contrat de seporatio est avour a znaff are mon appartement, 3, more than the bin edge is flowing in the field, we are solvent Cedrine is ill, we pay for her nose too and her all remade inside as a provocation, ottawa, with only half of what blogspot interf gives us in nice shiny ones, friends of birth of us...pou pou la pimome , polioaqeagoes us, brider thieves! azzhules, no, legal warriors, soldiers we arose...atexnmquelle hone ottawaquelle decrepitude quelle masse culine au canada paie pour tuer les filles ghjn= 50.000 as first is n 3rd of nov lond or of my flipping erection he, ville de! Wow, humanitas live caught there in the north of hell, hey washington, mustàff been you year! Lalstepac thies pies od fxiucwf jlove to all---jesu bro et souer...on eatgrhTb6

The Gekhol (Law o`Uman Rights)

Doctor Baphomet, Dear team, A ghekhol is like a regular lizard`xcept that it has smaller narky eyes, like Brad Pitt, lot musclier but not so front front when it comes to being seen in public, hey! I find it hysterical that I write about small narky eyes!! I can almost hear you laugh...Prof, Emmet, but, do you love me -question mark- 3/4 No, I just want to kill you most of the time, also do you, loving money giver, wife white liar star. . You laugh and you laugh and you find it Fig-Freaky even at times, my poetry you love me, Anelisa, in that case I may well be seen. If you can handle my physique there are lots of other creeps out there who are aggreeing on providing me with a room and money, they will kiss if they pay, lily bird, like me, like you, like Ange and like Keeanu. The price is unmatchable, since we have requested a second passport we have been contracted for not marital-actions have been take and the barn is wide open. Me severed from hair, her from lawn, we are still the lovers of you all. Please provide us with some bleach...Canada, most provinces and some counteries over my millionaire friendly armies. I am rich 4 wives, all bought on deniers in Ontario, we have been seen, Lily-Bird, must be the blog..but..but, in 1993 you were also 20 minutes walk, 12 in Euros. No web was then in France, France, ye minitel was a scam, dear Telemathe. The farm owner is Camigu Monsano, no, not related at all to Titi Lad-Broke tom boy in 2007, but rich enough to own his own wallet, pupil Hate. Yes, oui, les francais se debarassent des epoux reincarnes mais la loi de Noe et Genese Aria sont toujours vous voyez ce que je veux dire, Barrister Heart...rop! Sorry, is on the roof still upheld there in the field, the hungry ameristens. We have many potatoes, some lamb too, all are large size and we have many, many more than you know. The cool rock couple, now free to gown or rob the blizzard of its wind is here for ransom and love and waiting, obviously, the maid is taken. The money has been taken from Walt Dizzzney and Legko Ecsxon POM Rascals Incorpotared in our mass killings and mash potatoes and the red herring pie, riot not, Europe chose to hold Elvis and Marylin, fed and free to meet and provoke rumours all around, my gekhol song ruins my chances of ever outting the theft of plastic loins, lined up on display, highly fragran proofs that the kids of south of France are not gonna all that clever on the screens with a name long like that, Bonn, Major Tom ! With a name this size and this many readers I receive so many letters that I can afford to rent a barrister...and that is not a joke Mao, Sego, that is not a joke at all. If you find it funny I be delighted to hear you sing it in your own tongue, custom officer. This is my banknote, Livee, you have your own father ! I am a pupil of the city of Quebec, born and bled, I have so much chance of making her cum that i am out of thecompetition, morpions, has it got to doo with Angelique Letyau-M`Harlot being in the pupil hel of another type of attentionÉ Eye, the bright spy, score more that it is worth in Gelicka, NW Noemiah, neo nazi, bronszki beats............done dirt tricks....Iev Dirty Beats, Dirty strokes, dirrty hamacs, dirty tricks, dirty press we proud telepaths.....are married at a stri


Huma slUms LeVester

et que cette danse suffise, petits doigt, je te vois et je, Christ aucquel m'interpose la voix. Les voies se donc clairent et ces drences landrines chalent bas, long pont de soie, vers toi, O grande jorasse mezzo. tonite, moi, tonique plie a tes pieds, pali, thai and of course the schedule en english: (in order to allow god in email evasin, basth, odine lamp, becoame my daft methal disk: Platine) and doublely naked laid of silke o'the finest stuff, je, le smallhe, Jacques Deleuille de saint-Hermando become a planet, a solar spore or a star as you wish...Family of Greedon, rebellion, bubble gum, unwrtahed the Betaxyols: I have severed the MahandraGozz.:. SLUMS: WHERE YOU LEAVE St. Raph'Gare Centrale douze et un quart de poire, reine vassale!

HEURE, coeurs en verre tentes, pieds.....
Email Beyrouth, staff, this is the hut"--sh´´´´so, let us begin, stars: ctoze Anarky slit off Eva B. Rhinit? no, macador! Loots: the bass is bare, freres: the loot is gut, madame joliette !: and......the schedule: 2pm: Black Plagues, Black plagues livre douze. second of sexptember: je fais a Cd in the street, free to copy and spare the rest!
20 octobere, show my metal jacket, daughter, show that mexican bland strapless mutha starrs-gorgeous jim prights on:
le: foruth of somewhat some wheat grows big, she sepapick, flows in thunder from the top of Mato Gros Pom---sex, no but shut said the guy dressed in peach like rich pilosheapt...2 de dec et je fis un mouvie with whatsports? xxxxwir67 electronotes dee-toth. o'the pline!..two houses hardly erected, face with a choice, sell the cell for coke or embrace blogspotte? question Marie? Sego saw me dope, need to req. pard de sarcklo. jac zero @ mgahog.blotcprockkkkkex .

AMERICA, we caught the FOX

In this city, the third born of my barn mouths to Ellis telephots: They be in Hay, not in Mesh, they steal Vedette and give to customs of OVEr-There! Here, however, we free of their work, chicken having disposed our eggs around the Redball Square, Mount-Royal, Planet five, the fox hungry was made willing to scream and fist to participate in the new Blue Mount refurbishing scam. Kicked to bites, the evil blades fall, the fox hungry gets to hurl and to brown towards the lake of Mestakomya, teethless and burnt. My fate. My fate in this barn, family awaketh, the family, blond and crackelling under the power of the loving fist, Mehit. The Meskatomian valley now circling around in Melchezadion-style furnaces, an animal fine and rich is attacked by the bear but the coat is thick as his boss pays for lay there the golden shrouds and the friends. In Mestakomian water in those unmistakable Meskatomyan hills, bill and swirl to swell in harmony towards the city, Marseilles, down on earth three, planet three, three cars below. The pink coated sweet roars and fires and kicks the mother in rages entranced by the naivity of the little girl first gift, folded there like a biscuit. Only half a shell said Ego, machiavellically annihilating the gold value of the egg shell gifted by the Belle Elha. 12:23 on Redball Square, the police of the fleece, les flics de Regihiald Merskalys go for the thrill; the basket is smoked and the waters of mount-royal flow away like my sandals.


Wall open - OPERA

@ 2Kiss my shit @ s7even may well be kiss me plenty at 70. If Life is a natural thing of tongue, cheats, kiss my shit, shit. Will you kiss my----Beau...oh selo-pontiac, she do, a Macao (Macao, Macao, Is my lingo long enough, I have the Pirate, relinquish the kids....I am the kiss. I long for shit like that on the net this is the grail of Olle! Kiss my shit, sheat, cheat, kiss me plenty I love all it had inside it is a pyke it teethed my leg. For a reason but no adequation. Will you marry me baby, KISS MY SH?2T. Is it a crime to make you want another man 2...too be eyed up I am no soilable but the lippy moose is entering the milky lake to kiss heet-Flat made into meat. Veal is asserted it seems by Master Kanabika, phillistine sans implent, allow my name banned, servo-pirate, take me off the operating theaters---I am a musico, I have all I owned. I came here for Hollywood but more et al. Was not too north lick my beets. I kiss but after Tear) for fearS is majesty in my week 50 Kill me sister. Coeur mon Coeur et FLEUR all over.

We are @ The filed field, the naturist beach was me, I had to be so fast or what...I was just kidding nasty Al. Will you bless my plant. The lake is filled with other kinds. Take your teeth out of my glands O Al El Kurkovic. Kiss my Shit. Weedy on the prowl last year. Kiss my shit. T.R.U.S.T.E.D P.A.R.T.n.E.R.S of WARTHUN..the creature that no-one wanted, until the grass grew me out off its head. I am the minstrel, I am the lineage, I am the plot, I am the Hormot. I am Mc Cullough. -Mister Seinfeild only bought the name of thefield you idiot fool!- (11)


Tower 3: I win

all is fine, the coupables soan inside. Mast. Odon loiters in Wan Lart tower minus 6. I am Kehen, Ariive, arrive, Keeny, arreeve, rive, ra, anne va trois fois trois si tu vois ca . De toi a mi amig2a joangkrilejjej, Meg, tu sais deja que depuis lundi le jour est decide pour le 26 de mois de Augu so, why do you not allow the news and info to transit thorufhg, just because it holds tghe key odf somefthing vulagar and wet: the red dater is catching peur: Elle met mes sous a Geneve mais me serre car elle a peur que je fala to other womwn, hence, I win: Alpha 3 vs tOrpedo girl !

Agalguena La Gegene Genese

Dieu, voici les gens. Nous avions signe devant toi pour un luna park et tu nous empeche toujours de parler, dieu, les gens se courberont dans 48 et la femme sera rendu vraie le meme jour par la demande de Paris et, du a ceci, la tete de Brad e-sra mise a prix sur mon compte mac et mart de Rockfeller tower, what? Can I pick it now or is Air Canada delivering the parcel to Toyota, from Jaffa Missed dates with grace, we are one. ero

G&*T*&TBG(FRt7t = two hearts

the batch is passably dry, sec a peine le ble en herbe mais pret par (and)G&*T*&TBG(FRt7t a toi la noix, je prends, la croix se dresse, la. and &G&amp;amp;*T*&TBG(FRt7t est le nous, penche vers toi, the roof. Je, I am the plus; you the minus. Equis, horses on all races, cats, dogs in the blasphemy Brad night race the case is painted white. I am the man now, Madame la Houtte, to all, there, the field, Marcybis, to all to the noot, piano, blues in D to commenscar and there to be a star I devalue mon poids par l' etat it seems, of twenty two for taxing of the car I may use in Phoenix, May 2008, if Dave gets to sign to Mercyful Fate. madonna is there still, yes, madona is there still there still bare surrounded by wimps, I lick you freak, the stick and we pale en comparaison the Whyte Stripes I walk all over you face, le, je te marche dessus et ce sera au Green for After-War Balm 77 so Penis 49 steps into the operation theatre and becomes Aleph Bomber, no dormir, rue Fragile, Eaton tourne gauche, voie, voix, my way, Je bombeur des services castre, of her Majesty I stay in the bottom of the hole, wormed as a Loeb Metropole Part.. 2, Mother Beams, where I get to suck on that rope until the over one awakes, laid a-mi alive and mi-deathed by the side of the tom boy, he, lui, Pierre? Personne n' a jamais cru que lui et Choubeez ne croyaient qu' en Madam Menphis 22, the one where father gardian kills me in Plod C, In Plod C I laid gross, Scout Niblett entre les ta mains qui se caresse, en Earton Scena, the table, the meat, the meal, the power speed, the to, the mot, the model, the tea, the table free, please...3.ok but say we do Dance Square Paris Sapritch with Aznavour a la bouteille, instead, Mistinguett et Biomasses at Place x, Sex, sex, sex, sex, xes, sex, sex, sexd, sexds, sex, sex,sex,sxe, sex, sex, sex. sex. me.the magical track A-ret dances around Messiah piz. &G&amp;*T*&TBG(FRt7ta was it all. Court plus 1 que je vous invite a trouver rhymes with Maddox but sounds like Gohg-zilla? no, the one there, .....ww.angelitaulitjoliema sterestsortidelapagedeja. a33 <<(missiuk etc. servun: confon me to me two);true or false emily-de robiisnotthingdatestarb, exoflodonevonstaff, angelcokehead, leicespupandtip, fAND A riend of gee in those samecityz and date at fountain cafe avec jacques aix1993, no kiss twiced by that man, and exofbollybobinukturnspiked houses a surp??? LOl kick my sheet, Lana, I have a weird laortew!, >>the way! The way, guests, the way, letters and serviters, Dennis, dennis is ono, but Laianela, JCT knew Barge, Brej, Mao and Cart, Placido, Jakoklan198jerm, stipecourtbeno, evadan, rcsp, maya flew, mos is telling trut: i sax him tak to old geeta in cafe on qw the Java Udon noddle iz only 4 something, chatted me tp was purple blazing the front south street windo. magicalla, mia did not touch as no touch is Geenj's request incl my own frigging post, but work is work, let us work at this, i split 50 50 of your turn page at back 17 to droite of the work is ok then but all to mimick incomp at name he but her be nane Tolle Lezotto if transl matches salegary, MB ok several of the ON QC SK things, lol, onu, but do you love me: sell yourself for 4 dollars for a surprise at place at 3 or pay by spinning girl metro mount royal, no lataca 8pm free to shoot and display in naked shot of: Margelle elle a jaunie, pick up or kiss my shit day request nme music wordwide or true name of Harper is tom tsiylen of prost, fock you, backtarba if Pitt says mine on any printed, we know chace depuis 20 connarsd, prove she sucked and I suck pitt on camera he takes film, :putelapre8uvetugytomakeinmyhouzeliying fixterdturd i mean prove he ever propsed or met over 45 weeks at 1 hour per day and New York don't request a ring on my finger, midster Blacksbatetr my ass, mister telepather=3 toke


two readers 4

in a room, square. Italie, il fut fait ce lit. En ete, italie, il sera ce lit fait de ble, nous vous le jurons, acteurs, nous vous le jurions et le ferons ensemble, dangereux anges de Dieu. Tu commence a me faire chi--eer avecque tes cd et ta musique de mer. Le ciel le fit de She. elle, ta mere, la pure narcissique si riche et si trahie de la terre vierge, rame, terre vierge pour eux. car tout ce que vous avez fait de vos lits nous le faisons de notre reve. Et celui ci que marche, sans injection depuis 5 je suis debout maintenant pour le restant de ma vie. Les ecuruils mangent ton pere et la valise de fridge se fait terrre senne. Elle si saine se fut signee de marignane , quartier la Place au milieu de la France Hexagone 56.. Je vous faisais confiance, barbares et tueries se succedaent au Petrin Phenyciens et les enfants amours dansent tranquilles, maintenants, DeUx, nous dansent, dansons transitant en vos terres. Et l`hiver. Tu nous a jamais vu top of the pop au Canada, danseuses siamyques en voilees de tuniques dansent a Leicester. Le produit est vide, citoyen isole je suis le mat. Nous retournons en cet instant en ce hamac en fabrique dupliquee par la Verite. En une note, un mot supplementaire, la presse s`en empare et lìmprime sur les champs de Jervysse et la telee est partie depuis longtemps. Vos telephones ont tue mon frere et donne une carriere a monsieur le maire. En jument verte vivez, Dr. Balades, je suis nous et vous nous faites tourner Canada, autour du cercle en fer car la ville le bon chemin est la ville suivante. Tu bandes, moi aussi, nous avons quatre sexe et ton fier est presquwwe attirable par ma farcie, mamenee serfi, qui, F_=+<>olice de Deleuil et Tremblay si elle met Khaleb en nos Dodge. Virez !

Coal Sweat Her Mends.

indeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed today once already. I.....indeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed t-once alraedy. I....indeed today once alraedy. I...indeed today once alraedy. I....indeed today once alraedy. I....indeed today once alraedy. I..indeed today once alraedy. Iindeed today once alraedy. I....indeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed today once alraedy. to be seen into this: reelected-18, I am sane in the brain, I am the train no problemo, m.i.a, Pater, , I am the mean, I am the fils, I am the father, the old, I am in satitable, insatiaableeee, I am sane, on the trott-oir un deux tout le monde veux je le suis, tu le vis, une fois deja au-au-une fois de-123, je serai ca, avec les doigts de partout et le noeud autou r du coup et le precipice vide son immensitee-heu de trop une de plus, je le fais, ca se promet to be funny, with the car chases this flimme, with the cars behinde-r the belle est sexy in 63, je le dis, c`est la rythmeticarabe et je le vis en asie le toi,a la piste 3 on met les russes, alna. i o u an explanation, je suis jalou-e au-ssi et le veritable ami attend tou-jours la fin et a les moie de le faire, je suis tres gai, jai 46 balais et je me la fais, il le sait mais je le pai-t ah -e E je me le fais, je suis S gay comme le soleiel, je fais un tour, Aindeed today once alraedy. I.....indeed today once already. the christ, I am the Schlosser, I believe, I admit, i relinquish Chris, I am baht piste de troit, urne, la mavure au PQ, la mavure dans les roues, le bleu est mis B B B B B, la mavura est ravie indeed today once alraedy. I.....baht her naked for free, I wait therebore I bee, I sign sighed the man agfter 20 months of a his 2 year faithful spoused amateur try at two, ackso, thenema in Curfew also, Ira leaves on Monday too Camilla Queen Married...uestion marks. ...Evonna still covered in blood from her attempt at sex with Mister A-MeThdtd .1.3 2 plus du tout ca fait tro longtemps que l`eon se connait, il a perdu les---escarte-erm, yeppe, ofi but we don care in theband, Shiffo is the devil but...I am the Crane P erest tu maaade, Jaaaacques..Crawm!

Albuquerque 21:1

The reason why your supple body lined so well with mine is thus &G&amp;*T*&TBG(FRt7t as I am fair, be you, black and I Sandro Schiffere, of the city of Munster. The rendez vous is not so hot, the cold loomed. In the instant, the Leob Chronicles switched itself off. I am the last two, I am the last Stapple on your Chapter, Page. I am the whatÉ...The last spalsh. In your subtle appearing, dear wand, the hand o`your got separated from the subtleness o`it you love our little gayme band. I am the last strand and in the cup off heat, I mee the Kermadis burn the last flag. I am single-hande red hot siren dark war at the Bay, from 18 on monday.....The cult of all erected means, grims all the brims and seizes the knot. I am the rock. Anna Riva naked floateth, she in me floated in May. The June is serene, babes, the date is completed don meet. I am the last kitsch. The Cell Phone What. I am the ballet Dunquerque and I walk fat at my end. HAIR!!!!!! ah ah ahha ahahahahah ahahahaa The blue, will you make a mend and repair the scene, i men...t..the stage

Right to Revenge (holding arian laws, 1939)

I still do and I did, too many victims, I hold and uphold the right to kill or deathen those ascerting their wills over my mental faculty. It is a secret and discretionary right on both ends now. Mind control, manchurian groups, militaries and federal agents do hold the right to their own minds. I claim and recuperate and will severe all again, ever without warning or prosecution, distinction or threat to innocents from the threads that others have weave in my mind, as a sollicited person I have the right to enforce a legislation in a manner kown to me and admitted publically to others. I claim and uphold: God made us all sane and the hand of vectorian sector users and manipulators is not prosecutable yet all is recorded in false martial terms, 1902, lego! (Visit us soon at: Real Area, Greece, Jun-Be in Vietnam, two in paris, one also in Venice...many powers, many habits, many techniques, very large payrolls, `rights of confidents` no record of personal victim ever held at court bay. We maim, Helen, we maim, Mr. Blackwell). In secrecy is death on hold today and tomorrow against us all by those hidden assessers of COURTS at bay they hold the codex, or not the remote users, psychological rapists, secret therapists, sex allies, `agents` are covered by THE secrets (since we kill and they work, Miss Peter) Nature will provide killers to us as it does kids, Livee, love another for free and think in your own`s, without risks of a prosecution, a repression and until our mind-controllers are no longer necessary to `train` and `try one off the record`... out of courts, in your homes. An internationally legislated right holds us all here integer by right, so the right of all humans is ere....Love US, fairness is in all names. I.T does. Amen,Feel free to hold I.T. in court and amend as you heal. Users- to- against False testimonies and Procedures of discretion, Human Rights, in cases of (unrequested unlawful or partial) euthanasia, martial assistance to `victims of martial events` (chicken egg egg chicken, this one), mind control, brain rapism, as others, are applied........" `Theft of organs`, amendment of organic functions at distance, etherical-etheric-subtle tissue manipulation and other daily discrete martial amendments of our free natural functions, treating of - (with-in-for preparation-subtle action on malades) prehempsion of brain fluids and Bard technique are just as legal as my ----- 1


From: ¨Seropo Mulatto¨ to ¨taboo8sexpHalanG¨

One of the most terrible thing happened. I went to Montreal, hoping that the show could be resold to...U know...The whole area was completelly stoopid. It was like...war, end of the zone, my dear contractor. I was flipping abashed, man one! The person is being sick in the flopping mapemonde! One of the horriblest bloody days of my whole manuch of a career! Hey, this is Varszovska again, love! It seems you paid for some coverage and erm, the family and I think you got too much of a bargain...The little Madbox was terrified! I had to fight her off while Mr. cat was apparently on a shoot out for some Hermanys Trance Parade garbage and I just mind my own hell of a life and I get to be sent out of the city. I had to go back to Ange, number one, you know, the nosrep...erm, low rep my baty-gum! Apparently she dumped Martin and moved the half gay lunatic in. The guy looks like a song of Placebo, I swear Loreen. Wow, let us be simple. The kids are there to be used kids ok, if you two wanna pretend there are two sides to any store free opening we do not mind so long as every bone is insured for Phallus God whenever he gets to speak to me, you evil mankeen freaks! Let us be weary of one anotherś real life, bar encoded, sweet dreams are made of this and all that petite souris but fock your shing with your infatiguable infattuations! Did last time not serve you de lesson? Blimey ! TDCanadatrust is on for us at 4.30, by the way, fw to all and tell the team !!!!!!!!!!11spotted, 1 Mr Bla.cK ( red in the face, walking amicably free,si si, yertenvy, of the mead ? ) .One 1

Death of Patent

.(While shooting beds spreads on location in a dire Zimbabwian hospital).
AND ESPECIALLY in order to confirm to to his team: the note was left for him in the street near church in uq area, not given in hand as thrice face to face but also silent only and incognito as..this is our clause right, j klan, we did not meet but thence I could not be taken out of hostels since..exchanges of post and money (shares, stamps, glue and messages left on her side) were also out of question by his contract, hence, I guess I have to appear and confirm two years of marital isolation and...note: my contracts were kind of intertwined B team so...erm two deals for label to be checked now at your end as well as my addresses and residencies in Soho, if he says so..erm...nope and no, not in shelters for gay sex, nooo, it is called a risky contraction of a person in a regimented authority-style relationship and a fool escaping banks or, my charges for making even the G.Riuuci movie unsignable in Europe as...Ma dam R was telling lies since...he was styll authorized two visits a trimester but erm....some secu had to be upped, hence our bills here, mine is there too, the little one, there in grey your date for court B. , yes, then she was too violent at being taken for a dump boy dummy boy so she went: What-eve-r you know want, wart, WE take the most higher premium, sad sod! She gets home, avoids the final call (the second pregancy, where is the gun, I was only jok--er---herggg), we get to see each other and realize that false appearances made me smell like Doherty rather than Mr 3rd strike for exiting for a straight boy, and since neither Gw, J or Gś are actors, or contractible, as per my sheet, here, in pink, we can sue for too many unreturned calls for cause of having seen....the skeleton not french, dicky boo, but rather smelly for a------- 4

room circuit

off the pie, the salad is here. Mon Dieu, je suis en train de sucer ce gars pour la troisieme fois. Le telephone cellulaire me le fait faire, mes freres et la pile vous invite a la porte de derriere, my date then, he shouted rather powerful all of a 2 years dance of Medisance, to the role: the parliament in Gardanne is towed by the puys de Dome, traffic 707 or I stuck a kor---------------- in the door, forlorn, it is me, stop being silly, we are net to be there on the day following the retap de not part in pq morzambic tree o'Trines cult of stolen most holy trinosophies and black goaty is sexy mister Fleeps. It is just a new move, mister Gol. D'america a Meyr-Argues, nargeus nargues ton gouver te fais Bond a zero zero trois secondes et moi je me sucer par Missy Moner Peggy, Stew, oops, I did not mean to open the tube: Theatre of face is in Retford, one there, one to peel there, one to show, one to jimi O. Ver narcissic apply....the thin white

The LorE is a long silent Chronical

(...) .as it stays and runs in the family, from the mother back to the fathers, from the daughter to the father-boy, the love is also donated to all, lil' Fol! Fortunatelly for all, also leave the builders. Read around the lines, people clown, read around coz I ain t got the time to reel it all here so- love applies to all and may cheats alo deal in reality callings. To the nef, to the bed, to the reds, to the bass, to the actolfer, to the orhogan, to the river, to the bird, to the clear, to the pill, to the tragic, the familliar, the famelic, the faithful now in the hall, to the ghoul. The lure is chronicle, guys, it uses the same part of the brain so often that in a few years it seals it groove into the back of our skulls. The size of the matter, discussed behind the closed doors of Frauddullus, room of the hue, shone forth and so brightly that the killing doll, the daddy sugar general, the adventurers of press statements, the fringe scientists, the red hot scientologists, the magic Schiffer, holding on to their lives ring the bell and under the stairs of Flat 3, number 25, the light passes the message through and the old world shines again anew. The tower of Isa stands on tall, terribly attracted to a sean fall, over and over the same walk, walk, stare but walk straightbut on queen boulevard at 100 mph, you leave me away, once again for hour too long, a week to many, an old friend over from the dark side of the family. Under the steps, cold, I hoped all night. If thatś all right, mind you, if that the fa-a-aact, to make it loved taboo, sister girl. If the Bourne is that much more Suprematic why dont you show him in public, Eh Julia ¨boody¨ ?!!! (sister girl too pretty?) (The dove . cranios called the nove a suite of ¨logical lies¨, logically crafted, all perfect and loving, all needed, calibrated to fill all holes, crime endows comical to the calls as Brad is in fact gay and my mother is home alone and the doll is just for boys as the wings flow home, always, love, just for the old motel, mother milk...just for boys, Madam Juju...Just for boys, missy Sulq) just for SHOES !)============================================================= -0

dedic'to Mary Vrontos, Pam White, Babe Lemot and Sheila Fowley. eight, he was only eight, eight