I have a mine I am a mined substance Ali is glided, as all is glided above and below as Taffa enters semi-shown ::::::; we are here, peacefully, friends of the showbiz.ze: Nous sommes vraiment Ce, nous le pensons, pres pour la scene, SEINe dit le communique de la butte). NOUS SOMMES mais cela est venteux a la maison sous la hutte Ou nous sommes, temois. WITNESSABLE BEANS< ->. Palsambleuh, the Deleuil is still telling havockke, is iiiit? Sur le nette le Jacquot du Doctor a sesMalloxes¨, hey, Lariotte, pushing around the one that did not search the gogle search train engine red vynil pour red mini Day-Ta, ok for Athm shit in the land, all are pressed if format is communicant, as for the pictures, expect Bon Scott next week! The Deleuil figs you up the ass, now, O yankee shitts. O roses o' beauty! O whyte Fasscists, The truth, in Europe I get to write to my friends and in tren tren, INSIDE The Canada the stamps are far too costly at my ¨standard of candidesture¨ so to speak, hon sha me shiens, no hue just pure sciure and back of the bunk for 541 to the left, Megene, we are all very keen on financial well being, now communists and flagists, pequists and anti hermaphrodyts, we are not just templars de l'order della Francia Proffunda, mes guitar, we are tellement beaux, sous l'arche en riant avec les innocents, monsieur Chiracque et meme le beau Raymond Mauret, le fils du Roi, tout juste restaure sans meme la demande de l'eglise. Arrachez-lui ces papiers, cet homme est le diable, il en sait trop, sa femme meme commence Paris a lui ressembler, Amis du Monde. ELLE ECRIT ! The true fact is revealed and faced with a delusion, looms, like sarghytals sweps low at the end of its course, towards the noose, just in front of the palm treeit flashes on me...>> Piano by tricky on Pre Millenium Tension and a couple of free shots << :::: to the not(e) <
- je m' aime !!!!!