I still do and I did, too many victims, I hold and uphold the right to kill or deathen those ascerting their wills over my mental faculty. It is a secret and discretionary right on both ends now. Mind control, manchurian groups, militaries and federal agents do hold the right to their own minds. I claim and recuperate and will severe all again, ever without warning or prosecution, distinction or threat to innocents from the threads that others have weave in my mind, as a sollicited person I have the right to enforce a legislation in a manner kown to me and admitted publically to others. I claim and uphold: God made us all sane and the hand of vectorian sector users and manipulators is not prosecutable yet all is recorded in false martial terms, 1902, lego! (Visit us soon at: Real Area, Greece, Jun-Be in Vietnam, two in paris, one also in Venice...many powers, many habits, many techniques, very large payrolls, `rights of confidents` no record of personal victim ever held at court bay. We maim, Helen, we maim, Mr. Blackwell). In secrecy is death on hold today and tomorrow against us all by those hidden assessers of COURTS at bay they hold the codex, so....legal or not the remote users, psychological rapists, secret therapists, sex allies, `agents` are covered by THE secrets (since we kill and they work, Miss Peter) Nature will provide killers to us as it does kids, Livee, love another for free and think in your own`s, without risks of a prosecution, a repression and until our mind-controllers are no longer necessary to `train` and `try one off the record`... out of courts, in your homes. An internationally legislated right holds us all here integer by right, so the right of all humans is ere....Love US, fairness is in all names. I.T does. Amen,Feel free to hold I.T. in court and amend as you heal. Users- to- against False testimonies and Procedures of discretion, Human Rights, in cases of (unrequested unlawful or partial) euthanasia, martial assistance to `victims of martial events` (chicken egg egg chicken, this one), mind control, brain rapism, as others, are applied........" `Theft of organs`, amendment of organic functions at distance, etherical-etheric-subtle tissue manipulation and other daily discrete martial amendments of our free natural functions, treating of - (with-in-for preparation-subtle action on malades) prehempsion of brain fluids and Bard technique are just as legal as my ----- 1
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My Version Of The Truth