Doctor Baphomet, Dear team, A ghekhol is like a regular lizard`xcept that it has smaller narky eyes, like Brad Pitt, lot musclier but not so front front when it comes to being seen in public, hey! I find it hysterical that I write about small narky eyes!! I can almost hear you laugh...Prof, Emmet, but, do you love me -question mark- 3/4 No, I just want to kill you most of the time, also do you, loving money giver, wife white liar star. . You laugh and you laugh and you find it Fig-Freaky even at times, my poetry you love me, Anelisa, in that case I may well be seen. If you can handle my physique there are lots of other creeps out there who are aggreeing on providing me with a room and money, they will kiss if they pay, lily bird, like me, like you, like Ange and like Keeanu. The price is unmatchable, since we have requested a second passport we have been contracted for not marital-actions have been take and the barn is wide open. Me severed from hair, her from lawn, we are still the lovers of you all. Please provide us with some bleach...Canada, most provinces and some counteries over my millionaire friendly armies. I am rich 4 wives, all bought on deniers in Ontario, we have been seen, Lily-Bird, must be the blog..but..but, in 1993 you were also 20 minutes walk, 12 in Euros. No web was then in France, France, ye minitel was a scam, dear Telemathe. The farm owner is Camigu Monsano, no, not related at all to Titi Lad-Broke tom boy in 2007, but rich enough to own his own wallet, pupil Hate. Yes, oui, les francais se debarassent des epoux reincarnes mais la loi de Noe et Genese Aria sont toujours vous voyez ce que je veux dire, Barrister Heart...rop! Sorry, is on the roof still upheld there in the field, the hungry ameristens. We have many potatoes, some lamb too, all are large size and we have many, many more than you know. The cool rock couple, now free to gown or rob the blizzard of its wind is here for ransom and love and waiting, obviously, the maid is taken. The money has been taken from Walt Dizzzney and Legko Ecsxon POM Rascals Incorpotared in our mass killings and mash potatoes and the red herring pie, riot not, Europe chose to hold Elvis and Marylin, fed and free to meet and provoke rumours all around, my gekhol song ruins my chances of ever outting the theft of plastic loins, lined up on display, highly fragran proofs that the kids of south of France are not gonna all that clever on the screens with a name long like that, Bonn, Major Tom ! With a name this size and this many readers I receive so many letters that I can afford to rent a barrister...and that is not a joke Mao, Sego, that is not a joke at all. If you find it funny I be delighted to hear you sing it in your own tongue, custom officer. This is my banknote, Livee, you have your own father ! I am a pupil of the city of Quebec, born and bled, I have so much chance of making her cum that i am out of thecompetition, morpions, has it got to doo with Angelique Letyau-M`Harlot being in the pupil hel of another type of attentionÉ Eye, the bright spy, score more that it is worth in Gelicka, NW Noemiah, neo nazi, bronszki beats............done dirt tricks....Iev Dirty Beats, Dirty strokes, dirrty hamacs, dirty tricks, dirty press we proud telepaths.....are married at a stri
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My Version Of The Truth