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My Version Of The Truth


the - Anybody here called Aleb - post

  1. dear minstrel. It has been hard for us here recently. The troops of Provence have been stationed off St. Laurent-Le-Noir. I, kept in the jail hell, had to talk. Words being sound there earth has bound, coasts. I kept in jail worked on my gold, le lilas in french if you need to control. At the Little Nicae, Provence requested a true heiress. i was that one, also known as Karlah Penetrophane, dear minstrel of the chores. Dear hair, my stance is the same, we are not here to protect Emilie, aged three, from your greedy hands. Dear landowner, the flow is the head and the figers of I type. Who is the devil. Paul Sterollo. Please team out: Pist hath been abandoned, the real healing is taking place now in your local zoo. Picture me can be discretelly confirmed through A.J offisses in Los Angeo. We, on the contrary, the feet, smell like bleu d`auvergne mais bleu d`auvergne beaucoup er....mange par nous. Pastis modale all intertwined weave in and out of watery key. Retention is no longer applicable to the liver overload. i on the right side, sticking out of the bag, hath declared the Peace Aggreement also known as: The Loeb Chronicles. Off St. Laurent, there kept, I revendicate the right to freely think and out the calesthotenicians towards the end of time. Another 1 week of Callifragillasexxy. Then the whisky flows-a-us to the Heueelllll, dear mistrel, to hell and back to the guitar.....
Amen; Free the hyena Spin Karlah, spin guitar.
Sir Tremola Kilmister to Gwynee and....The spinner of my weuters. RoowarreqcBPagpekinsytssissueoutnow,in 3 dayss, imeanddg-----love to:Bale Bea 1919 at hotel le ciel in mont regel. flixen. pentaculose pi is her ex been here for 2 weeks, just keeping the private cops away, the barrister was killed in Memphis, asian, blond hair, I see a picture of Alanis slightly stilled by the Gudus...actuallly. Forward to 45 and I win a guitar in the brandest manner for the car, to sigh and trance in pe4ace, excstatik, I am in love with you, oh Gwynet, Aleg don come3 here anyxsmore, nsd he donated it to Unuited Airli, I mean ways, 45 terra loda, KARMA $ 3 oc` lhock at sugar!mmsize14! not yet courage to approach, ficjeled beaPuty both though. er. lol, Pierre and Paul, er. LOLLE! Pauv` Paul Yegeldorff KielMeister 21 from zamenolle Inc. & drugstores sept. 84éé from Kevin Mee, Paeitei, Switz. Bonk`lolle. 333 to all for healing crisis or I blow Beatrice Dalle`s