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My Version Of The Truth


Philthy Animal Taylor Vs. The Creepissaugas

this is simple: we will meet when our agenda match, which is yes et oui quand nous serons prets, ok, legal and signed aleph on one side and....on the reverse on the contrary it is anticipated that the press will be liable at discussing the amount of order from who and to colour who in, as yes, met mister Bleck elle oui yesterday but we, agendae hath not matcheth coz`I, Jacques, le destinatarioxpeditivelly dealt and only I, note, did not think that it was satisfying grounds to discuss a death pact for eternal belonging to one partner and one partner, as per archivists, our team, teedot et Reuters miami, the morooned ones, to colour hence we take our thyme and press and discharge all to be seen in love, no, non, solely in mental terms, i.e. Me, Jacques deleuil sain de copsrps et toi, la allanguie attendant la nuit ou le pickatrix Pact of the Vatichon...and it more romantic jucking by the stained teardroos let that we receive, dear landowner, i received the let.........................both very romantic, merci. leave us alone we ache for pitte abnstoffenglond fuels rumours. pink floyd, eddie the barber, eddie brickell, the elasticbond, fast eddie clarke and Ace Frehley. Amen! note to christians: no, but it holes them back! !!!!!