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My Version Of The Truth


o1: tartan plat

Yegh, this is evisu, mah, tah, rasce poutine, eclats de-ball, c'est tout bas ! En arrivant, seul apres la lune, je fis briller la belle a deux reprises. 1, 2. evisolaplata. This is the major magically worded into this so, this is the fee, the other one is off the Jay ux. know....It is healable, may the moon partake in this. Sur la tour, le majhickal misse, is not in the right spot, ie en fait it is not the right spot..Move, moved the lizeur, bouge. meurth'. ..En fait it is not the right spot. It. is LE SOLeil gangjaed loved in children, rich or not....this is not the right spot...malgre tout, la rune rouge lune roule autour de nous. this is not the right spot! Alfred hitch Covk.