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My Version Of The Truth


Tents line, outside, the tents, several compartments, of course, the tents in all intent, tent one after another, two by two, larger lines, free to roam in so many tempos we get to see so close the bread, the grain gets seen from about...that muck in the table display to be putting serpenting in lines of three, tentes de toutes les langues, tes gros yeux mentalistes parlent comme nos ministres...en langues de fontaines et d`eau...jamais la tente est trop longue, on ne put se faire prendre. The tents, all in tens, on the edge of the red bay, the green village, the blue nile, the lake of Como, the tents are all alone. By their millions, the domain is mine. The mine is there too. The tents in line wait outside your houses. J`etais au bloc C, je venais d`etre admis. Je revassai, je vis Diana sur un cabinet en or et lavant les pieds des fous qui m`entouraient fus mute au bloc suivant, l`attente fut longue, on me dit de nuit de ne pas rever, les lettres au consulats n`etaient que de papier, sous les piquets je tentais le Bresil. Rien n`arrive pour le Bresil me dit Axl sur MTZ, les autres pauvres retiennent Charles et il ne peut pas taper. In the last tent of line 9, the Telepatic disciples of Thelema were loined on ground. The air, the breeze, the palm trees, la belle qui me fit les toucher ces pieds presque trop masculins pour ne pas etre les mains de St. Germain, que mes rires sont forts. I was killed in block 15. 140 milligrames on the side of the ass. I ducked, the nurse fainted, the role of the dead is not mine. The embassy don leave here, we have paid for this shiot...The new war of Roses ty Axe, La guerre du Cinema...reste tres proche cherie, j`ai entendu dire que Alanis sur avait aussi trouve la pierre, sale lavee, the cup emptied, on the back seat. Straigh girls shoot from the hip. The laid aristocrat is not erected in the city of the flaming 43 teledistributing! We are a war in the making, we are birth, we are cream, we are the teachers, we are the spirit, we are Girlschool rue Mignet, Lycee St. Ivan. 10 tents to explore. The master out. The kids naked made to be in a smuckle blessed and reanimated by haleine ni belette...Pagess kisses the bread. In the field, the TV shows Johnny Depp, alive and waving to his this city--well,well,weel, toronto......