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My Version Of The Truth


AMERICA, we caught the FOX

In this city, the third born of my barn mouths to Ellis telephots: They be in Hay, not in Mesh, they steal Vedette and give to customs of OVEr-There! Here, however, we free of their work, chicken having disposed our eggs around the Redball Square, Mount-Royal, Planet five, the fox hungry was made willing to scream and fist to participate in the new Blue Mount refurbishing scam. Kicked to bites, the evil blades fall, the fox hungry gets to hurl and to brown towards the lake of Mestakomya, teethless and burnt. My fate. My fate in this barn, family awaketh, the family, blond and crackelling under the power of the loving fist, Mehit. The Meskatomian valley now circling around in Melchezadion-style furnaces, an animal fine and rich is attacked by the bear but the coat is thick as his boss pays for lay there the golden shrouds and the friends. In Mestakomian water in those unmistakable Meskatomyan hills, bill and swirl to swell in harmony towards the city, Marseilles, down on earth three, planet three, three cars below. The pink coated sweet roars and fires and kicks the mother in rages entranced by the naivity of the little girl first gift, folded there like a biscuit. Only half a shell said Ego, machiavellically annihilating the gold value of the egg shell gifted by the Belle Elha. 12:23 on Redball Square, the police of the fleece, les flics de Regihiald Merskalys go for the thrill; the basket is smoked and the waters of mount-royal flow away like my sandals.