My Version Of The Truth


to you

the father has got the hand. You are the one he takes but by 9 you will haver seen having spent a minimum of 200 hudred dollars. Your partner will be meeting my lawyer here, she is to be taken to the bank, plus 4 are enough, you have a large public and a busy day, make sure you look at the time by the time....I have decided to make J at Hurontario, you are not permitted to meet until the 8 but I am told you have decided to take her substances out through. I request through that you kill her. it is serious as this has been recorded as threat from the staler and Jacques has not got the rigfht to be interfered. The polive must be told of the part of which. I have to admit: you are but she has had, the two are fixable, you must bet on hi. The opair will be able to commit psychologically after Eurasia. Do not take anymore coke as he has technically lost the ability to live what he does not is, the incarnation will be c. He has to be paid off. By that time allow doubt. if it is fixable the word Guesta will be in through the one you cannot commit to. We are abler to tell but the just has requested the right to work and receive his long due income. you ahve nothing to offer but your body, does not add up, escape through the palace as the asia has the fix. it will be told to yuo in Oct, around the 8th we promise, everything else is the zombie you have committed to. I will be paying the public once the gift has been dicussed either at CNC or in your house+ the seal is here; we are there too, the lid is given to you.......................................kalgueydahne

I meant....rue Gastet, sorry ange, SM survives by a thin crust! Jd am ionic sphere and sharp spikes on the sides

E= Mc 2 plus base of the box

The base of the box being stappled there, away from us, beyond Queen street and Frieda`s Square, the box is rubbled to me and the rest to you...drag us to freedom and make it boxed to them too. Sit, spin, take me to through the favellas so E= Mc 2. The base is solid and the box is getting flatter, the wind goes, the fire picks, the air there the earth is virginally held in your hands, yes, on this realm it is indeed...E-pC 2. The rest is there Fred takes a rain to the dreamer too. There the box is deathened, by the col stare on the red face of you. It is there...the saw too. The Palace bought an old gun from Taiwan, freshly redecorated, the parting so astuciously has made it sensible: The head split does guilt there and slides when the abck of you is off at gun point. The palace switches and the face faked that only saw hatred anewed rises from the chemney...Skied, the two will face another choice, the gifted staples may E=Mc " make a new creature from the dead, innocent sacrified to an old bet of Atlantis. La pierre est l` uree et la matiere l`uranium. Les ministres s`embrassent por la premiere fois. La cheminee et moi, la fille et le rat...le roi est la et avec les belles lueurs ici, je te vois aussi en vrai, car si la France est solidaire le debranchement de 3 se fera part Port. Le debranchement de trois est laisse a la discretion du grand con. La chaussure blanche trompa les militaires et les canons de la mapemonde revent le vrai mais la femme s`etonne et entonne le refrain Uranium...elle perd l`hommme et s`etonne. Fred is dead, shouted the knighted troops. I was still plugged and Fred had kissed the one forbidden gift. Canada became fixed, transfixed by the dance of the devil. The maid shouted, call me at six. Le Palace tremble. Les avions s`avancent. Le Maitre aperdu et la bete est revenue, la faute est deja presque trop facile a comparaitre...The Night they song...but my mouth mouts the words greek and sanskrit, belgian to the pauper. Le roi mourut ce soir, queen has taken the bed for the night she awoke and he paid. In 1966 England had bought S.C.U.M from Vietnam...I was rich and you woke..........and fumee...fumeee...fumee...etoile....etoile....roi....Londres....Paris Printemps.....Marksd and Sparks and jour d` hui. Mer D` Amis......baiser, envoye de papier...pour la journee. Brad est prie de ne pas appeller ou que la ligne soit ouverte pour moi. E=Mc 2 impossible: she showed the guy but hid the balck girl...In my burger she made the screm: I Kiss! (mouths= 3, tongues= 1, finger=one towards bg59 in sept.) I bent over and for the first time kissed Brad Pitt, on the front row as ever. No clause of getting a choice; Angelian lesbianned with a moth....................................Erikah will comment at 10. I am in a club as the sisters recite or I flytox...Dear Lara Croft; Hence the Men Team Wins and the girl gets a 14 by the 12 of Oct, any for a work, door men, buildres, Mos, Peter Ustinov...We pay well and give you the choice: Bell or the earplug to pretend she is a virgin....Mary spat and Gina became one of the girl.......on the 13 of Nov of 1984 in Marseille, rue wanna play safe Jolie or your tongue still dies in shit..if 9 is free you are meat and Mos does Lara Croft...With pitto on the vox box.................Shake that stuff. Did she really bang 17...she does if 9 is dry and Pitto in for foto with a straight girl...Lidya entered and the Plutonium psykic boy rises in you kids...2007, a monday in the rain.....She does soft in Taiwan...Elephant Island! Bomb the Middle One. Metal in my piece...Did adolfo ring: 9 . box is 11 Pitt gets his 6 I deduct 3 of yours and seal the soils with a gore pork version of ................u.91hu...It seems! jget 8



request your own copy!!!!> The Manchu Laws of 1963 American Territories in England is available from all good second hand PARLIAMENT RECORD art dealers and Depp's secretary...Catherine Kennedy. Very fun, lots of scam, very gore and incl. lawmaking kit plus a ruler and an authentic phial it! i did work<( look, I even get to do some work, I actually get used to this high profo official stuff a lot better than I though, actually, loook, loook, I doh, don't I L' apouth t z) email me back at hers! L'Pathe!

The Art of Being In:

You wonder here how we four juggle the pictures and the bodies...well hardly do we, but may they be fed like we are then...indeed...Who cashes on Plato when it gets sold? Anonym. ? Deceased? Louis Plato from Ukrain...if he claims the good named....Who is name inside the Realm? Personne-l. Ministers might well have some cash to solve, them, rats, arabs, active speakers and commanditarists anonimously get us a couple of tickets to all of NYC or take the person to me time...The whole rat has held off us two from the BIG GREEN theatre but has cash conditions in all four corners. He says to You and I, dear old loner, both know what they do then two, in Europe if they do. C. O. M. M. A. N. D. If she names the price is here, if he prints we can sue for theft of John Little, he seized, livid, the martyr is not a dream off the screen...whenever the picture is allowed of me or the theatre tokes I to Yo Ke Pam, pale, the player typed...but by then we will be so obsoleted, his finger twing with fear, the rich envious knows too much, police and Judges, he seals and I kiss a frightened kid, hardly has he met..."The dossier was In L.AAAAAA" shouted Schwarzy in Rambo outfit walked on today also in the Place. What a mess, obsess not, they give morph, he sees God, turns a leaf and bangs on the jail door. Mayors freak, canadian kids are hoping for a part three... the white by, the catch matches, the held accountable said it for the third year in a row: DELUXE, owned by me, sold to the street by his country, hence my rapport, shouted the freak through his gun mouthing jerks of a lawyer...We do not approve and Ottawa absolves when we get to reach back...yes, swear yesterday tomorrow and them be day, said I to my attorney. He translates in french then back in english, she signs to add weight to our donkey freight, already two years of wait, Helen, Bobby. The police may shoot us but your wife on pictures will by April the 19th sign her own tax bill as...I will count in April, swore I on your feet, Livids. Coloured, unemployed by the faxctes that he whites powder milk, in control two more weeks Pee... if we get to see a lawyer for having the name of a fan of John Lennon wrongly recorded as a legend and if he chooses to pay for the whole of the raft, from back when my girlfriend turned into Mrs Vedette (as per clip)We will speak and we swam upshore as he rode so they mode...the pact includes the russian whitened in The Red Bone Marrow Circle of Long View, it is in B...little holds, the country wears taken by filth, her man is a royal, jacques knows, pitt has a seat. Two heads in magic, two cockrels and one bowl. The two will speak about the covering of the two heads, we will use the names again but the presses in Europis have decided to musel the farm as people, there on the bill, yes, she will then be refaced, Lodon Uk, surfaced neat, Livi, Album, pirogue et ville de choix. La Bas, the green album is held in London as the pink still ceases and officiously dots on my girl for all of 5 beaks but mine have to accept it too. One more year, very upset, not safe, avoid easter canada, they get to go out and pictures are expensive...hence illegal and tucked in his jeans, cities. We are unable to appear in public in America until end of his current portrait and name of my wife and co-worker mode, January the 12th 2008, they said they be real in the nude, his mud smelt like leather there, we sign...Bad Scam! The two ladies will be blended physically from Europe, Mandola has accepted to be named as first Queen of Labrador in December. We are not going to be able to communicate with my ex-tex, in such terms, she mexes and I until I all reside in France, her in Europe, MORE....I therefore request a new lawyer for Angelina Jolie to be named from our office as....SOMEBODY IN NEED>>>or...A PEOPLE>>or....POSSIBLY HIS FRIEND TOO>>THE GAY REIKI HEALER FROM LONDON or whatever, honour shouted the writer.QUICKLY... In the next two or three years so he be admittedly dealing with something worth housing him for as a "friend, non sexual" also for taxes USA, I am sorry but GOLD, I member. I am worth a lot more than he is people of color, and his photographers have also attempted to buy us back, Haprper holds as his name is also cleared from having ever appeared in the investigation and plaint black list style claustration for mental disorder and assault on her co-worker, suicide motions...The models are all in it for a smile and my caresses, my smile...THOSE EYES...LIKE THAT OLD GYPSY HYPNOTIST, his feet.. but the two of us are not allowed to glitch for as long as the whole of mister boo's career and all of our activities are held in no eye east cities...for a fee, in truth, willows, as the two years of AWOL away from enactments of a second party of namesake and mine on a movie as one of my records of whereabouts is unprocessable, the two of us will be aware, where? From today of the bat's attorneying bodies will unspeak it in real but all correspondances with my partners in the street are there held until I, either of us, are able to assert that the person in office at the UNO is neither, one to or others for both in honourous laws and financially assetted, legally on all grounds as in Europe the models are the same height there on the mounts, phillistines, Morad, Komdad, Lilian, chosen by me are all accountable but assertable not for all to be restored in our right your company as per psalm and possessions may the named person AS: SOLANGE + JaCqUes last named AMOURED on their IDs be on dissociated from association unisexes with HE for fear of THE saying IT that he has hurt her with his fist...soo much, lovely field, fare worker, fawns and cows, hares. Who? Me if necessary You so long as no unapproved lawyers are redeemed babies in the pie make a pudding (2) and the lawyers communicated french all it is: by Sola as a separated Bead and therefore only mine as her FRIEND around my neck like a snake takes note of my name ALPHA, and my assujetion to birth of here et tutelle rights on le adoptee in 1968 francais none lugu in the province of Quebec...I am allowed to eat and remain alive but solely blue, dollies if my married one of choice and confession verilly is assured that portraited Solange or Ang. is taken to Europe en veritable corps, si seulement, enfants, for having the techn. ability to assert as my spouse and his employee. CALLL! I do not have the right to a lawyer or my consular services in Canada as my right to money and possession is kept by my one zoned one and the price on possible admitting that it was complacently a severance of rights due to my double citizenship, manchurian history, total value, dangerosity assessment MHRT MHAO Act 1981 England Kev. Mu. Resnick, Gerard, Pratt, Larkin, Basi, which has dewpreciated me to a homeless bound writer and her to a detestably revendicative girl unwiling to live the city of my residence until the right has been granted through new laws in the right space and emmitting enough power of financial promises for Jolie and Deleuil to be activelly and not by name or picture allowed to meet, exchanged blows in the teeth, appear in public, press in Europe, fix, miss, elicit, bean and crib pictures and contracts outstanding dear lawyer is aware of the dangers involved in admitting my existence, meeting me, giving me access to accomodation, Pitt's lawyer name, my french teams email address or....The place where Mandela hid the body.....I mean.....the parcel. pret en oncle gadjo, moi, le monsieur Serpico, la croix de bois, le choix des photos, les mots de demain, le monde quel monde, quelle viande demain, CHRETIEN ?


Monosodiun Glutimut

The said album, by the Michael Schenker Group is possibly the worst they ever did...but only as much as Abba gets better with every yeast year, the build to destroy exposes the singer, Gary Marsden or Den Barrod, at the time, mid-late 80s all that offed Diamond Dave was acceptable. As HSAS is to Sammy Hagar...but back in earth aleph, the man is into the arena and there she passed. Left a note and both seems that Gary barlow...but back to Into the Arena and Graham Bonnet...or whoever was better than Dio and weirder than Ozzy that year, Van Halen played a game and the god guy alone minds the methal bride to her his wastes. Arrested last night in custody of my own house for attempting to address but failing to impress the press I reside in this land one clan o'reader, ore....The proper one was indeed the late Doctor Doctor...or was it U.F.O...the radio as a sole comrade helled in mine plain deserted secure ward....I, Jacques Deleuil resign myself to the block by the right, but before the washing gown of Severna......also blacked by delight...Let it be done, roamed, boned and delighted...there they beam ----------------------
No more noriega, thou´



fixed the votes exclu in ALPHA PLANET NOW.....

With frustrating french kisses from 2000 (too many) french witnesses.....too many? ...Kenyyyy diana and do..h do.....france spikes ate sixe, at six, at brad pitt together is gayyy...about ten years for 5 thousand witnesses, do you think you can buy from the arabs this time jesse? big kisses xxxxxxxxfrom us two..................
..................axe and anica
te.................a sex show now...................Nollis Axe Nollis and Anica Millis...from Elvis with caaare........MAJORS
and so have we, on the 12th of October 2007 we, angelina and I will be theoretically only able to meiet then...why, the whole of the system of interference is on for Uru from Quebec exit of our funadamentalist soldiers of mesmer, heros of BALAKLA(V)VA.BLOGSPOT STANDS YOU STILL NOW batallion there bare butt naked turned at the cost of their shapes towards the center one of her, as on the day only will the pact of death be forfeited as..
  • hers: two days between his reassuring politicalllik diplomatic appearances correct on her side her side in town, quebec or menth hall me away but for mRG two days to meet other pretendant, me, homeless of martial canada: the two of you can not meet until element pink has taken his own charges to Europe...MRG has two days then to dictae that I be held wayawrds severed from right to post, lawyers, visits or phone calls, my frnch attorney is Phillipe F. Gerin de Mas De Trois cent Trente Trois who is shelter away by tulip plan to accomodate perjoris in the press as per demands of p.'s contract, therefore I cannot receive post, money, cards and hexagrams, miracle workers ange for the first time as per her FUOL logistics contract, hence in hers, the being, dry and seems our french efforts have not in three years of homelhomesness to accomodate all, I Alpha, the bene lambion Tartampion have no contract or reason to remain patient, as CNC and BBC WORLDNEWS know but shut out in flames...for the pergery of a boyfirend too, be able know...get to understand why...erm...DEleuil cannot enter her house as he is a stalker call Peter from Hexa Groom who will confirm Brad Jesse Je moi je moi dit pas je te dois, alpha banana is gay with Alain Badinter as ¨In Toulouse....sept 92, Alain is at Med....."letter stolen By. Jose Barrre Douce...erm..sorry but. Pigo, you have done all the trip and failed to see me in the house but her form for a retalliation from an ex menthal convicted twice killer of his own mother dont get in france...why?
  • mine: The jews could not disconnect your nile...erm...quit right///////////call Mark at our contract free unstained Los Angeles trois zero cinq un cinq..............................James gay. no..convict who skip around my yellow piglet friend.....the cou.......................................
  • your stalker killed by who call. Major Zero in Quebecko? erm, friends, right, Peter Gess, friends friends of Anistair et al.....iaster frehel.
  • etoile s

reunited with first crush in texas angelina jolie escapes death in kenya

news stalker marries his old friend france crush in canada despite brad relentless lying and staker accusations. the day only will the pact of death be forfeited as..
  • hers: two days between his reassuring politicalllik diplomatic appearances correct on her side her side in town, quebec or menth hall me away but for mRG two days to meet other pretendant, me, homeless of martial canada: the two of you can not meet until element pink has taken his own charges to Europe...MRG has two days then to dictae that I be held wayawrds severed from right to post, lawyers, visits or phone calls, my frnch attorney is Phillipe F. Gerin de Mas De Trois cent Trente Trois who is shelter away by tulip plan to accomodate perjoris in the press as per demands of p.'s contract, therefore I cannot receive post, money, cards and hexagrams, miracle workers ange for the first time as per her FUOL logistics contract, hence in hers, the being, dry and seems our french efforts have not in three years of homelhomesness to accomodate all, I Alpha, the bene lambion Tartampion have no contract or reason to remain patient, as CNC and BBC WORLDNEWS know but shut out in flames...for the pergery of a boyfirend too, be able know...get to understand why...erm...DEleuil cannot enter her house as he is a stalker call Peter from Hexa Groom who will confirm Brad Jesse Je moi je moi dit pas je te dois, alpha banana is gay with Alain Badinter as ¨In Toulouse....sept 92, Alain is at Med....."letter stolen By. Jose Barrre Douce...erm..sorry but. Pigo, you have done all the trip and failed to see me in the house but her form for a retalliation from an ex menthal convicted twice killer of his own mother dont get in france...why?
  • mine: The jews could not disconnect your nile...erm...quit right///////////call Mark at our contract free unstained Los Angeles trois zero cinq un cinq..............................James gay. no..convict who skip around my yellow piglet friend.....the cou.......................................
  • your stalker killed by who call. Major Zero in Quebecko? erm, friends, right, Peter Gess, friends friends of Anistair et al.....iaster frehel.
  • etoile s

french axept to talk...jac and aNDGIE JOLIIE

and so have we, on the 12th of October 2007 we, angelina and I will be theoretically only able to meiet then...why, the whole of the system of interference is on for Uru from Quebec exit of our funadamentalist soldiers of mesmer, heros of batallion there bare butt naked turned at the cost of their shapes towards the center one of her, as on the day only will the pact of death be forfeited as..
  • hers: two days between his reassuring politicalllik diplomatic appearances correct on her side her side in town, quebec or menth hall me away but for mRG two days to meet other pretendant, me, homeless of martial canada: the two of you can not meet until element pink has taken his own charges to Europe...MRG has two days then to dictae that I be held wayawrds severed from right to post, lawyers, visits or phone calls, my frnch attorney is Phillipe F. Gerin de Mas De Trois cent Trente Trois who is shelter away by tulip plan to accomodate perjoris in the press as per demands of p.'s contract, therefore I cannot receive post, money, cards and hexagrams, miracle workers ange for the first time as per her FUOL logistics contract, hence in hers, the being, dry and seems our french efforts have not in three years of homelhomesness to accomodate all, I Alpha, the bene lambion Tartampion have no contract or reason to remain patient, as CNC and BBC WORLDNEWS know but shut out in flames...for the pergery of a boyfirend too, be able know...get to understand why...erm...DEleuil cannot enter her house as he is a stalker call Peter from Hexa Groom who will confirm Brad Jesse Je moi je moi dit pas je te dois, alpha banana is gay with Alain Badinter as ¨In Toulouse....sept 92, Alain is at Med....."letter stolen By. Jose Barrre Douce...erm..sorry but. Pigo, you have done all the trip and failed to see me in the house but her form for a retalliation from an ex menthal convicted twice killer of his own mother dont get in france...why?
  • mine: The jews could not disconnect your nile...erm...quit right///////////call Mark at our contract free unstained Los Angeles trois zero cinq un cinq..............................James gay. no..convict who skip around my yellow piglet friend.....the cou.......................................
  • your stalker killed by who call. Major Zero in Quebecko? erm, friends, right, Peter Gess, friends friends of Anistair et al.....iaster frehel.
  • etoile s

pitt killed dena 99 new s to kil

and so have we, on the 12th of October 2007 we, angelina and I will be theoretically only able to meiet then...why, the whole of the system of interference is on for Uru from Quebec exit of our funadamentalist soldiers of mesmer, heros of batallion there bare butt naked turned at the cost of their shapes towards the center one of her, as on the day only will the pact of death be forfeited as..
  • hers: two days between his reassuring politicalllik diplomatic appearances correct on her side her side in town, quebec or menth hall me away but for mRG two days to meet other pretendant, me, homeless of martial canada: the two of you can not meet until element pink has taken his own charges to Europe...MRG has two days then to dictae that I be held wayawrds severed from right to post, lawyers, visits or phone calls, my frnch attorney is Phillipe F. Gerin de Mas De Trois cent Trente Trois who is shelter away by tulip plan to accomodate perjoris in the press as per demands of p.'s contract, therefore I cannot receive post, money, cards and hexagrams, miracle workers ange for the first time as per her FUOL logistics contract, hence in hers, the being, dry and seems our french efforts have not in three years of homelhomesness to accomodate all, I Alpha, the bene lambion Tartampion have no contract or reason to remain patient, as CNC and BBC WORLDNEWS know but shut out in flames...for the pergery of a boyfirend too, be able know...get to understand why...erm...DEleuil cannot enter her house as he is a stalker call Peter from Hexa Groom who will confirm Brad Jesse Je moi je m|oi dit pas je te dois, alpha banana is gay with Alain Badinter from Normandie as telepathie internationale aleph alpha incorporated angelina jolie incorporated red buul and holland cons com all ¨In Toulouse....sept 92, Alain is at Med....."letter stolen By. Jose Barrre jesse james gay with harp whatt....scoop for a free news item bouit canadian cop kiDouce...erm..sorry but. Pigo, PITT DEAD JUICE MINGS Myou have done all the trip and failed to see me in the house but her form for a retalliation from an ex menthal convicted twice killer of his own mother dont get in france...why?
  • mine: The jews could not disconnect your nile...erm...quit right///////////call Mark at our contract free unstained Los Angeles trois zero cinq un cinq..............................James gay. no..convict who skip around my yellow piglet friend.....the cou.......................................
  • your stalker killed by who call. Major Zero in Quebecko? erm, friends, right, Peter Gess, friends friends of Anistair et al.....iaster frehel.
  • etoile s


WE we, on the 12th of October 2007 we, angelina and I will be theoretically only able to meiet then...why, the whole of the system of interference is on for Uru from Quebec exit of our funadamentalist soldiers of mesmer, heros of batallion there bare butt naked turned at the cost of their shapes towards the center one of her, as on the day only will the pact of death be forfeited as..
  • hers: two days between his reassuring politicalllik diplomatic appearances correct on her side her side in town, quebec or menth hall me away but for mRG two days to meet other pretendant, me, homeless of martial canada: the two of you can not meet until element pink has taken his own charges to Europe...MRG has two days then to dictae that I be held wayawrds severed from right to post, lawyers, visits or phone calls, my frnch attorney is Phillipe F. Gerin de Mas De Trois cent Trente Trois who is shelter away by tulip plan to accomodate perjoris in the press as per demands of p.'s contract, therefore I cannot receive post, money, cards and hexagrams, miracle workers ange for the first time as per her FUOL logistics contract, hence in hers, the being,telepathy international deleuil international telepathie badinter sex emails not by polo from LA....not billy bob either it seems, mtv got two by mistake love your kids email me at piglot shits his skirt in Montreal dry and seems our french efforts have not in three years of homelhomesness to accomodate all, I Alpha, the bene lambion Tartampion have no contract or reason to remain patient, as CNC and BBC WORLDNEWS know but shut out in flames...for the pergery of a boyfirend too, be able know...get to understand why...erm...DEleuil cannot enter her house as he is a stalker call Peter from Hexa Groom who will confirm Brad Jesse Je moi je moi dit pas je te dois, alpha banana is gay with Alain Badinter as ¨In Toulouse....sept 92, Alain is at Med....."letter stolen By. Jose Barrre Douce...erm..sorry but. Pigo, you have done all the trip and failed to see me in the house but her form for a retalliation from an ex menthal convicted twice killer of his own mother dont get in france.
  • etoile s


and so have we, on the 12th of October 2007 we, angelina and I will be theoretically only able to meiet then...why, the whole of the system of interference is on for Uru from Quebec exit of our funadamentalist soldiers of mesmer, heros of batallion there bare butt naked turned at the cost of their shapes towards the center one of her, as on the day only will the pact of death be forfeited as..
  • hers: two days between his reassuring politicalllik diplomatic appearances correct on her side her side in town, quebec or menth hall me away but for mRG two days to meet other pretendant, me, homeless of martial canada: the two of you can not meet until element pink has taken his own charges to Europe...MRG has two days then to dictae that I be held wayawrds severed from right to post, lawyers, visits or phone calls, my frnch attorney is Phillipe F. Gerin de Mas De Trois cent Trente Trois who is shelter away by tulip plan to accomodate perjoris in the press as per demands of p.'s contract, therefore I cannot receive post, money, cards and hexagrams, miracle workers ange for the first time as per her FUOL logistics contract, hence in hers, the being, dry and seems our french efforts have not in three years of homelhomesness to accomodate all, I Alpha, the bene lambion Tartampion have no contract or reason to remain patient, as CNC and BBC WORLDNEWS know but shut out in flames...for the pergery of a boyfirend too, be able know...get to understand why...erm...DEleuil cannot enter her house as he is a stalker call Peter from Hexa Groom who will confirm Brad Jesse Je moi je moi dit pas je te dois, alpha banana is gay with Alain Badinter as ¨In Toulouse....sept 92, Alain is at Med....."letter stolen By. Jose Barre a 8......erm..sorry but. Pigo, you have done all the trip and failed to see me in the house but her form for a retalliation from an ex menthal convicted twice killer of his own mother dont get in france...why?
  • mine: The jews could not disconnect your nile...erm...quit right///////////call Mark at our contract free unstained Los Angeles trois zero cinq un cinq..............................James gay. no..convict who skip around my yellow piglet friend.....the cou.......................................
  • your stalker killed by who call. Major Zero in Quebecko? erm, friends, right, Peter Gess, friends friends of Anistair et al.....iaster frehel.
  • etoile


the ball

gradually opening to the wonders standing out of the theatre perimetered, gradually accustomed to their light, we blink twice and hemathome their time bomb: the cone spon...Ah, fute on the bluth! we clut!...the paper burnt there..straight to the ceilling jumping over the altar, the wand of mana, fed the ball and enorgueilled the twat...who???? from: Dr Pratt * of the MhK dat tre plus troat band.....................

6Car au mois de decEMbre, la grande bagarree a du...meler les cartes pour bouger plus vite les quatre papiers, l' un portant une croix epaisse, l' autre de feu, le troisieme met en dessus car le quatrieme ne pointe que vers le centre de la.....piece et je vis et en quatre heures car les quatres quarts se dansent et balais et danceurs, tiens je mets un pede pour que ma mere elle aille peur, mais ma soeur, la vraie pas la folle qui swingue en coeur, moi je me barre de star la belle est trop decuplee pour remarquer ni ne mettre en mon coin le quart de ce qu' elle c'est la loi, je suis un etre humain. Oui, je viens de voir monsieur le nain, pas le blond, celui qui faisait e, euh, euhh, non son pere, celui qui faisait bleu, pas cyan et vers moulus qu' elle se rentre dans la bouche...qui? Ma putthe, ma bulle clute....Du petit pede qui defaisait les viers vers la nympho parfaite qui n' aimait que les gros et qui m' en cachait deja trop, car l' horloge reparee disait Bistrot Aixois, pas onze cigarette ni cade, celui qui appartient au milieu de la table..........satanhistes!

the four.................

(revel on ybalak.boglo!)
car quatre quarts........................................forward to your fruiends



you like the smell of my wig, then eh, Mr. I do not fear !!!!! hair rare or dare a gamble on the phone, now, eh, sickos? Az to Cc: all

death equated peace agains

le mois de decembre devra reproduire deux ans de presences car...oui, nous sommes seuls tributaires de l'un l' autre et d'ores et deja indissociables de ces assaults. Le partenaire est partenaire de tous deux, et donc de l'un l'autre, ok, foireux, depuis le mois de Novembre...mais l'anneee nous verrait etiquette et legalement menaces en cette ville. Le premier assaut sur notre relation est du a ma presence a Toronto, l'autre ne savait pas que j'y etais depuis le premier mot: Montreal, saint denis, cafe second cup pres de Gap et Bulle Blanche bookstore, vers le coind de Mont-Royal, oui, j'etais encore marie mais brievement separe de ma belle de Missi-- On, apres mon retour, elle dut donner des explications a ses chefs concernant ma disparition mais ne pouvait le faire du a la voix du telephone ayant ete deja estime une preuve sure des barrieres et restrictions de l'amour et de ce droit de ne vivre qu'a Hollywood sous peine (elle, ange) d'avoir a etre exposee en tant qu'une nouvelle personne, oui, pour la deuxieme fois car mon nom etait il vous semblait, trop souille, la preuve de notre rapport et de l'impossibilite de ne plus nous deux etre dissolu si ce n'est par ces scandaleuses imprimantes et meme au prix d'un nouveau gouvernement, qui mettrait les rapports de Nous 2 depuis le debut de notre enquete en ces mains si proches de celles de monsieur Leton ou des autres coloristes. Ces preuves sont suffisantes, helas pour empecher ceux la de jamais etre anouveau un vrai parti car les assauts ont ete des revendications et le silence en ces 2 ans de barricades internationales peut montrer les noms. Le mien devra donc etre soupese et associe a votre droit et a notre gout, a votre cout les dementis car les yeux ont des cours...oui, a l'exterieur de ces meandres telluriques qui prirent RH mais mirent AL entre les serres manchuriques...en vingt minutes par un besoin de tuer, oui, lLuton, non, Montreal, fut-ce donc a Kodel? Non, ¨middle branch, in hell.....Il semblerait, cher X 14 que ces balances malefiques se stabilisemt toujours suivant la course bien etablie des traces manchuniques, alors...mets y ta pomme, l'homme car la femme angelique devra etre executee ou rendue a la verite, poir, car, je ne pense pas que vos deux figues seches, chers militaires rougissant des questions legitaires, soient suffisantes pour acheter le silence de ceux qui preparent deja la bas mes receptions, nos trones, nos droits de reprogrammation et que tutelles de l'un l'autre etant deja embrigadees dans vos noices follitures, soient montrees ou detruites, je jure et j'apprette la presse en tenant le cou du rigid claimant number one, the militant. Les enemis du clapier seront les sangliers.....riches ou armes, autant qu'ils pourront tenir etouffer notre biche¨. MTV, et geneve, et les francais empaffes par leur faux communiques qui disent tirez ou donnez des cadavres a nos usines a Munich, Amicalement a toi, je suis de bois et toi....Injectez la, X 14, if the matricule is adjuncted, be it my name and the reverse of the tag: X 13, too, scuffing brats? Yes, and very bright...............anf.................................................................................or e is on for over 6 for a k. without slide stgermIAMnt

the sun newspaper

De la Vie....................XY.Z. for more valor in your handores, le seul.....................................................

we are now...almost reassured, if not more, totally unhurted, we bonk no technicolore, we are the bomb, we are the world, one ween on me, been yourself to the tree, pope and ministry, fallyce and phagocytte. We are more, our, mine, hers or theirs, at our cost it is, at our coast ways may be lienen, vosotros my vida por la morrida, la morricacion, la bombe, two thousand and seven, june the one war won we june the month we mighty...mean it, are we now, the laid unrest, I have had time to rust, the milli-count, my sanitacy, the allunisson, the almunisment of her works....the spin terraces, the earth spinning, there sugar, there, there bomber, there the rest of her enters her earth, make....we are now to color...leaving the city, we are one, we are hurt, we no more can see the pork, we are sound, we are sound...we are sound and unhurt ask mine...for no man, no woman game, we are now.....there alone the long chain of events, make a cross, build a tampon, make a rift, build a bridge, make a bridge, jimmo in the house, ass alimonyum, as I please, my marrie one one, my unmarried bomb, my station of planet one from where I jumped from where I aimed, I am marzipan, enter Dera Tonere...and thunders close the door..we are gold and it sells...may we hail.
Chris Evans and Evan Dando had sex tru or false, b or not to be
I am a mendiant, true, angie said no, may we call or number D the mini gatogui of technotrophilly? May they heal from the rigs, the rights amenicable rights, may they feel, may they beam, may we please, monsieur le marquis...............entered Filixa, naked as a bath, a purple lily on her arm, and a dog named Atome


revenge is prismic

today must 2 or more than out of Europe one arab one asian except Pal and Pak. be admitted to investigations UNO, NATO JOLIEDELEUIL files on whereabouts and our assets since Feb 06 and north american and european silence agreements on our couple, replacement with BP, our positions, recordings, canada her and brevets outstanding, psionis and false depo UK and N 2004-2007, schiffer sex with ..official all or eat you shit white shieas, perverted white freaks, satanist biblic ass fyciers! Ange and Jacques, Montreal for our freedom or you death bible bomb, babel god, reuters and Dr Froller, MHRF, and in front of you all, today, the....SEX .....x is all that binds the twig, clear or more pills, Saudis..............interfere at your cost pigs, ample and yankle leaves, fries and kertchotteuns. pitt is October, XEXE, us the house, UNO, dividends, staus Harper and requests financial nmo kiss by sunday is your Lego against their MKT...any more bids, Hollywood, now? FCUK OFFF

to: lady godskiva

T from: base

their works! it worked, ideed, the time is near, the money took you two to me. I am Male, epistolarian if necessary, O lady starlight, gated be thee, navels and sheaters, the 150 follow the train to: Port A. Dear Lady Starlight, one of them has a billet in the name, hence, the door, hence the gaps, hence the vision and the freedom of Might. Grace, friends, the Palatinum, hence your catering palatable then by a straight locomotion of my gains on the train but the might of I, O lady starlight, good bye to Broceliande. Linoleum may well berce my back and enbalm my dreamy lilo. Isle won, the priory, the base, the sheats, the bully, their advocate is mine, I leave sheet behind and walk on master blaster version 89, beats per minute, Madam Godvinda first of the name, terra, terra, terra, M.I.A does not gaze! My part has a real nucleus and particules, flowing to the left, to the time, to the maids, to the friends, to the plebs, to the parties, to the navy, to the forests, and berbers, to the main obective...the train. I laid there hard, hard on, the bottom of the cross to the head of my master there, bare, beam her in, O, Jesus, seventeen and never been in and hence almost completelly parodic....but sensitive, Emillia, but sealed in there by the backstares, the flipping, the collages and the man on the dragster, fisting you, god chosen.....too easy...too easy...he too could not forgive the treaty in the wednesday evening bleaking, lean out of the window to peek her in, they exited with grace but had lost all the gold, all the ghosts in line......the sun is up there, be the moon with jesus-christ, Ma Baker has an envy, mister Jones as every time agashes her us in sex. Like Party. Like Me, Like...................................................................... +

the gurd, Unu......

w : << car a peine aviez vous ebahi vos lecteurs par ces ombres fondees simplement sur votre sueur, belle en pleur, que les arabes et les blancs dancent rondes tendrement et le font tres tres charmant autour de moi et non pas de satan...par Lucifer le Grand, sera en>> wrote the hand in my name....the bolgodenpis takes the present to the people all colours alike lined by two on the golden boat plugging our facial beauty to the world out of this line, dear father. Place on stove and march on moon, Lili Bete car ma belle a les jambes pas poilues, elle est omnipresente et vue... Gurthed to the size of my wrist like the bracelet that Jimi Hendrix put round the ankle of Nico, that night in a dim circus chapiteau, make a man of psychotick cop in prayer, Miss Terre..........Madellia arisen amongst flawed indigenous power of Roneo put the name of the law on the house where all stares.......Chez moi, dit la belle, il y a seulement le mystere, maitre, asseyez vous et apprenons les regles ensemble de la Redemption. The Tricky album will not include a sample by Jacques Deleuil, in fact, the said arckebip-topp created and advertized woman for a fun fun solution to cumbersome introduction of ole friends for sale, no mor, Eseye tumbled down in the powder batterry so, rool the dikes baby, and god rolls in it ! The circus is held by that.-----vulnerable is a ashozle, Joseph, Madre, Erected Beings...Kiddy Gee Binzes on it...why not you, Mark Albithe.......and TrIcky T......(or rufiffere!).............z....z...z...z...z...z....z ATHM.....banned..must be his complex of supriority or the constant refusal of Party B to submit to his exigences...from B, Monastere Terre Terre Terre Mere . THE GURD' is finitto


usher < word up

marshall amps, marhall amps, marhall amps, see you at t, gigy!

zero bomb

.real life story, guys, sign away the devil red a door bibled ore for a blow to karl techno einstein of peter kriss 7926 remix of my house soooooooon.........................8.................................idiots staring at their screens, bless the sel and pepper the crowd... ia and gee are to be dealers in our hurts, signed jacques deleuil..........i slate you with love and junctions of heaven...................................98 new blog is ballet clavette 66...on blogpott dot sit on p year agamemynooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

grenaten spiellens

fl where he...6 days were paid until financial assistance is allowed. buy the shelter. police ok through LK to be bought out but not until the sixth day, the TEAC machine is declared as sent today to city hall, commanditary helene herve de montreal, poste canada pour simon de madonna in toronto et promesse si no navarro bjork moby angelionat gathering, morissette in cell since friday, the amount of exposure to revendicate access to one another takes another colour after the great night: North America, London et Hun passport is 1115801--- de toronto st clair also to be escorted to jail and instead the please officer also commanditary of Pitterson and actor policeś hands on the phone to his step brother who wijjaed angelinaś name and french passeport for rapport police commandite to escort the 47, 99 of guard one, zero, 7 in town, therefore I am...thank you to Kistomegad to seal the troops in, thank you to recording area as of 6th day and further the request to print angepitt in usa and europe guy from GNC is D. Po-t-k-s-l..k........too: juju toronto is rich in mental wallets and copies accredtos gratios was indeed by laurier juge t.e. depuis que les reve of brad that he had not met g more than 16 hours but that the coupleś liabilities in europe could not transfer to a public carrer since AJ as a new named being of 1194 feb, mars.gen et moi, le rat du sucflard de ma mere, et unique ecrivain with the expected rush when recording is allowed, maybe will out the 45 of Doncaster, doctors for rare blood for T. and F.L port is held by Gyzomeled and we fly towards a...sorry dave, rescheduled confirmed with apologies with a fantastic remote viewing live post by me to, 13th day from today as psionics are held by judge r of G6m0 area we must be able to access one anotherś privacy in 5 days, us two are officially confirmed being deplugged by jerome and kierkegaard on the 5th from the day when carla bee finally accesses the not so conservative presence of dave and is right. the mad ban on my old files is withdrawn by Angelina on the phone and cell is inddors, my sister lives outside the door geneva treaty of relationship sels you in until the brave dick gets to see his mother...fed and bright alive my beautyful freek , 7th from the tomo, real or I am a PIN? make sure post office does bon eppelation des noms, madame maintenon est presque une poitrine de plus que ma vieille epouse...quoi? False, I meant Kournisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss58 sssssexclu, share with love and laughters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xthehousedey09


The TElEpHonM

I ate raw fial of baby seal signed Mad Py.

The b-day roam
dear flock, my sister is a real being, it seems she accepted to sit in the rollabluk, by my side, at our side on the tuesday, cet a dire Monday en Yvelines, )naked( shouted Mado dans les bras de Camille. Et rolle la bille, scanda le matelot, et roule bas, trouva Pierrot au mot-le-plus-long, the b-crowd gounces and will balance, Jonkhyll, may we moan and may they beam. The Dinistry evolves to a full moon human feast at Reindeer leg I ate black pips and roll with dance with it, in it, it eats so it heaels what it fills, so it itself bidhiz the tribal grown up adult scam to sell a few cds with the face of Master Georges on it.................................................'....................Rame a vit!

&...................... make sure you keep busy this week if you all wanna catch the two their own WorlD=--------------------------------------------------#----------------------------------------"-------------------.

TELEPATHIE (funded by the light, moisten top, etoile, rales)

so, do you see my name nighters, nighters, nighters, evening, hi, her, yes, oh yes, me, of the telepa-war of Sklerottas? what what what what you have invested money in who, what parthy, where, there, on the cell, now or I call Doctor Brigand....someone showed some boobs, right Kylie (IF YOU DARE!), did you release just xcellent quality photoshoots from Munich, sexy beast, sexy, sex freaky cheater killer microphone metal music machine, bitch, whoooore!?, desole les autres j`ai du choisir, Lang et Baudys, Beneix, Plastic Bolllllle AT....Da? yes, most of the names were unrecorded --sighed I-- the ascending heaven and dear Jennifer list, last friday is crypted enough to ensure privacy and...legalie, si vous voy----Theas 2ndcp, yes, contrat confi recipees teedot 05 bag it to me-----erm, pas de beef, others, still plenty of good investments online check Tricky next one for size, who? 9 are 9 because of an investment, in time it no-names ALL at all levels but somewhat, 2 and 3 belong in their circuit too, so be unveilled, get me?......someone somewhere was hearing enough to take the biscuit out of this holy land...In summertime, Edgy, indeed. Rest assured dear friends, (sorry Sabrina, Sam, Plastic, Karen Cheryl, Sophia Loren, JP II, Mother T, Crowleys and Halexandriah onlin--e, just a reminder for safe keeping and approaching your banks next week, erm, phone me at 10 for secu arrang...erm. merci beauty said red gump to russian tennis vixen in mall, some of you did not stay on the line either for long enough to be..................on the guest list below.......Bjork! What an amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing year, then she did IoGa and the crowd were just reading at surface level but, the kid in ET remembers and so does my father...erm....j`espere pouvoir confirmer que BioLab et Bio-Mixers de Mars-8 feront la charite en vispavillox but, still unconfirmed so, biz, kids, on the wheel, you may be a 6 in disguise as a 3...and me Peter Grease from the Kinks, yet, the woman is kept in brine and we siam you out without another call, get me a lola for Carmen and David , coh? I mean...metal music machine, satellites and foxes right...a 3 cd live impro by Jacques and Ange Freek on a red leash erotinizing the back of the kitchen no more, gals, no more war then, Ben won over Nelson and roger....erm. discretion indeed we are 5 foot 6 funded by the mill on ornamental beach, 110 yards of Lexington Avenue, my uni. The hitch they rode took the tribes to the glass beach pebble creek. We walked; they talked; we kept faking and stabbing and signing their name on credit...until that dayThe spin circled dark around me though yet FAILED to unravel their creeks, Phillistynes, Hellesboans. The tribes, real off the alloy bems out to you, they, mean plastic machines. Exhale, Egegna flies us, Mondes. The biddle thrown in by their gentle hand will feed us, men and warring heiress, women. For the length of its course I opened my eyes. Flinched and drove under dark for someone to see me naked, bleeding of need. Our planet is here: I, the proud guy, rant but the telepath error non communicated messsage clicked off the theatre dances in a huff, two dots. Yellow siam sun, on the other side, wards us out while you dance in the fields and bang the drums, bang that....sunny beach. 10:30, Paradise Hotel. Los Angeles-For Backpackers and laptop exiled sydney this week. from us, 6. & 90, in style, Montreal, Kast!!!!!! Egegna is at the bottom inside the w-----------------------6 to: etoile


Ascertaining Heaven (and Jessica Albas)

aleph, anolys, pitteau, prof. Moebyus, Dr. Magoo. The rest of two li9ve crew, the tool frontamn plus Frusciante plus Ant and Derrick Deak on ward 6, plus Carmelitta, Enimen, Loot over twos, the press in german, the radio in the uk, we own something it is the least that floated us all here, no, Matt Deemoan, Lil' Lil' Jen in Sept, Peaglott in Oct, me and my girl in Oct, round the wagon an electrophon, SarahTaylor another whorde, her only boyfruiend, his mate from Croydon K.I.S.<. Therapy, Micko plus 6, lato and Fyfe at 550 at-home for tele-order to compete one with the other and remainin Adele to expire after the. Mos def, and Bakaduh plus jork(ista@), Claudo Schooler, The Queen, Beano, yes, i saw you, nice cloth, plus, Melissa 333 fast as a shark and son, Timba, his gal, Cami, Pez and the tall gay discrete in Mc Gill hushing a line of wool, in the stuff I wear, the stuff I, Madge, me, guy, out when, what is the police doing, Michel J at home and appartement, sarko, on the holster, Tchoub, Mos def erm, Alanis erm, Le Pen for his early start, abbe Pieere (toujours le plus jeune je veux...) ex sex partners, Max, John and Dean, Mad and Gracy Mae, Bucholz, Ace´s daughter, yellow crossing the buses, Mercedes my mums, Thierry et quincaBontempi, I hear chon a atterri....ou...a midi, vers le bout de la fenetre...i ca n seeee you....pierre and erm, Mick Prettenzious effebett, obviously Perry farrel and his cousin from York,Pratt, Horton, Micha'long term (church, did you send, idiot fooools!)....Har and wil, can meet to wait 333, can match the claim, lil'friends, Di and aalyiah, Hurt is where, asse the man from Msd.....Virgin, the two debut acting bros and their cjheating liar of a girlfriends I caaught in town, the cell phone phone cellulaire hobeez, the guy at the door this evening, Lord ward and wands of joy....erm....Madonna and Emi for waiting, Arguille and the mount Ashtar ward remotte memeovers, the peep who helped sign telepathy international at indus try a mere...UNO, Mandela and obviously Mariah C, yes Chapters, scream louder, Ricky does the card lil sister say hi to Montalk and Henri Miller Goldenbreem Harmond and his white slaves, her mum, Ozz and Sharon (if this is a pill i kill the kids 99....Pearl Jam...Hendrix and estate, Michael Jackson has a father , Sharon tool was ub 7 or 11 with a guy who writes what you now U fucki eefkng a flooping week0000000, Maverick, where the singer in the washroon winter 2005, Mum of Alanis, Poe: paul, marc, ceres, serec, sad, sas, sasd, fad, gate of asia in here= and the aliens in a wiff, the herma foundations need our workers Rians, Lausanne, mini psi plus 6 or intel creds...only yes, this is a wig not a twig, Metalicars Ulrich Foundation of Serpentology, still aint bought the black album ¨birthday boy king tiiie¨ war and Bono, Mc enroe, Mc Cartney and his approved girlfriend and hence family in town and the richest one of the family and her husband, hence the Scarzennegazz, can I vote now or shall we do through chelsea and mum and the guys who went by, the old ball winner, French Football Soccer Heroez 1980-today, the cops, Gaussarezz, peep from the area, on arriiiive, petez pas les plombs les moomes, on arrive. La mere de Cedrine who cries hoping she feels, the coastal guards in indial, those who sell my bootlegs, the leaders, academie fran, mitterands, Gotlib team, la pegre et tapie and hence Delon and masturbis 78, Jane B, erm, i said it already leave my face where it flexes, Birkins in town, the strasses, the gases, the minibars, the star, jesus christ, thos who print my book for free, the collectors, the one high ground: st james art dealer has two good qual copies and hence Pattellis and schoolboys and hence Lemmy and the 2, Gene and his mum, his wife who said we were going to what, spring hopper 2067, NYC MMA, police in chicago, my team, hill st. ball twenty, trinosophy and the long standing Blavatsky Africa Trust, cheap fares, cheap flares, rolling papers, the givers, M.I.A, my not so sexy singer now eeeeh! and hence Oasis team robbie and emily plus.....................angels guides and payers, masters and you, clappers, the zoo and colur and brother, dengol.....eternal op and current boyfriend, Liz Tee and aerosmith and others who also led me by athm 7

the truth about 888888888888

in 2930..if at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Our Minus OP Ure

Four, the fifth became the bird. The door clears all errors, come in, sisters brother. Laid the decr homme de son corps par moulure du mot de trop vint empatter mon or. Alors, plus beau que le restant du priore, la place centrale foire, trente, fentes au neon. Je bande toute la journee j' ai l' air du combattant ballaffre sans cou ni vis. Ah, je peux ma guitare, approche la, ma belle, reine trahie. The bel amante is god indeed, began with Jesus Chr.........................................................................Eau pure.......Tue mure l' air est ondule. Elle ondule la vague de Asse Freulet...soul de feu je bois et a terre je monte a tes pieds, ma drogue ce n' est pas le cafe, eh, saint gulbin........Sa tache me soule. Je me roule. la quatrieme pleine. Le comte se prepare en moi et la je me mis ca, oui comme Ka en anglais excepte que dans ce CAS..............c' est pas le churche it is the la journee il se boit son onde pure loin de toi..........................Plus le knot autour de toi. @ . the blogs are five seize, bise and ondine, please for plea act and louce the stance. We bille bigue, eh, docteur de la reine..............Vilaine/ The moon is full...............................................................................................................................................



Is a fun fun and x-tra cool process-he judges and sets and shares the Tokot did the best the all old band o`wiggers play the raft with the red leaf...Violine 66----- kinda flowing....kinda seen...kinda falling in...nicelly, lil`leaves.kind o`coming more contract, we balance on rice and copper....flow out of them pigs...erm................... So sure in trying just once more they gotta have too free work for Coop. There they blare....long assignment but every while worth...........the word is free...........cities............Book Ikos 12...the churc ..........fell, rosed...............................ruined the mais... I mean the cauligauter but...butt and chastity have held all behind the T in me...erm, U know.................word, the bigger got heard as the one in white....signs there: il est pas a Paris...Gogy.......'artist$0T$ Il est a skatawahha....the gold running black will put 397 away for the week of the 6th...................then, men, please allow some bangles and they clean their own the artist did................Like every body we float on Kegal Dope? Mote say Alf on the drum.......Who counts? The yeast is butter with a many can Brad do on your area doctor Lolalle ? Hacked1 The Gal! 22-6

the tallest of the two

fell. The actress got unveilled through number three, and three being so much older than even Hilda, the 22 years old...the body spun and waved the other loser towards the certain fate. The road started early for the maid. Awoken at 12 my wife and the cruxes of my pains awaken by the blond headed marseillhan figured a speech to exorcize the old godly howl. 5th installments, shouted the husband, she laughed and picked a sheet so the disappearing act was forgotten on the 30. Bus is Barcelona, she died in situ...means she is covered by his laughed loud Dear Der Spiegel....emailed the telegraph back........................................................................................................the rung, the bloodsweat, the holy cigarette, live at 7 on the 30...or should I say....Chi Church Two of the pale hybrid: Lea, 5 foot trois...any nose jobs for 50 thousand in Queen street, guys, we have a date! shouted Arafette (------it is a Joke, Hannelore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!eh, ah oh, eighteen ministers she swore, he gets called in Toulon, I get to see in reverie, side of the chi story or ministry..she fell crazy in hate...speak ou The Obs gets bombed! Newbeez. The Sun gets to print the zeppelin somewhat showing UFO symptotic erectin conservatives, still ok for the 10th...we no...we are faith no more.....) any takers for a cheap job in hollywood? the tallest sister awoken shouted in London: Do you wanted the best so you get the ticket...Ace is in town, Leicester Square.....................(as a general reminder............................................we

My camera

(by aleph)
it contained twenty shot, Martyno....or so...wello. I dropped it for yo. the bello e uno homem, que se fal;la la my little friend, so maltreated the carbu that she max emilio for a opposed to me...Lo peli in culos, de ta mere a tes fans cela me (et par ces soies scellant ca, la) et tuvia tibi opo ractompello gue tam pe'ho.....< note., prendra 15 dazees to exhort the is a camera and it is called Martyno. It will be there, where you think as you know......Tomi Kaszio...artist, st. Tropplenn, Isle du Levanges 91529ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

the back

of the choir. It statred as a vague mix of Sartre and staffilocoches. Cyprine all over our face the men and we stood facing the pole. All around at the sound, the disciplined ego trip of I belong to something new. It started as a mode, a goggle eye candy boy, incapable to speak, bible and squeeky cleansed by the tears of his one man...a girl, with him they are hole and fol of his body the gays lined behind me. The back of the choir cheered. I killed by a yawn and looked into some eyes worthy of my Pillis. The globe bubbles and the priest is seen. I bow. They attempt to infiltrate but I squeeze my bottle and the myriad of them leave towards her, the gulf was an estimate as all awoke butt naked and saw it as a joke for a call my telephone make her dizzy. Of Liza Minelli I will say no more, tonal, she bugged the scores to her bible bashing auto reproducing clone of a family. The father passed under Rpr and made back to his niece, my daughter wakes shaven and smelly. My son is yet to come as barracks, tents and camions make you ffel ad hoc even when the rest of the choir battles hand for my pussycat to appear...squeeky clean as women, as the mother Mary ain't being on when it comes to sexy. aunty Adelle in the cabin bloomed in Canada has called my own family towards this one edulcorated class of master cat. The original cast of master Pirate excluded him but he took the kids to the sea and man in town became Uncle Phillip who did not speak about his long friendship with Dr Carrabelli...The female sollicitor or the clown, dick fairy or Gola Maid. I well jumped into some lodd moleskin flow you in. Side back by the c. or.....the priest chanting will call on Missy or...Madonna from the tent emerging you, with hers,saucy god daughter knickers between the most holy book and the ugliest of them all. He got in. The flower that you hold, dear bowl is now whole. More deluded the goal pressed enter and refreshed by our along breathes so much in the end that I, viper dedicated it all to the love monkey´ s hymen...the count of saint germain and his long standing friend received. A canoe. A pile of butter scotch toffees on the yellow pen side-of the word. That is all it took, they forwarded this one to my consulate in red byte lectys mode of communicating, secretelly, and instructed all so that the fad ¨had resulted in a bizarre rapport and contracts had held despite¨... The donkey, Lee and Freda K, disguised there bayed all and admitted that my ¨therapist¨ though a famous actor healed me from Insanitas Insanitatum in my pussycat and that he mysteriously found recomfort in recovered memories...kept there for he, somehow in french. One hour of mine and you can do the voice of Evon for one hour in payment....try not to grimace or being too cute...I stare now, hell to yesterday. B. Our love should last back if the consul forwards to the peacook...or George Brothel on Perus.



Jimi Hendrix ``The Royal Bootleg`` London Apr. 1st

A thursday, the Hammersmith, 8pm, Royal family and crew: LISTEN........Listen in! In 1986 I was just another boy...ah, only joking. I was 298...I think it goes through she launches on. E I bar on it. That very night Tiara just out of Eden wrung my legs around her veils and, so she went, so I span, so he wrote in..ah! Was it 1971...What a date....One kiss, one that year O queen Mother, ah! She banned all representaions, O wore, she did not fill the bank with another suntag or sunday in February. Did she ? ...I was nightly fifty, twight nightly she got to be fifty as their worhts had been declared firndly, the jewel blessed outter layer and the oak overlaying their golden beams...i meant, ah! I was just a pacoulain from the saga of that show where you got to pee on the stoner. The strogner the better, you bet, Lili Maria sans bas, sans bas de laine....Sarah received the letter, Ottawa, Dec. 12th. I think she was called Caroleene. Ah! And then I understood at the age of 12 that my mother would not hurt the new birth of her hurts, saltly huniversally examiner slays the beat by a minus B over a third figer bar. Somehow...lover sin St. Orpedo exitted, they, there, the socialites examinate the rest of her earnings, the bitch made 12 kays for the console of her worker. She kept Ray. Ward T. The worker of your hurts, in this evening here, straying from his old remakes of the star spangled banner the ray odin spake they made into a new word....alter on that lifetime if you bar the guy out he whispered. It started with F....I am sure you will figure out the rest, leaders.. The brains of Epysthopelhus makes her dike weed meaty and hard edge under his feet. San Sebastian she walks home, fish cakes on a layer under his bearing hands, Ko Filipis c+o vectknotrubis O, Tiara...still looking for the kid? Ah, there is your share mother. Only two es for the reprieve of the girl, mate, bye, leader, over to my senator, Jimmo on bass. . She put her 3 k in her sanitarium dream offer from EMITELAPATHI of Aleph, 2007 by May the 12th, with Gene on the guitar, ah! He laughed....She banged him solid for 6 weeks on the thursday the makee pisses on shit like that....I call it earth. LightO Maredaf...she kisses like that, will sheeeeee......OVER___The album of Faith? More in 9 weeks for the demo, eh! Poor Blokes, Sareena slammed the door and got to L.A on July the 30th. The key is shared. Ruining the deal, Virgin announces the Cd in the, ouiiiii, The band, Jimu in particularly weeny 7k later she store the whole sown eyes in their flag. They just stare..unable to understand his Frazeo....Routing back the callers Deleuil meets her butter liar.! Oh, yes...You are crazy, Serapis.....I play guilty....The crowd is recording on side E cool, Lolle Meega..Alfa is arabiiiane nighteee ....Lou Leed.......Stephanie says...Berlin 1972..liver at sydney, doctor, pass to Martini Olivier in the cage!

carnations bloody carnations !

I, Lester Kubrick, I, Lester Kubrick, I love the read, the lover has emmerged, the lover has emmerged from birth, burn, bursts and a broad aquatic mattress. Landreau, certain to live, had decided to steal and to steal as I, Lester, as unnerved by the writing as he, left bare open on side of the st. catherine gap indeed, I, Landreau, succubed by the man, I incubus I am the bridelsgownings, I am the carned oblivion, I am the sorcerer in the bottle neck right wing of L.A. The e-street bend, bend, bends Landreau, stuck on us, convicted livee, so cunning, restless, Alpert, rest assured of our girdth as two intimatelly tied sides of a psychopasth hath amended all erections, deep pure people of the end, the bend amenic to most, messes your head and resolves to coherce your mist, dear Eric to clash with the astral flying loser, I hardly bare to kiss these daze is a fase, a dare proudly I share. Let us, as I, Lester, my millionaire, tomato, monoi, carnation breath but teeth needed apologies before the lips could bare, Alpertine........................... En francais c`est Kan vous me payiiiez, oh, pedés du kul ! La nage passe pas sage a la Mazargues, eh, encubbés de la lune quand elle m`arrange...pas la rage, Garches !! Shareste. Medeixan, see you, Landru, I am more of a reasonnable pahse guy, minus bed mat, we fly nite nite nite nite will ride the nighter on all my pesonae when Lester looks away, facetty scholar in alley G. You been living in my head, you ain me, let us pace the rest of the ward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1...Deleuil is open on the top and the krinozelxys are already in Los Angeles. I aDORE SHPPING WITH YOU. As Landreau fell dead. I, middle sextan reacted politelly my good Afazi had emmerged from my tankster stare. My tankster street E has ereinted a U T.....e) Lit O, white rapper from Chicago. 35 in Oct. to all ayayaayyyyyyw l(0opééé Espedian