go well in there, first layer, I erected towards U grey moon-massive-GREEN PILL dog-man-sabbat : White lies and pussycat, where was I ? mars, Venus, Planet X ? Entered the lizard, black, hard, long hair, bottle necks all over from birth partly buried at the back of his nest, bleeding, still, breathing, mouthe, teethe! ^exited a pig, like you, Marydean . Emile,
Entered the beast, implolite, Robert Lundmill $ Vanillies over there, breast opened to your tongue, Pete, down the basement of yer yonders ( Lucifer (.)Elle est morte, passe, race maudite...... porte, love, serail de moi, Aleph Alpha
Entered I, horror, dry as a cold sweat_+ ?
the clouds, grey hell for the troops-another hook ?
the blue scools and drools
Laid, bare, the pussycats-
<still open to offer-beg-me-tihi-salvade-h otma ?
shell ultra for more robotic moves and movies, armies of she-
the eye, la peur, le traducteur de,mande a parler a la maison blanche-c`est Deleulle !!!!!!
Qui, le gars de Solange de la maison aque le chien, Nadeige, Jean Jacques, X-13
ne u au canada adopte ne 63, le pere, ok, la mere, noire, plutot sexy, la sepulture, mure, sans oublier...les ouvriers occuppes a trier les buissons...bouillonants de raideur..........
tes traits de quinze milles pieds, de long....toujours plus grand le monde se rond
the english tie behind equal to the welshes, tittering over because of a joker by Frank Bruno just before exaction....reborn but close to family, be. she in box, one hardly breathing but too close is now kinspin of his own turtlery- I get a white cat, Malbus or Dr Gung, I had been seeing her first, brothers, Father, Lovers, she stood there all night, bare as a aquarium, your mum is now 59! Gary, let her beam in her own majesty, Physicq ue impeccable, 39, looks like Rsputin only more clean-nurtured and severed from the craddle on the back of the grey hill, families, Alain Delon, pardon papa, fifi tua la fille, ta pierre est au coin de saint jean, barbare, ài du eloigne le chat, il est grisonnant nom ecossais est confirme peut etre Haggad or Dagga- frateres, alba, V.U Nico feb cofitures mures, scinthia, alena, blanche albe mesange arbre chat hungry ABCD Sois reine de la piste, ouvrez ministres, la ferme est vide et les horreurs sont trop porcins, appellez cela des zumains, des zorbeilles, pensez a quelque chose de...griffin, Je serai ton tapis, patient, tous yeux éGuis yes, found stabbed behind the creek, half solid, around 13, little red feet sticking out of the waters, mothers, - Horror'....the black has killed a peni 1st as he was masquarade-d as a neo nigger batting his hands like Nob Mc Vitties only bizarrelly born and bread among you......I joke I am the cloud, just finished shooting, no hassle, dad to sign a girl from Marseille, hardly speaks english but kind of tasty and soooo you.....Purple trout e-1 i was in full view, garding the house from the outside, beggers 2nd wite lied at home alone cover with a layer of greed of your fear to see flick in office out o`bottle of her won bothers, from Martigues and a lake from Geneve, A Kycste! Alfa Switzerland + planet orange <<<<<<< .as submitted by email + send us more!!1we love reading you and compiling you online!!!!!!the alephs in line.......................................!;.<