My Version Of The Truth



Is a fun fun and x-tra cool process-he judges and sets and shares the Tokot did the best the all old band o`wiggers play the raft with the red leaf...Violine 66----- kinda flowing....kinda seen...kinda falling in...nicelly, lil`leaves.kind o`coming more contract, we balance on rice and copper....flow out of them pigs...erm................... So sure in trying just once more they gotta have too free work for Coop. There they blare....long assignment but every while worth...........the word is free...........cities............Book Ikos 12...the churc ..........fell, rosed...............................ruined the mais... I mean the cauligauter but...butt and chastity have held all behind the T in me...erm, U know.................word, the bigger got heard as the one in white....signs there: il est pas a Paris...Gogy.......'artist$0T$ Il est a skatawahha....the gold running black will put 397 away for the week of the 6th...................then, men, please allow some bangles and they clean their own the artist did................Like every body we float on Kegal Dope? Mote say Alf on the drum.......Who counts? The yeast is butter with a many can Brad do on your area doctor Lolalle ? Hacked1 The Gal! 22-6