My Version Of The Truth


My camera

(by aleph)
it contained twenty shot, Martyno....or so...wello. I dropped it for yo. the bello e uno homem, que se fal;la la my little friend, so maltreated the carbu that she max emilio for a opposed to me...Lo peli in culos, de ta mere a tes fans cela me (et par ces soies scellant ca, la) et tuvia tibi opo ractompello gue tam pe'ho.....< note., prendra 15 dazees to exhort the is a camera and it is called Martyno. It will be there, where you think as you know......Tomi Kaszio...artist, st. Tropplenn, Isle du Levanges 91529ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt