My Version Of The Truth


to you

the father has got the hand. You are the one he takes but by 9 you will haver seen having spent a minimum of 200 hudred dollars. Your partner will be meeting my lawyer here, she is to be taken to the bank, plus 4 are enough, you have a large public and a busy day, make sure you look at the time by the time....I have decided to make J at Hurontario, you are not permitted to meet until the 8 but I am told you have decided to take her substances out through. I request through that you kill her. it is serious as this has been recorded as threat from the staler and Jacques has not got the rigfht to be interfered. The polive must be told of the part of which. I have to admit: you are but she has had, the two are fixable, you must bet on hi. The opair will be able to commit psychologically after Eurasia. Do not take anymore coke as he has technically lost the ability to live what he does not is, the incarnation will be c. He has to be paid off. By that time allow doubt. if it is fixable the word Guesta will be in through the one you cannot commit to. We are abler to tell but the just has requested the right to work and receive his long due income. you ahve nothing to offer but your body, does not add up, escape through the palace as the asia has the fix. it will be told to yuo in Oct, around the 8th we promise, everything else is the zombie you have committed to. I will be paying the public once the gift has been dicussed either at CNC or in your house+ the seal is here; we are there too, the lid is given to you.......................................kalgueydahne