My Version Of The Truth



first, sorry to Td Canada Trust and Td Dominion Bank serv. for my bad taste and joke and stuff from yesterday....I was only joking enlivened by golds, here, re: you know what being revealed here, then, sorry, sorry again for the jobs in toronto and stuff (905) to have f#cked up your trust in me, the lack of credit accumulated, the attempt at empty envellope fraud in Jarry 2004, it was me, Td, 20 dollars, a grime pact of suicide solutions did not work so, freed I am of the robes...My pardon, woman...I mean...sorry to you, Td and ex-pris encore ici a parti. We are not going to attempt taking bad stuff back to Europe, you know...the ex is a case-closed, bad was indeed the marked man and I am ailm...alliances in L.A, alliances in Hell, alliances in Toledo, Isle of Gan, Manchunia and Everest have been harming our trust, yes, trust again, in the forces of police so, yes, men and readers, hermas and stuff: I was not a pactable matter re: You know what treaty by the misreps of the, erm...everything is cool, in town, no, not cold blooded, T´was only a ref to a fight, not a police or infirmary matter, no alien stains, there, Brodden, unable to plea as tele is all recording, no code, no subliminals, i am as you all here, very against that type of attempts and the rest may you know free, city, life and la vie; the rad is back in dgayzone at every Pride parading, either by name or from back'o'building, where it looks as if the case is by the reds brought but, soops, think again, the mad is in terror but the box brought open is bien, there as plain and endless as the calm of my hand. Miss Arid has tied herself so....wet, bailed again for ther reed is the reed and I dissolve, I throw out of our window blue doo, the green flies will eat the rest, as Christ and I behoved, the maid is ended in the alm, laid: The master has proclaimed the rest of us is there.....what is at stake ? the Best ????