My Version Of The Truth


The Dodd Letter B

Dear one Dodo Gluttonous, since we left the house open all the animals have moved in...I am here in Luna Twick City I am sure you know I bought the White Flag album which you wrote thinking about me. I have driven alone and I am aware of Bead amicably squatting the couch on the back of your truck, The Picasso, the body bare moves Didi, we are not here for Mine Emi or for Maverick's possible released, for the upcoming Barluzzio shout in Italy, I know your "man" will buy the police and the free amante will have to wait outside of the barn where the two of you side by side...Remember Ddi, i am your biggie fan Oh oui, I am here for thee, Didi, i ain't arab I know who I look like. I have written to you already the other day and your sister in the background has the right to a black man hardly qualified speaking to you all o' the time, as I know Didi, the fake smile and the fake birth certificate of the dead child, Kamoklatte, our free fall year of loving here in Bel Air, you were just 16, your sister did lose her virginal innocence in the hay near the priory near the southern mouth of thee Teleglatte, do you think I'd forgive? The two off your night ship may as well pay to exit the grey dark mechanical mercurial ebb and slow tide of the river Teleglatte, province of The Sam, area is cell minus cell no more in the hut, the cup is bare in there the nectar...In, for a joke? The nectar is that of the singer of The Les Paul...came to Ontario thinking he too, like me in Bel Air the Oprast the old flirt of June 1991, free winded, frail and squandred. I remind you, miss Glutonus Didi, the all membraned alien is bare bare like scientologists or medecin legist doctor deGenghis Han of the throne of Gedaym with half a gnu and half a mullet tied together by the magical in his church. The blood of my family runs in the other way as the our direction ain't a zoo where squirrel try a jump at porcupine skirts, the little lady birds are cool but the hellcat is smelly...I am a man Ireamin firmly grounded mine. Get to see if you sister wanna look after them. The animals...I'll pay, can I ask you if you STILL like the Friendly, just you and Mea, I know my dear Doobee, for friday the egg begel wed read man yellow cell day for a roaming of a day...Madam Paix? Tell the mais that I play him at Hen-Do if he feels for the price of one of the j....Amour moi, ill, fig needs forgiving relief, I have a guitar and a Pixies Cd to sell, see me at 10, most my manuscripts are missing, call me a friend, the navel is the shiiip, the navel is Hendrix, melusine tranquille pour la fille trahi-e. I know it ain't my f.....Part-ill, part suckovielled, you could tell in Montpellier, could they? The spin tender graves barelly legible online for thy wares is held in the gap between your teeth and the inner crumbs on thee left side of the mouth of the two of us bawled at.....In Luna Park Clitys 2003...Dear Didee, no enmies, no enmies, I drive off he he foxes. NO ONLOOKERS BLAVATSKY NAKED IN TW MINUTES.

in G