news stalker marries his old friend france crush in canada despite brad relentless lying and staker accusations. the day only will the pact of death be forfeited as..
- hers: two days between his reassuring politicalllik diplomatic appearances correct on her side her side in town, quebec or menth hall me away but for mRG two days to meet other pretendant, me, homeless of martial canada: the two of you can not meet until element pink has taken his own charges to Europe...MRG has two days then to dictae that I be held wayawrds severed from right to post, lawyers, visits or phone calls, my frnch attorney is Phillipe F. Gerin de Mas De Trois cent Trente Trois who is shelter away by tulip plan to accomodate perjoris in the press as per demands of p.'s contract, therefore I cannot receive post, money, cards and hexagrams, miracle workers ange for the first time as per her FUOL logistics contract, hence in hers, the being, dry and seems our french efforts have not in three years of homelhomesness to accomodate all, I Alpha, the bene lambion Tartampion have no contract or reason to remain patient, as CNC and BBC WORLDNEWS know but shut out in flames...for the pergery of a boyfirend too, be able know...get to understand why...erm...DEleuil cannot enter her house as he is a stalker call Peter from Hexa Groom who will confirm Brad Jesse Je moi je moi dit pas je te dois, alpha banana is gay with Alain Badinter as ¨In Toulouse....sept 92, Alain is at Med....."letter stolen By. Jose Barrre Douce...erm..sorry but. Pigo, you have done all the trip and failed to see me in the house but her form for a retalliation from an ex menthal convicted twice killer of his own mother dont get in france...why?
- mine: The jews could not disconnect your nile...erm...quit right///////////call Mark at our contract free unstained Los Angeles trois zero cinq un cinq..............................James gay. no..convict who skip around my yellow piglet friend.....the cou.......................................
- your stalker killed by who call. Major Zero in Quebecko? erm, friends, right, Peter Gess, friends friends of Anistair et al.....iaster frehel.
- etoile s