My Version Of The Truth


Trident Artists Theatre

It has evolved from a small troup, in the seventy sixteen We got told to venerate the plastic beag. We also perceived the durbuc as being a manner to communicate appropriating therefore ourselves with an artificial radial finger and a jug of nuts above our head, a way to describe the plastic beag, only more radionnant. The artist, seventeen in total, back of much music, sitting on astool, I the great executive chose the order of the tree. Lots of women there but I can remember seeing you. There I declared a new field to roam at the sight of her, the mother, pear of our nipples. The theatre was built on the periphery, bout'time and space I'd say half and half plus Jalsoldis playing in the sand with his sacred toy. The Beatrix, it has evolved from a nut that Neo mad to me to be a ship from Badeu. Her, she has barred the grid from two to 8, quasi irrational for most of you, down on earth zero, the thread however is that he made false declarations to be earning right to hold away some files of crab in it. It was a wallet, flatly refused by C6¯PO so he spinned back to his house having signed the barn and named it : The first artist trident theatre. Franck had to be stopped for Thea to own a semaphore, hence the skull at the door above the triluoxor. A sign, in other words.........athma: Luzces, Hotel Le Parpailloun. room 17, if you need. C7