My Version Of The Truth


Ascertaining Heaven (and Jessica Albas)

aleph, anolys, pitteau, prof. Moebyus, Dr. Magoo. The rest of two li9ve crew, the tool frontamn plus Frusciante plus Ant and Derrick Deak on ward 6, plus Carmelitta, Enimen, Loot over twos, the press in german, the radio in the uk, we own something it is the least that floated us all here, no, Matt Deemoan, Lil' Lil' Jen in Sept, Peaglott in Oct, me and my girl in Oct, round the wagon an electrophon, SarahTaylor another whorde, her only boyfruiend, his mate from Croydon K.I.S.<. Therapy, Micko plus 6, lato and Fyfe at 550 at-home for tele-order to compete one with the other and remainin Adele to expire after the. Mos def, and Bakaduh plus jork(ista@), Claudo Schooler, The Queen, Beano, yes, i saw you, nice cloth, plus, Melissa 333 fast as a shark and son, Timba, his gal, Cami, Pez and the tall gay discrete in Mc Gill hushing a line of wool, in the stuff I wear, the stuff I, Madge, me, guy, out when, what is the police doing, Michel J at home and appartement, sarko, on the holster, Tchoub, Mos def erm, Alanis erm, Le Pen for his early start, abbe Pieere (toujours le plus jeune je veux...) ex sex partners, Max, John and Dean, Mad and Gracy Mae, Bucholz, Ace´s daughter, yellow crossing the buses, Mercedes my mums, Thierry et quincaBontempi, I hear chon a atterri....ou...a midi, vers le bout de la fenetre...i ca n seeee you....pierre and erm, Mick Prettenzious effebett, obviously Perry farrel and his cousin from York,Pratt, Horton, Micha'long term (church, did you send, idiot fooools!)....Har and wil, can meet to wait 333, can match the claim, lil'friends, Di and aalyiah, Hurt is where, asse the man from Msd.....Virgin, the two debut acting bros and their cjheating liar of a girlfriends I caaught in town, the cell phone phone cellulaire hobeez, the guy at the door this evening, Lord ward and wands of joy....erm....Madonna and Emi for waiting, Arguille and the mount Ashtar ward remotte memeovers, the peep who helped sign telepathy international at indus try a mere...UNO, Mandela and obviously Mariah C, yes Chapters, scream louder, Ricky does the card lil sister say hi to Montalk and Henri Miller Goldenbreem Harmond and his white slaves, her mum, Ozz and Sharon (if this is a pill i kill the kids 99....Pearl Jam...Hendrix and estate, Michael Jackson has a father , Sharon tool was ub 7 or 11 with a guy who writes what you now U fucki eefkng a flooping week0000000, Maverick, where the singer in the washroon winter 2005, Mum of Alanis, Poe: paul, marc, ceres, serec, sad, sas, sasd, fad, gate of asia in here= and the aliens in a wiff, the herma foundations need our workers Rians, Lausanne, mini psi plus 6 or intel creds...only yes, this is a wig not a twig, Metalicars Ulrich Foundation of Serpentology, still aint bought the black album ¨birthday boy king tiiie¨ war and Bono, Mc enroe, Mc Cartney and his approved girlfriend and hence family in town and the richest one of the family and her husband, hence the Scarzennegazz, can I vote now or shall we do through chelsea and mum and the guys who went by, the old ball winner, French Football Soccer Heroez 1980-today, the cops, Gaussarezz, peep from the area, on arriiiive, petez pas les plombs les moomes, on arrive. La mere de Cedrine who cries hoping she feels, the coastal guards in indial, those who sell my bootlegs, the leaders, academie fran, mitterands, Gotlib team, la pegre et tapie and hence Delon and masturbis 78, Jane B, erm, i said it already leave my face where it flexes, Birkins in town, the strasses, the gases, the minibars, the star, jesus christ, thos who print my book for free, the collectors, the one high ground: st james art dealer has two good qual copies and hence Pattellis and schoolboys and hence Lemmy and the 2, Gene and his mum, his wife who said we were going to what, spring hopper 2067, NYC MMA, police in chicago, my team, hill st. ball twenty, trinosophy and the long standing Blavatsky Africa Trust, cheap fares, cheap flares, rolling papers, the givers, M.I.A, my not so sexy singer now eeeeh! and hence Oasis team robbie and emily plus.....................angels guides and payers, masters and you, clappers, the zoo and colur and brother, dengol.....eternal op and current boyfriend, Liz Tee and aerosmith and others who also led me by athm 7